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Ugh I'm still mad that I accidentally posted my story like that. I don't know what's going on with me today. I hope this doesn't happen again. Thanx again for liking the story this is dedicate to everyone and Michael Jackson! Enjoy, I gotta keep my finger's cross that this wont happen again,but anyway enjoy. -Samone:) Me:Whoa,now I know you heard that. Michael:I did. ??:(shouting)Pam I'm home. Me:Shit. Michael:(pulling out)I thought he was gone. Me:Well he's here now. Me and Michael jumped out of the bed and rushed to put our close on. I was soo panicky and didn't know what to do. All of a sudden we heard footsteps coming up the stairs. We stopped dead in our tracks and looked at eachother. Michael:(whispering)Where am I going to go? Me:(looking around)The closet,hurry. Michael:Why can't you just break up with him and come back to me? Me:Shut up(closing the closet) My heart started pounding when I heard the bedroom door knob turning. James walked in a just stared at me like he knew what was up. Me:(hugging him)Hi baby. James:(kissing me)Hey,what's cha' doin'? Me:Nothing, I just got done organizing some things. James:Oh okay,(walking toward the closet)It was crazy at work today. Me:(walking in front of him)Oh well I left you some pizza downstairs so let's go talk about your day down there. James:Well alright. Me:I'll be down in a sec, I just gotta get my slippers. James:Okay,don't take too long. Me:Okay(blowing a kiss) James:(pretending to catch it..Lame! aha) Me:(opening the closet)That was close. Michael:I know. Me:Come downstairs in 3 minutes,I'm gonna distract him. Michael:(sighing)Alright. Me:Hey,stop fussing(kissing him) Michael:(slapping my booty) Me:(glaring at him) I close the closet and head downstairs. James was already sitting at the table eating when I got there. James:What took you soo long? Me:I had to find my slippers. James:So how was your day? Me:(lying)Quite boring,I sat and watched t.v. James:Did you miss me? Me:I sure did.(kissing him)I think we better move this to the couch. Ahh!! My plan was working so successfully, I kissed James all the way to the couch making sure he had no sight of the stairs. I pushed him down and climbed on top of him. Minutes later I looked up and saw Michael tip-toeing down. He looked at James and started giggling. Michael:(mouthing)Call me,I love you. Me:(mouthing back)Okay, I love you too. Michael:(winking and biting his bottom lip) I'm such a bad girl,but I like the excitement of all of this *evil laugh* One month later..... It was the day of my wedding. I was happy, but also unhappy. I loved James don't get me wrong, but I really wanted to be with Michael. I sat at my dresser in my wedding dress just thinking when my mom came up to me. Mom:Hey baby girl. Me:(looking down)Hey mom. Mom:Aww lighten up baby I know your nervous,but it will get better. Me:I'm not nervous at all....I'm just unsure if I want to do this. Mom:What do you mean you're unsure? Me:If I tell you will you be mad? Mom:Depends,now what is it? Me:(whispering)I don't think I should do this because....because I love Michael. Mom:(whispering)What,girl you and Michael have been over for what two years now and all of a sudden you start thinking about him. Me:It's not all of a sudden because for a month now we've(mumbling)been sleeping together, A LOT! Mom:WHAT!,ohh girl if I could choke you right now I would. Me:But you said you wouldn't be mad. Mom:I said depends. Me:Well...well..ugh. Mom:(sighing)Look I'm not trying to encourage you or discourage you,but you're a grown woman so you follow your heart(pats my shoulder and walks away) It was time for the wedding, ugh I couldn't decide if I wanted to do this or not. The ceremony was rather boring and I wasn't into it. The pastor spoke and we said our pre-made vows; Wow what kind of guy that's about to get married to the love of his life doesn't say vows from the heart..ugh lame. we were done with that and the pastor spoke again. Pastor:Before I marry these two,is there anyone who would like to object. ??(popping up)I do. TBC...... *wipes sweat from her forehead* *phew* I did it this time without posting on accident. well i hope you enjoyed it,I had to leave you with a cliff hehe don't fall hang on hahah.
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