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Love at first site *16*
Hey you guys this is the 16th part wow things are getting pretty heated lol...well i have good and bad news...Good: you will be able to read prts.1-16 , Bad: I wont be making my story for a while after this one the reason why is school (ughh), and the other bad news it that i only have 4 more parts left you guys. so if you guys can get me up to atleast 20 votes on any of my stories i will concider writing a story a little earlie so vote vote vote... and enjoy ok...bye--Kylay Miguel:(STANDING IN FRONT OF THE DOOR) Where the fuck you think you going with my girl. Kyelle: Get out of our way you punk Bitch. Miguel: Shut the fuck up,(waving crack in her face) J baby you know i got you, come on. Jazmyne:(reaching) i know you got me, i know. Kyelle:(crying) Jazmyne what are you doing, don't do it look what he has done to you. Miguel:(knocking Jazmyne on the floor, choking Kyelle against the wall) Didn't i tell yo bitch ass to shut up (pulling out a razor) now you have crossed the line bitch. Jazmyne: (screaming)NO.NO.NO.MIGUEL DONT HURT HER HURT ME PLEASE, I DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO LIVE FOR...IF YOU WANNA KILL SOMEBODY KILL ME. Miguel: I can't kill you. you my money maker. Kyelle thought that she was going to die that night, and she was redy to go. She had closed her eyes tight and all she could think about was what was going to happen to Josephen and Michael. Before Miguel could cut Kyelle, James and Marcus slammed Miguel to the ground. Miguel was on the floor wrestling around with James, Marcus was getting Jazmyne to Kyelle's car, and Kyelle was calling the police. when the police arrived all the crack heads were trying to get out of the house. The only ones that were in the house when the police came in were Miguel and James and the were still fighting. Kyelle Marcus and Jazmyne were in the car. Officer 1: STOP,(pulling James off of Miguel)the both of you get up. What is the problem here? Miguel:(wiping blood off of his lip) Officer this man was trying to kill me. Kyelle ran into the house. Kyelle:(crying, pointing to Miguel) Officer please arrest him, please he tried to kill me and he brutally beat my sister, please aresst him. Miguel:(balling his fist) Bitch if you dont shut the fuck up. Officer 2: Ok, we have seen enough from you,(the cuffed him) You have the RIGHT TO BE INFORMED OF THE CHARGES against you.You have the RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT concerning the charges against you, and anything you say may be held against you. Officer 1: where is your sister at. Kyelle: She's in my car. when they showed the officer Jazmyne, they told them to take her to the hospital. the Officer told Kyelle, James, and Marcus that Miguel was going to be in jail for a LONG LONG time, and that they had nothing to worry about. When they got to the hospital Kyelle mind was completely on Jazmyne, she forgot all about Michael and the baby. James and Kyelle were in the waiting room waiting for Marcus to come back out. James: Kye, have you talked to Michael? Kyelle:(holding her head) Oh shit i forgot all about him, i'll see him when i get home i knw he's worried. James: Yeah, well i need to get out of here, because Carla is worried. Kyelle: James. James: Yeah.. Kyelle: How did you guys know what was going on. James: Miguel came by the house looking for Jazmyne and i knew something was wrong, and Carla said she seen him before lurking around that area. Kyelle:(jumped up and hugged him) Thank you for being there Jamie, i love you. James: I'll kill a rock for my sisters, and i love you too JuJu, call me when you get home ok. Kyelle: Ok Kyelle stayed at the hospital for another hour, Marcus finally came out. Marcus: (shaking Kyelle) Kye, wake up. Kyelle: what time is it? Marcus: it's 2:30 in the morning, Jaz wants to see you. Kyelle: Ok, well thanks for helping, Marcus:No Kye, thanks for not letting what ever happened between you two stop you from helping Jaz out, but i have to go so call me ok Kyelle:(hugs Marcus) Ok, bye When Kyelle got to Jazmynes room she was hooked to tubes. Kyelle knocked on the door. Jazmyned gestured her to come in with her hand. Kyelle: Jaz im sorry, how i treated you over the phone, i wont ever be able to forgive my self.. i.. i love you so much. Jazmyne:(barely able to speak) it's ok Kye, im sorry, i didn't mean nothing i said when we were arguing, i'm sorry, and when i get out of here i wanna meet my little niece, and i wanna get to know Michael. Kyelle: Ok we can make that happen, (wiping tears away) Ok well Jaz Ihave to go i know Michael is going crazy (kisses her for head) i love you. Jazmyne: Bye Kye. On the way home Kyelle thought about all that had happend and was thinking how was she gonna tell Michael all of this, Luckly when she got home he was sleep. So Kyelle tipped toed in the room changed her clothes and got into bed. Michael: (sitting up) What happened? Kyelle:*thinking* dammit (tired) Nothing Michael, go back to sleep. Michael:(yelling) Kye, it's damn near 5:00 in the morning, what the hell happened. Kyelle: (fully awake, getting out of bed) Michael, be quite Josey is sleep. Michael:(walking towards her) What happened Kye, what the hell happened why are you just know getting home? Kyelle: Babe, please stop yelling at me. Michael: Kyelle if you dont tlk to me it's gone be a problem. Kyelle:*he hasnt called me Kyelle in years, he must really be angry* Michael, she was in a crackhouse, Miguel almost beat her to death, *voice started to crack*i was tring to get her out of there then he...he*starting to cry* was going to kill me -- Michael face went from complete anger to rage Michael:(yelling) who was going to kill you? Kyelle: Michael, calm down Michael: Kyelle, who was going to kill you? Kyelle: *holding her head down,crying* Miguel. then James and Marcus was fighting him and the police took Miguel away. Michael:*still yelling* i cant believe this why didnt you call me what the fuck made you think that you could handle that alone. Kyelle: Baby i didnt handle it alone, Michael, James and Marcus was there I --- Michael: Kyelle what if they didnt come then i would have lost you, and Josephen wouldnt have had a mother *Josephen started crying from Michaels screaming* Kyelle: Michael i told you to calm down, now you've waken Josephen up. *walking out to get Josey* Michael: (grabbing her arm, and pulling her close hugging her) Kye, I'm sorry i started to yell you go get some rest ok, i'll get Josey. As Michael walked out Kyelle stopped him. Kyelle: Michael. Michael: Yeah... Kyelle: Im sorry babe i dont know what i was thinking, i dodnt even know that it was going to be that bad...i'm sorry. Michael: It's ok... It's of course not your fault, just...just get some rest. THANx you guys for sticking with me from the start, i so enjoyed writing this part and i can't wait to get back to writing the last four parts... and i'll announcewhen i'm back on here the day before i come back so you guys will know.... and my claim to fame will be a different for my new story lolz.. but i hope you enjoyed it.. *Imperfections are Perfections*--Kylay
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