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A Beautiful Nightmare ♥
GIRLS!!! Here is my cute little sex story of me and MJ! I hope you like it! All this came to me in a dream! That was one good dream!!! LOL Oh God,there was nothing that could've possibly prepared me for that I expeienced that night at our home. Just picture it... The year is 1987 and Michael and I have been dating for about a year. I had just turned 28,Michael was 29. We made a great couple and everything but lately,we just began fighting,we weren't having sex and it scared me because his temper had become increasingly violent. The night it happened,something had occurred beforehand. I though that was bad but I had no idea what I was really in for later on in the night. We had been arguing throughout the day. At around 7:20 that night,we finally ignored each other. He was getting ready to leave for his music video shoot for "Bad" when the phone rang. I was in the kitchen and i had answer the phone... Me: Hello? Woman's voice: Hi,is Michael there? Me: Who is this? Woman's voice: My name is Kyla.Who is this? Me: I'm his girlfriend! Who the hell are you!? Suddenly there was a click and a dial tone. I was angery. I slammed the phone down and ran upstairs. I threw open the bedroom door and saw Michael in his "Bad" outfit. You know: the one from the video with all of the buckles and everything? Yeah,that one. I couldn't help but feel slightly turned on. He looked up with a look of irritation on his face. Michael: Have you lost your damn mind girl? I stared at him furiously. Me: Who's Kyla? The smug look left his face as he stood up and faced me,eyes wide and stammering. I scoffed with my arms folded and walked out of the room. Michael: Wait please! I can explain! I kepy walking down the stairs. I needed a drink. I walked over to the mini bar we had and poured myself a glass of vodka. I sipped it as I ran my fingers through my long,stright,black hair. Michael: Listen. She ment nothing to me. It was a one night-stand. I love you. I looked up at him and flung my drink in his face. Bad idea. He grabbed me by both arms and threw me up against the wall hard as I shrieked with fear. Michael: Girl,you're out of your damn mind if you think I'm gonna let you throw a drink in my damn face! I was crying. He had never put his hands on me like that before. Michael: Oh you're scared now? He stared at me intensely. I looked down. Michael: I'll give you something to be scared of. Then he yelled out of fusration and put his fist through the wall right beside my head. I shrieked as I slid down the wall crying. He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. He knelt down and gently tried to caress my face and wipe my tears away. Michael: Baby,I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I'll have someone over first thing tomorrow morning to fix the wall. I looked up at him. Me: Just leave Michael. He stood up with a look od indifference and left. I cried against the wall for and hour before cleaning up the shattered Vodka bottle that Michael had knocked over and went to bed. At around midnight,I awoke to the sound of Michael's limo pulling in the driveway. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I had a feeling that somehow,that episode by the mini bar was only the beginning. I heard the door open as he stepped in and slammed it hard. My heart raced. I gasped. He chuckled. Michael: I know you're awake. Now get up. I sat up and went to turn on the lamp. He stoof there looking at me lustfully. His eyes burned with fire and passion as he took off his boots and threw his jacket across the room. Me: Michael,what are you doing? He undid his belt buckel without answering me. Me: No! I'm not doing this. I don't want you touching me after what you did tonight. He flashed a devilish grin as he signaled me to come here with his finger. I felt like I was under a spell. I walked over and stood in front of him as he caressed my face. I let a small moan escape. With that,he took the front of my silk,small,red night dress and ripped it off completely so that I was only in my black lacy thong. I covered my chest up and he pulled my arms down and began kissing and licking my breasts. Michael: I love you and I'm gonna prove it to you whether you want me to or not! I struggled to break free,but he was just too strong. He threw me on the bed as he undid his pants the rest of the way. I was so turnrd on at this point. I couldn't help but want to give into him. He slowly licked my chest as I started to breath hard. I couldn't believe he was acting like this. It was like he wasn't Michael. There was an animal instinct that had taken over him. Was he trying to apologize or was he doing this for his own needs? I didn't know but I knew i was enjoying this. He ripped off my panties the quickly stood up and took off the remainder of his clothing. I tried to get up but he grabbed my wrists and held them over my head with one hand as he slid all of his 12 inches into me with the other. It was a bit painful. I tried to squirm out from his grip but he held onto my wrists tighter. He started thrusting hard. Michael: I love you so much. Trust me when I say that and know I mean it. He started to breath hard. I liked how dangerous he was being. His agression turned me on. He grabbed nipple and massaged it gently. I gasped with pleasure. I decided to turn it up a notch. He let go of my wrists and I pushed him off of me,grabbed my robe off the door,and ran out of the room. I was going to make him chase me. Michael: Hey! Michael called out furiously after me. I threw the robe on as I stumbled down the stairs nearly breaking my neck since the entire house was pitch black. My heart began to race as I heard him charge down the hallway and down the stairs. I dove behind the mini bar just as every light in the house turned on. Michael must've hit the main light switch by the stairs. He started to chuckle. Michael: Baby,I know the game your playing. I like it when you misbehave because that means I get to punish you. I let out the tiniest moan and quickly covered my mouth but it was too late. He came around the mini bar,picked me up,ripped the robe off,threw everything off the bar with one swipe,and threw me on top of the bar. Michael:(grinning) Now I'm really going to punish you. Me: Oh Michael punish me! Please! He slid all 12 hard inches into me again. I cried out with pleasre and pain. This felt so good. He was aggressive,passionate,and I knew he really did love me. He was moving smoothly. Plunging into me slow and hard. Me mind was in a different world. I grabbed him and kissed him moving my tongue in his mouth. I sucked on his tongue which made him even hornier. He kissed my breasts as the sweat was dripping from his face. He reached down and began fingering my clit slowly making me moan even louder. He was torturing me and he knew it. Michael: Say my name baby! Say it! Me: Oh Michael! Michael! Michael! I screamed out his name. He startes moving his finger a little bit quicker now. Michael: Good girl. Now say you've been a bad girl and need to be punished! Say it now! I grabbed the back of his hair,wrapped my legs around his waist even tighter,and moaned. Me: I've been so bad Michael! Mmmm punish me! I need to learn! Punish me! He smiled as he bit his bottom lip while his finger was rubbing my clit faster. He finger was drenched from my wetness. I could tell he was seconds away from climaxing so I leaned in and whispered in his ear "Oh Michael,cum inside of me. Don't hold back baby!" He smiled briefly before moaning even louder and plunger into me as he came. Seeing the pleasure all over his face was enough to make me cum as well. He pulled out of me,picked me up,and carried me upstairs to our bedroom where we collapsed on the bed together. He held me in his arms and looked at me smiling. Michael: I love you but next time you misbehave and make me chase you I'm gonna really have to teach you a lesson. I giggled then I grinned devilishly as my hand traveled down his chest. Me: Oh baby let me ask you something... I sat up and kissed his chest. Me: Can um...Tiffany...suck your dick better than me? I bit my bottom lip and smiled at him. Michael: (smiling) Never but do you think you could help me out? Me: Hmmm,well you were just as bad as me so I guess I'm going to have to give you your punishment now. I started to suck his dick. He gasped a little as he smiled. He closed his eyes and laid back. I had a bit of trouble fitting it in my mouth at first but it was okay. I licked it up and down as he ran his fingers through my hair. He gently quided my head up and down on him. He moaned as I nibbled softly on the tip. I kissed it and sucked it as he whimperes and panted hard. Me: Mmmm you taste so good baby. Do you like this? Michael: Oh baby you make me feel so good. Don't stop. Please don't stop! I smiled and continued sucking him. I could feel he was about to cum again so I looked up and said "Oh yeah Michael. Cum in my mouth. I want to taste every last drop!" He started grunting and exploded in my mouth. It came out the sides of my mouth a little but I swallowed it and then licked the sides of my mouth too until every last drop was gone. He pulled me up to him and kissed me hard. Michael: I love you. Me: I love you too. You are so beautiful but at times a nightmare. Michael: I know. I guess I'm just a beautiful nightmare. He held me in his arms and we fell asleep together. Love, Guess who... ;)
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