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an mj LOVE STORY part 3
we just got out of the pool, i took a shower, and got dried up. then michael spots me michael: hello me:hehe, hi michael: i see your happy now! thats great! *smiles* me: yea, im happy, but still... michael gets sad. then the door opens to the house! katherine and joe and randy and janet and latoya and rebbie come! me: oh my goodness! its the rest of your family! michael smiles katherine: are you boys hungry? she yells guys: yes mother! michael: ok, we have to introduce you to everyone else, come one, my mother is in the kitchen. i walk downstairs and michael is behind me. then joe spots us. joe: michael! michael: yes joe? joe:come here please... oh no i thought. michael runs up to him joe: who is she!? michael: dad, before you get angry, let me explain. joe:fine, it better be good. michael: it will. ok, so on the first day of school i met her, we have all classes together. so after school i walked her to her house, which she is our neighbor... joe: rolls eyes michael: this is where is gets weird. when she walked up to her house i was still watching just in case. then, when she opened the door a murderer tried to kill her! so me and my bro's helped her. un fortunatly that man... killed her parents. now she doesnt have any where to live, and everyone likes her. joe: hm michael: can she stay? joe: boy! as long as you dont have an unexpected child, then i guess so. michael: thank you, joe. she really needs love from us, can you try to love her? joe: fine. *joe actually smiled* joe just walked away and michael came up to me. me: hey, is everything ok? michael: yea! you can stay here! i get happy and i hug michael. he hugs me back. then we walk into the kitchen and find katherine working hard. michael: mom? mrs k: yea sweetie? michael: can i introduce you into someone? mrs k: sure me: hi! im katrina! mrs k: why hello there! you are very pretty! the joe walked in and snatched away katherine. me: umm ok! katherine comes back into the kitchen with joe. katherine comes up to hug me. mrs k: oh sweetie im so sorry! of course you can stay here! if you need anything let me know i smiled mrs K: smiled back me: so what now? michael: i dont know, me: interupping- hey are your brothers still in the back in the pool? michael laughs and says yes. it was already 10 o clock. me and michael where just talking for hours in the living room. me: hey michael, im gettin tired! michael : * yawns* me to. me: im going to bed now... what about you? michael: oh, i think ill stay up a little bit more. i smile, give him a hug and walk away. i crawl into my bed and immediatly fall asleep. mean while, michael is in the living room with his brothers. the parents are up stairs getting ready for bed. jermain: guys, i think katrina likes me! marlon: no she likes me! jackie: no, she likes mikey! * he smiles and looks at michael* michael: what makes you think that? * he looked uncomfertable* tito: dude, did you see the way she was around you? she always looks at you and smiles and talks! michael: so? everyone: SO!? jermain: mike, i would be happy if i where you marlon: yea mike, shes pretty! michael giggled nervously. michael: guys, she likes all of you! guys: umm hmmm they talk for an hour about me! i dont even know. then joe says : boys! get your asses to bed now! the guys sigh and go to sleep. all of them think of me. mean while, i had a dream that the killer came back, and he was trying to kill me with a knife! i was rolling around and slightly grunting. then i wake up and scream really loud! then i think : why the hell did i do that!?!? then the door slams open! i cant see who it is but i see 6 guys! guys: what happend!?!? they seemed worried. they turned on the lights, it was the jackson five and joe. omg joe i thought. joe: katrina! you can stay as long as you dont do this every night! * joe ACTUALLY giggles!!!!! omg!! LOL* i start to cry me: im sorry guys! i had a dream that the guy that tried to kill me was back, and he did kill me... and you guys. then michael runs to my bed and sits beside me. so do the rest of the guys. well, tito and jackie and joe go back to bed. michael hugs me, then marlon, then jermain. me: im sorry you guys! they all say: its fine michael: i hope you dont have any more dreams like this... then he smiled at me. jermain: yea, katrina! your scream is so loud! haha, but if you where ever in danger, i guess we could hear you! marlon laughs a lot. me: marlon! ur so mean! * i say laughing* marlon: haha, sorry, its just you do really have a voice! michael frowns: you guys! go back to bed. jermain and marlon: fine. then they walk out saying OOOOOOHHHH!!!!!!!! me: wow, they are annoying. i said with a smile and yawns. michael: do you want me to stay with.. you? me: aw, you so sweet, no im good. (as much as i wanted him to stay in my room i said no because im a stranger sleeper, i could wake up on top of michael! oh how embarresing!!) michael: ok, well, good night katrina. me: good night michael! i hug him again. when we are hugging his takes a happy deep breath. michael: sweet dreams! *smiles* i fall onto my pillow and he turns off the light. i go to sleep. i really like michael now, but im like him, im shy. i wake up to the guys running around the house and the nice smell of breakfast. i get up, and put on black skinny jeans, and a red tight shirt. michael, and jackie: good morning. i smile and the door rings... to be continued!!!!!!!!!!!
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