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an mj LOVE STORY part 1
hi, this is katrina again. i wanna make a new story! of course its fake lol. ok so im 15, and michael is about 2 months older than me. this is just another love story lol. sorry but it doesnt have sex because i dont wanna include it. unless u guys want me to just tell me. so there i was walking to school with my best friend emily. me: so, emily, are you nervous for today? emily: yes! i ahte school! we both laugh. we just talk talk talk until we arrive at our high school. as im walking into the biggest room of the school i get my schedual. i go to my first class and see this black, handsome guy that i sit next to. guy: hello. *smiels* me:hello, what is your name? guy:um... i smile and wait for his answer. then i look into his eyes, and bam it hits me! its michael jackson! michael:um, mic-chael jackson me: *i just smile and say oh ok because i want to treat him like a real guy.* me: my name is katrina. michael:*smiels* cool. me: can i please see your schedual? michael: of course *blushs a tiny bit* im in complete shock, me: haha! we have the same classes together! michael*laughs*: well i guess im going to have to be your friend! me: haha yea u better! *laughs and play punches his shoulder* michael: haha, hey what did this shoulder ever do to you> me: its looking at me... i felt stupid for saying that michael: aww, its ok shoulder, i think she likes you we both laugh then the teacher told us to shut up. we both laugh even harder because our teacher was rly grumpy and sounded funny lol. me: haha, i think we should SHUT UP michael:hehe yea so then the class goes by and i dont say anything to michael. then it ends. michael: do you want to walk with me to every class?*blushs and smiles* me: well, i gues im gunna have to! michael:hehe ok. so he opens the door for me to get out of 1st period i blush and thank him. hes rly close to me, in fact his entire left side of his body is glued on my right side. well, partly because the hallway is so crowded its easy to get lost.i have a crush on michael, i dont know if he thinks so, but i know i do. then he opens the door for me again and says "ladies first" i smile and blush. amazingly we sit next to eachother again. we do this through out the whole day. finally the first day of school ended. michael: wow, that was the best first day! me: yea it was really fun! michael:so, would you like to walk home with...me? me:*blushes* yea, that'd be nice. so we walk home just talking about our stupid and embarresing stories of our life. he is laughing a lot because my life has been weird so far. then i get to my house. michael:so this is it? me: hmm maybe! michael:ahah ur funny i gently poke him on the nose and laugh. he blushed a lot, his whole face looked like a tomatoe, a cute one lol. michael:wow, i live right there.*points to the house right next to mine* me:um, wow, thats like really cool! michael:bye katrina! see you tomorroW! *he reaches and gives me a hug. he puts one hand on the back of my head and the other is rubbing my back. his hand strokes up and down my back. i do the same.* then, i walk up to my house and hes still standing there watching me. i look back and wave smilling. then, all the sudden as i walk up to my door, it instantly opens and a really big guy sees me and trys to grab my throat to choke me. i scream as loud as possible and michael comes races twords my house. when he sees me he gasps very hard and also screams. he gets all his brothers and come racing to my pourtch. they guy has pinned me to the wall and im turning purple, hes just laughing. then michael and the guys run faster. guy: if you come one step closer, shes dead *holds up a knife at my neck then lets go* me:breathing heavily michael starts to cry guy: wow, your such a baby, who cares if she dies! *then he puts down the knife a little* jackie punches him in the face as hard as possible! he falls to the ground and tito takes the knife and throws it somewhere he cant reach it. then all the guys including michael punch and kick him. he screaming and yelling. as they are doing this... i sneak away and run across the street to the other side, curl up into a little ball on the ground and start to scream cry. tito:whats your problem!?!? guy: i hate you jermain: yea we hate you to michael: why do you want to hurt people!? guy:.. marlon: kicks him everyone: marlon! guy: i didnt want to hurt her until you guys came. he had an evil look on his face. guy: im not saying any more everyone: why!? jermain: yea, your not saying anymore, we are going to call the police on you! michael quickly gets out his phone and calls 911. tito still has him on the ground. i look over and see the guys yelling and the dude and kicking him slighty. i get a litle happy, but not to happy because he is really beaten up. but still, if it wasnt for michael, i would have been dead right now i thought to myself. michael looks back at me after he is finished with his call and runs over to me as fast as possible. me: *still crying hard* michael: OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK?!?!?! me: yea, i think so. * i look to the ground and cry more* michael knees on the ground and puts his hand under my chin to lift up my face. michael: i will protect you me: *crys and hugs him deeply* michael is again rubbing my back. i cry on his shoulder and i hear him say its ok. when we parted i looked at him and looked to the ground again to cry me: i never want anyone to see me cry like this, and you are watching and i dont like that. michael: its ok katrina, i was crying to *giggles slightly* michael: i never want to see you purple again! or that awful man. i smile and i stop crying. he gets up and then puts out his hand. i look at him then the hand. then i reach out my hand and he helps me up. i start to brush off the small rocks on my back and butt. then i hug him again and say: michael, i dont know what i would have done if you where not here, i would have been killed. we parted and michael said "i will ALWAYS protect you, just scream again and i will be there with my brother, hopefully with baseball bats this time." he giggles we walk across the street and i see the guy and he gives me a look ill never forget. tito is still on him. i start to cry on michael's shoulder again. then he puts his arm around my body. i can hear the guys talking guy: ill kill you little girl! your defensless! ill find you! i know where you live! i killed your parents! tito: you WHAT!!!!!!!!??????? *screams* guy: thats right, they're gone, oh and you pathetic dog! hahah! jackie yells and punches him hard. i cry so much i fall on the ground. then the police come. police #1: thank you, he will never escape michael and marlon: i hope not. they look eachother and laugh a little the police cuff the sicko and im still on the ground. i have made this huge puddle of tears. it was so ebarresing. all the guys (michael, marlon, jermain, tito, and jackie) run up to me and comfort me by each of them taking turns for hugging me. but of couse michael hugs me the most. then marlon helps me up. me: *crying histaricaly* i dont know what im going to do with my self anymore! my parents are dead! and know my life is ruined! i fall into marlons arms this time and cry onto his chest. then i can feel his body language. when i fall into his arms i can feel hes shocked, then he wraps his arms around me and now i feel hes sad. marlon: you poor girl. i can tell michael was getting a little upset i was snuggling up to marlon. me: *still crying* where am i going to live!?! jermain: hey, would you like to live with us? guys, she seems nice, lets welcome her to our home... me: then i get out of marlons arms and i can tell hes sad for me and that i left him. (lol) then i fall into jermains arms and he instantly hugs me! me: you guys are to nice... but im scared to go into my house to get my things! because my, my.... PARENTS! they are dead in there!! then i really squeeze jermain!!!!!!! to be continued. vote for the next part!!!!!!!!!!!!
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