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Pt.8-"Michael&Jordyn,Another Love Story"
Michael, you will forever live through your music, in our hearts, and in our dreams. I love you always, To all the other writers, you guys are the best...keep writing!!!! -Jordyn. I hop in Mrs.Jacksonâ??s car and drive down to the arena like my conscience told me to do. Back @ Michaelâ??s dressing room. Michael and Becca walk into his dressing room. Becca:Wow,Michael,your dressing room looks like a hotel suite accept without the bed. Michael(laughs,getting the picture):You said your name was Becca right? Becca:Thatâ??s my name,donâ??t wear it out. Michael(laughing,trying to remember where heâ??d heard that name before,but it couldnâ??t come to his mind. As Michael was signing the picture,Becca snuck over to the door and locked it. Michael(finished signing the picture):Here you go. Becca:Thank you,Michael. Michael(Smiling):Youâ??re very welcome. Becca knew that Michael was dating me but wanted to test him to see how he would answer the question. Becca:So Michael,do you have a girlfriend? Michael:No,Iâ??m too busy for a girlfriend. Becca(in shock)(in her head,â??I canâ??t believe he just said that and heâ??s dating Jordyn.â??)Thatâ??s too bad,any girl would be lucky to be with you. Michael:Thank you. Becca(looking at the picture):You have very neat handwriting and this picture of you is sooo sexy. Michael(smiling):Thank you. Becca walks over to where Michael was standing and stood in front of him. Becca(smiling):I saw how you where looking at me out there. Michael:Youâ??re a very pretty girl. Becca(giving him a sexy look):I'm not a girl,Iâ??m all woman. Michael(looking at her breasts):I can see that. Becca(leaning her body up against his):And Iâ??m sure youâ??re not a little boy. Michael:We gotta stop. Becca:Why you said you donâ??t have a girlfriend. Michael:I just canâ??t do this. Becca:Weâ??re not doing anything yet. She leans Michael up against the wall and kisses him.He doesnâ??t seem to be pulling away.Looks like sheâ??s got him in her trap. While sheâ??s kissing him she starts touching and feeling on him,then she grabs his hands and puts them on her hips. Michael(taking his hands off of her hips):I canâ??t do this. Becca:You say that,but you wanâ??t to...Itâ??s obvious that your turned on because your d*ck is on hard.(feeling on his penis) Michael(moving her hands):Stop,I canâ??t do this. Becca:You keep saying that,if you really wanted me to stop youâ??d leave,and have me escorted out,the door is right there...Do really want me to stop?(pushing up against him) Michaelâ??s heart wants to do right but the thing in his pants wants something else.He gets weak and gives in. Michael and Becca are kissing and Becca rips Michaelâ??s t-shirt and starts caressing his chest,she kissses him on the neck,then says... Becca:I want it raw,no condom.I want to feel you deep inside of me. Michael:Are you on birth control? Becca(lying):Yes. Michael:Promise you won't tell anybody. Becca:I promise. While they are doing what theyâ??re doing Iâ??m pulling up into the parking lot.I canâ??t find a freaking parking space and Iâ??m getting upset. Me:Where all the damn parking spots? So I drive around back and got lucky.I found the only open spot there was.I get out and in my heart I feel this sharp pain.I go up to the back door and I have to convince the SG that Iâ??m a friend of Michaelâ??s. SG:Excuse me where are you going,who are you? Me:My name is Jordyn Stoner and Iâ??m a friend of Michael Jackson. SG:Hah,you know how many young girls like you have came up to me and said that today. Me:Iâ??m serious. SG:Yeah,and Iâ??m Eddie Murphy. Me(getting frustrated):You know what,just go and ask Frank DeLeo if he knows a Jordyn Stoner. SG:Alright,fine. The SG goes to get Frank. SG:Mr.DeLeo,thereâ??s this girl outside,says sheâ??s knows Mr.Jackson. Frank:Again...Whatâ??s here name. SG:Uh,she said Jordyn Stoner. Frank:Oh man,this oneâ??s for real let her in. The SG runs back outside and letâ??s me in. SG:Iâ??m so sorry,itâ??s just that this has been happening all day. Me:Itâ??s okay. I go in and Frank and I begin to talk. Frank:Hey Jordyn,where you been? Me:Michaelâ??s parents house. Frank:Oh,youâ??ve met his parents? Me:Yep. Frank:Thatâ??s good...umâ?¦(it sounded like he wanted to ask me a question,but hesitated) Me:Frank,what is it? Frank:Nothing...I was just...is everything going okay with you and Michael? Me:Yeah,why you ask that? Frank:I donâ??t know...he just seems a little...I donâ??t know. Me:Where is he? Frank:In his dressig room,he's been up there for quite a while e.He took a fan up there with him. Me(looking Frank dead in the eyes):Male or Female. Frank:Uh...Female. Me:Oh hell no....let's go. Frank and I walk to Michael's dressing room and I just know he's not doing right,I feel it. Michael tries to imagine that he's about to make love to me so he doesn't feel so guilty while getting pleasure.It doesn't work and he tries to stop Becca but she won't stop. Michael:For real,I can't do this anymore. Becca(undoing his pants):No baby don't stop. Michael:C'mon Becca,really,Stop it. Becca,with a strong force,pushes Michael down on the couch and climbs on top of him.He's trying to get her off but she's got his arms pent down. Michael(getting mad):We gotta stop. Becca:No I wanna have your baby. Michael:Have my baby,What?...so you lied to me...you were gonna get pregnant on purpose. Becca:C'mon,baby don't be mad. Michael(yelling):I don't wanna do this anymore. Frank and I get up to the door and it's locked.I take bobby pin and pick the lock.I'm furious because I hear this womans voice and it sounds like she having sex with my man. Becca:Michael don't stop,you know wanna keep going. Frank:I can't belive this. I finally get the lock to open and kick in the door. Me:What the hell is going on? Becca jumps up off of Michael and as soon as I see who she is I flip out. Me(my eye pupils turn from blue to red in a spit second):Becca,WTF,you b*tch,I'm kill you b*tch. Becca(all calm):We didn't want you to find out this way about us. Michael:WHAT?...No,no,no...this woman is sick. Me(looking at michael):Who the f*ck should I believe...I can't believe this...My so called best friend.We were like sistas yo. Becca:I'm sorry Jordyn. Me:Sorry my a**. Michael:I hope you don't think we did anything. Me:What the hell am I supposed to think,that's what it looks like.Your shirt is ripped,your pants are undone...(looking at Becca)You can have him...I don't want him anymore. Michael:C'mon baby you don't mean that. I look at Michael then at Becca then I walke out...30 seconds later I turn around and walk back to the dressing room. I walk up to Michael and look him in his eyes. Me:I thought you loved me,now you broke my heart and turned it cold,I hate you. Michael:Jordyn... Me(slaps him in the face):Shut up don't even speak to me I never want to see you again. Becca:You can't hit my man like that. Me:Oh,well let me just make it even then(instead of slapping Becca is punk her in the jaw and falls to the floor) Me:F*ck you and f*ck you,I'm out. Frank:Jordyn,I'm sorry...I never thought he'd do something like this. Me:Here's the keys to Mrs.Jackson's car,tell her I said thanks for everything. Frank:Jordyn,where are you going? Me:Away from here. I don't pack my things I just head straight to the airport and I go back to New York.I purposely left my son at Mrs.Jacksons house because in my condition I knew I wasn't going to be able to take care of him.So I called her to ask a favor. Mrs.Jackson:Hello. Me:Hi,Mrs.Jackson,it's Jordyn. Mrs.Jackson:Sweetie where have you been,you've been gone for two days. Me:I'm in New York. Mrs.Jackson:New York,what are you doing there? Me:I just...I,I need to ask you to do me a favor. Mrs.Jackson:What is it? Me:Could you watch over Jayden...be his temperary guardian until I come back for him? Mrs.Jackson:Yes,but why? Me:I...I...can't talk about it.It hurts too much. Mrs.Jackson:When will you be back? Me:I'm gonna go ahead and finish my senior year of college,then I'll try to find a good paying job...I'll visit him during school breaks...and I'll call you before I come so I don't have to come in any kind of contact with Michael. Mrs.Jackson(figuring out that something happened between Michael and I):Uh,oh,that's why he was so upset last night.Poor thing barely made it through his show. Me:Yeah,it's over between us. Mrs.Jackson:Well...I didn't wanna hear that,I really like you,you're a sweet girl.And I'll take care of Jayden for you don't worry. Me:Thank you. Mrs.Jackson:Your welcome. Me:I gotta go...I'll visit as soon as I get a break. Mrs.Jackson:Okay,I love you Jordyn...you're like my daughter now. Me:Thank you sooo much...I love you too...Goodbye. Mrs.Jackson:Goodbye. I graduated the class of 1990,honers student.I tried to date other men but I just couldn't all I thought about was Michael.I didn't want to believe that I was still in love with him.I finally called my mother for the first time in a year after we said we'd call each other everyday when I left but never did.She never got the number and i never called but we were happy to hear from each other.After graduation I tried to find a good job and it took me a long time.Unfortunately I had to turn back to my street ways and sell drugs for this man I knew from back in the day to make money to visit my son.Luckily,I didn't get caught.Michael was never in sight when I went to visit Jayden.Mrs.Jackson would always take care of that.Jayden had turned a year old and knew how to say mommy and daddy.Eveytime I visited he would be holding this picture of me and Michael and say mommy and daddy.He would say daddy if he saw Michael on tv or on a magazine,or even in family photos.He had gotten attached and I knew it would hurt my son if I pulled him away from the only daddy he knows. After I quit selling drugs and got a good paying job,my boss let me visit my son every month and after another year of visiting I wanted to be with my son....but how was I gonna do that? I wanted to talk to Michael,but wasn't sure if he wanted to talk to me.After all,I did slap the mess out him and I just assumed he had sex with Becca I didn't see him having sex with her.I felt so bad.I just couldn't find the courage to go and talk to him,but I soon would have to. Thanks for reading? The last two parts comming soon.
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