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a cute teenager i saw in 10th grade
hi im sahvanna and the so is about a girl that saw someone in 10 grade when she just moved on his street and that girl is me ......so nw we may start. i was in los vages and we did like that house so we moved to indina so when i got there i look at the street sigh and it say the jacksons street and i was like in my mind the singers jackson 5 r it just say the jackson so i ask my dad. me:dad not to be evil but is this the singers the jackson 5ive street or just the jackson street?. dad:the singers. me:4real dad you are kiddin me right. dad:no youll see they are outside talkin right now. so we pull up at ower new house and i get my stuff out and when i step out i saw michael across the street sitin with his brothers so i look back and i see michae look at me so i wave at him and he wave at me so i walk into his house and i saw my room and i screem so loud mom and dad ran up. mom and dad: wat's wrong huny. me:thank you yall are the best. mom:well that why we love you dear. dad:yeah sahvanna now don't do that again ok. me:yes sir. so i get into my joggin short sky blue pant's and sky blue short shirt and and ipod and went down stairs. me:mom dad im going joggin. both:ok dear be carefull and don't forget your phone. me:oh yeah i forgot that. mom:its in the liveing room hun. me:ok got it. so i go out side and there still outside talkin so i sing one of there on ill'be there so i go on there side and start joggin(singing ill'be there). jamanie:she is singin ower song . michael:she is so cute. so i was almost done when i got home i hard ppl laghing i walk in. it was mom dad and ms:jackson and mr:jackson and michael and his brother. me:mom? mom:im in here hun. so i walk in the liveing room my eyes got big. me:oh my gosh(looking shock) im ging to go call carmen i have to tell her something. dad:why don't you come and meet your new friend. me:i have to take a shower and change and fix my hair. both:ok. me:wow this is so awesome. mom:huh. me:nothin mom. mom:ok. so i ran from the door and upstairs to take a shower and after i got out i put on my pj's then i got my phone and call liz. me:(ring ring). liz:hello. me:liz. liz:omg sahvanna yu finlliy called. me:yea i went joggin hey geuss wat. liz:wat's up. me:geuss who sing ill'be there. liz:umm the jackson 5. me:yeah i live across the street from them. liz:no way girl. me:yes way and there in my house right now come over now and hurry. liz:(scream omg). me:ouch that hart my ear. liz:srry ill be threr o bye. me:bye byee. so i hung the phone and scream. at the door (knock knock). me:who is it (in a sexy tone). michael:it's me. me:me who. michael:michael. me:omg im comeing (walk to the door and open it). michael:hi. me:h-hi. michael:wow. me:wow wat. michael:you are sure a big fan of me i mean us. me:yeah i really huge big fan. michael: hey i seen you going joggin and i heard you singing ill'be there. me:wow have you been spyin on me. michael:(does a flash back and smile)well yes. me:and who was the one that call me cute. michael:w-well i-i did. me:(smile and blushing) well thanks your hot your shelf oh and im sahvanna. michael:cute name. me: and ur michael jackson the cute one in the jackson 5. michael:yep how did you know?. me:above your head show you. mom:sahvanna get down here (shouting). me:im comeing im comeing. so me and michael walk down staries and the door bell rings(rinng). me:ill get it. liz:hey sahvanna. me:hey liz. me:everyone this is liz and i im sahvanna. me:hey mr.jackson and ms:jackson. mr.jackson:hello sahvanna. ms.jackson:hello dear. randy:wow (wisering in michael ear.that liz girl is hot) michael:(wispers in randy's ear well go up stairs and you can ask her). so us four kids walk up to my room and we all talk for about 3 hours. randy:hey in randy. liz:im liz. randy:nice to me you. liz:you to. me:so guy r yall makein love over there(laghing). michael:i think thy r haha(gigglein) me:ppl of my middle name is cece. michael:well cece will you be my girl. me:omg michael i would love to but how old r you hun. michael:17 and you. me:omg the same yay! and yes i would love to again. randy:how did you do that ok ima try. liz:randy how old r u im 18. randy:19. liz: i like it. randy:would you like to be my girl to. liz:yes yes yes. then radny and liz look at me and michael kissing about 16mins then his cute shoft left mine. me:wow that was so soawesome. michael:i know you can kiss good. me:thanks. then everyone wen home but liz she stayed the night so the next morning we woke up and get ready for school so i wore a pink and black skirt and a pink and black short shirt and some white hightop's and liz is wareing a red and blue skirt and a red and blue shirt and red hightop's and the cluth the she is warein is mine lol. so we walk to school and we made it this time. me:finlly we are om time. liz:yeah lol. me:hey there go michael and randy lets go scare them. liz:ok. so me and liz sneck up behind them and the jump so high it looks like there r about to do a split. me and liz:(lahing)haha omg wow we got yall. randy:oh yeah then we are going to get yall back. michael:come here sahvanna give me and kiss on the check. then i walk up to michael and i was alomost about to kiss him on the check then he trick me and kiss me on my lips. me:(smileingand giggleing at the same time)michael you evilbare. michael:(giggling)sorry cupcake. liz:aww so cute nickname. then i garbbed michael and pull him to me and gave him the best kiss he ever had......................................................................................tbc
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