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To much like Romeo and Juliet! Part1
Yo yo yo wats up people lol j/k. it's me carmen and i'm back with a new story and i hope you guys like it. mimi is supposed to be helping me after this part so it should be pretty good! ok so here we go. My name is Cassie and it is the first day of school and i really don't wanna go but i know i have to so i get up and get dressed. all of a sudden the phone rings Skye and Carly:(talking at the same time)omg it's time for school i can't wait Me:(laughing)guys calm down it's just school Carly: i know but it's the first day which means there might be new boys Me:(rolling my eyes) you mean a bunch of jerks Skye: it's not our fault all of your boyfriends are douchebags Me:(laughing)is that a new word? kinda big don't you think? Carly:(laughing) Skye:shut up. hey i gotta go i'll meet up with you guys at school Me and Carly: ok She hangs up and carly tells me some really good news Carly:did you here that michael marlon and randy are gonna be going to our school Me:WHAT Carly:yeah they had to change private schools Me:this is awesome. i gotta make sure i look extra cute. gotta go Carly:(laughing)ok see you at school Me: bye I hang up and finish getting ready. i was so exicted now. i couldn't believe i was going to be in the same school as michael jackson. my mom and dad had already left for work so i lock the door and walk to school. i can't wait until i get a car lol. AT SCHOOL! Skye: ugh why didn't you guys tell me you were wearing skirts Me and Carly:(laughing) oops Skye:(smiling) i hate you guys Carly: yeah yeah i.... Me:(gasp)oh my god look suddenly a limo pulls up and michael and his brothers get out. the girls went crazy. but after the first bell rang everyone began to calm down. i prayed that i would have class with michael. my first class is with carly and we admediately start passing notes THE NOTE! Carly: omg michael jackson is so cute Me: i know right i would love to be his girl Carly: i bet you would lol Me:shut up. hey i hope i have a class with him Carly: me too. now stop writing me Me: ugh watever I didn't have to wonder anymore my next class was science and me and michael were partners. i was so nervous. Michael:(looks at me and smiles) Me:(i smile and then look down) Michael: i guess since we are partners we should know each others names Me: that would be nice and i already know who you are but i'm cassie Michael: nice to meet you. are you 16 too Me:yeah Michael:(smiling)oh ok. um.. i really like your outfit Me:(blushing) thanks i like yours too Michael: do you like science Me:no not really Michael: me either. wat do you like Me: i like dancing Michael:really Me: yeah. wat about you Michael: i like dancing too and of course singing Me: cool. Teahcer: cassie and michael are you done Me and Michael:(blushing)yes we both laugh a little and michael shows me his schedule and we have the same classes for the rest of the day. i lost him on the way to lunch because all the girls started talking to him. Skye:hey Me:hey Carly:hi. so does anybody have any classes with michael Skye: homeroom Me: every class after second period Carly:seriously Me: yeah and we sit together in science Skye: you are lucky Me:(smiling) i guess Carly: sooo.. Me: so wat Carly: wat did you guys talk about silly Me: nothing Skye: you're not gonna tell us Me: maybe later Carly: cool. i hope we get to sit by him Skye: ha don't get your hopes up Me: yeah i seriously doubt we will even get to look at him the table will be so crowded Carly: yeah you're probably right We get into the cafetria and we sit down and start to each then someone comes up behind me Michael: hey i found you Carly: omg. h..hey michael Michael: hi can i sit here Skye: sure michael sits right next to me and we smile at eachother Michael: wat happened to you Me: it was so many people crowded around you i couldn't see you and plus i had to find these two Michael: oh sorry about that Me: it's not your fault Michael:(smiling) so wat are your names Carly: carly Skye:skye Michael: nice to meet you Carly and skye: same here Micahel: so how long have you guys been friends Me: since first grade Michael: wow that's a long time Carly and skye: yep Michael:(laughing) do you guys do that alot Me:(laughing) oh yeah Michael: so how are you getting home today Me,carly,and skye: walking Michael:(laughing again)can i walk with you Me: you wanna walk when you could ride in your limo Michael:(smiling)sure why not Me: ok sure The bell rings and me and michael head to class. he keeps smiling at me and i get nervous. After school we all walk home. we get to skye's house first then carly's. Me and michael walk to my house. Michael:(looking at me) Me:(blushing) wat Michael:you're really cute Me: thanks you are too Michael:(blushing)thanks. you know usually i'm really nervous around girls but i feel different around you. you're really fun to talk to. Me:thanks but i'm still nervous around you Michael:(starts tickling me) well don't be Me:(laughing)ok ok i'll stop Michael:(smiling)good Me: well this is my house Michael: wow it's big Me: yeah my parents make alot of money but i bet it's not as big as yours Michael: maybe maybe not Me:(smiling) Michael: is anyone home Me: no my parents won't be home until later Michael: oh are you scared Me: nope i'm used to it but um.. you could come in if you want Michael: umm... sure We go inside and michael sits on the couch Michael: your house is even better on the inside Me: thanks I turn on some music Michael:(smiling) do i get to see you dance Me: i'm to shy Michael: please don't you dance for your friends Me: yeah Michael: aren't we friends Me: um.. yeah Michael: well dance then Me: ok fine but you have to dance with me Michael: i'm to shy Me: michael please Michael: ok(gets up) We both start dancing and we are having alot of fun. then michael stops Michael: can you help me with my science Me: yeah sure We sit on the floor and i start helping michael. then he looks at me and he is biting his lip(sexy). we both lean towards eachother and we are about to kiss. Michael:(turns his head really quick)wow look at the time i better go Me:(looking confused) is something wrong Michael: no i just need to get home i'll see you tomorrow Me: ok bye Michael: bye Michael leaves and i'm kinda upset because i really wanted that kiss but maybe we should just stay friends. my parents come home and i tell them about my day. Mom:hi sweeite how was your day Me: it was great michael jackson goes to our school now Dad: really? that's cool Me: yeah and we have classes togehter and we are partners in science and we at lunch together and he walked me carly and skye home and i even invited him in. (oops said to much) Mom:WHAT Me: i um... invited him in Dad: you know how we feel about you bringing boys into this house when we aren't here. Me: but dad we didn't do anything and he is just my friend Mom: that doesn't matter things happen Me: why do you guys treat me like a baby Dad: because you don't make good choices Me:(rolling my eyes)wat ever Mom: dont talk to your father that way Me: ugh... i'm going to my room I go to my room and i slam the door. i take my science book out again and a piece of paper falls out. it's michael's phone number. i pick up the phone and call him Me:(ring ring) Michael: hello Me: is this michael Michael:(in a girly voice) no this is cassie Me:(laughing) oh really Michael:yea who is this Me:(in a deeper voive) michael Michael:(laughing)oh hi michael Me:wats up Michael: nothing i miss you so much Me: yeah right Michael: i do i love you soooo much Me:(laughing) i wouldn't say that and i dont sound like that Michael:(laughing)if you say so. i didn't think you would call Me:well i did. wat are you doing Michael: writing a song. you? Me: just sitting here. i'm mad at my parents Michael: why Me: cause they don't like boys in the house when they aren't home Michael: you told them Me: it slipped out Michael: i know not to tell you any secrets Me: wat ever michael Michael: im just playin Me: are you ready for school tomorrow Michael: yeah i get to see yo... umm the fans Me:wat were you going to say before that Michael: nothing at all Me: sure. there is this place that the people at our school go to it's called black forrest couples are supposed to go but me and my friends go to get away from our parents do you think you might wanna go sometime Michael: sure sounds fun Me: ok can you drive? Michael: yeah can you Me: yeah i'll ask my parents can i borrow one of the cars and we can go this weekend Michael: ok well i think it's past your bedtime Me: i'm a grown woman i don't have a bedtime Michael:(laughing)no comment Me:(laughing) bye michael Michael:bye cassie The rest of the week went by fast. school was back to normal because everyone was used to having michael and his brothers there. my parents said i could borrow the car but i had to be back by ten. so saturday afternoon me carly, and skye went shopping. Me: this skirt is so cute do you think michael will like it Carly and skye: DUH Me:(laughing) ok good Carly: so is this like a date Me: kinda but michael doesn't know that Skye: oh god. hey do you think you could introduce me to marlon Me: sure i'll see wat i can do Skye: great marlon is so cute Me: i know. hey how about i ask michael to ask marlon if he wants to come to black forrest and i'll bring you Skye: omg yeah that would be great Me: now i'm really excited Skye: me too Carly: wat about me Me: oops i forgot Carly:(laughing) it's ok because i already have a date Me and Skye: WHAT Carly: i have a date Me: who is it Carly: umm. michael's cousin We all start screaming Skye: when did this happen Carly: wednesday at school Me: omg i can't believe you didin't tell us Carly: sorry i guess when you're dating stuff just slips your mind Me and skye: DATING Carly: he asked me to be his girl We all start screaming and everyone in the store is looking at us so we pay for our stuff and leave. marlon agreed to meet skye so we were all going to be at black forrest tonight. i really hoped michael would kiss me but i wasn't gonna get my hopes up. Me and skye show up and we wait for michael and marlon. when they show up michael gets in my car and skye gets in the car with marlon. Michael: wow you loo great Me:(blushing) thanks so do you Michael:thanks... so lets talk Me: about wat Michael: wat evers on your mind kissing is on my mind lol Me: umm wat did you do today Michael: nothing we went to the studio and played around after that. wat did you do Me: i went shopping with carly and skye Michael: that sounds fun. Me: it was. oh yeah did you know carly was dating your cousin Michael:(smiling) yeah Me:(hitting his arm) why didn't you tell me Michael:(laughing) i thought you knew Me:(laughing) oh sorry Michael: it's fine Me:so.. wat did marlon say about meeting skye Michael: he was excited and he said he saw her a few times and thought she was cute Me: really Michael: yep. wat did she say about him Me: she said he was really cute Michael: she must need glasses Me:(laughing) you are mean Michael: i'm just playing Me: michael can i ask you something Michael: it depends on wat it is Me: it's about monday Michael: oh um... wat about it Me: why didn't you kiss me Michael: um.. i don't know Me: michael please tell me Michael: i was really nervous Me: oh well are you nervous now Michael: a little why.... i lean over and kiss him for like 2 minutes and it was magical. his lips were so soft and i didn't wanna stop. we opened our eyes and michael was smiling and i was blushing Michael: wow i didn't think you were going to do that Me: me either. it kinda just happened Michael: im glad it did He leaned over and kissed me and i knew at that moment everything was perfect! When i got home that night all i could think about was michael's soft lips and his amazing smile and his beautiful smile. i liked him so much and i was hoping that he like me too. i was getting ready for bed when skye called me. Me: hello Skye:(screaming) Me:(laughing) calm down. wats going on Skye: guess wat Me: wat wat tell me Skye: marlon kissed me Me:(screaming)omg how was it Skye: it was amazing. his lips are so soft Me: michael's are to Skye: omg you guys kissed Me: yeah Skye:(screaming) this is so great. i wonder how carly's date went Me: we'll have to call her tomorrow Skye:yeah. oh and guess wat else Me: wat Skye: marlon asked me to be his girl Me: really Skye:yes were are offically a couple Me: wow that's great Skye: i know. well i gotta go see you tomorrow at church Me: ok bye As much as i was happy that my bestfriends both had boyfriends i was a little jealous. i was really hoping that me and michael could take our friendship to the next level. TO BE CONTINUED! SORRY ABOUT ANY SPELLING ERRORS!
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