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This is it part 26
*Sry this took so long, i've been sick, busy and well yeah. here's part 26 enjoy* When we got back to London everybody was at the air port, they were like in a huge mob. When we walked over to them: Candice, Jada, and Maria practically tackled me down to the floor with hugs. I laughed and hugged them to get them off me, then they all grabbed my left hand and stared at it. Candice: Oh my gawd! Itâ??s beautiful Michael! That is so sweet! Maria: let me see (pushes Candice out of the way) oh my! I love it (smiles) Jada: thatâ??s a big rock! Me: (I laugh a little) guys, can I have my hand back, youâ??re cutting off the circulation All: sorry! (they let go) Candice: So have you met Mikeâ??s parents yet? Me: Umâ?¦no not- Michael: Theyâ??re coming up to London in about a week with the kids; theyâ??re very excited to meet you Me: (I look at him) your parents want to meet me? Michael: (smiles) yeah, my mom called me one night while you were in the bath. She was asking a lot of questions about you. She really wants to meet you Me: what about Joe? Michael: (smiles a little less) yes, Joe does too Jada: Can we go now? I laughed at her, she just smiled and giggled. After she said that we left. I was really happy to be back in London, no one is really treating me differently and theyâ??re acting like nothing happened. When we got back to the hotel, Mike and I went to our room while everyone went to thereâ??s. Michael sat down at the edge of the bed and took his shirt off I stood there looking at him and biting my lower lip; he looked at me and giggled. Michael: come here (he grabbed both of my hands and pulled me down on his lap) Me: (I looked at him acting all shy) Michael: (smiles and kisses me) stop acting shy Me: (I giggled) sorry, itâ??s just really fun Michael: (laughs and starts kissing my neck) Me: (I smiled) Michael what are you doing? Michael: having some fun I smiled and shook my head a little bit. I got Michael to quit before it went to far, I had to run down to the drug store to get some pain killers because my back was killing me, and I had a little head ache. I left with a bodyguard when we got to the drugstore cameraâ??s were going off everywhere and people were asking me questions I just walked right through them into the drug store with the bodyguard and we went to the row with pain killers, I had my back away from everyone. When I felt a sharp pain in my neck some one hit me in the neck, I fell to the floor. Then I felt many fists hitting me and feet kicking me, and then I was picked up by someone and slammed against the shelf. Where the heck is my bodyguard! I was hurting instantly I felt blood running down the back of my head down my neck and my shirt was soaking up the blood everything started getting dizzy and I collapsed to the floor weak and defenseless I got kicked in my rib cage and felt it crack then the bodyguard finally came over and got them away from me, as soon as the guard started talking to me I blacked out. About 2 days later I woke up in the hospital sore, I looked around no one was in the room but me, I was worried I tried to sit up but my ribs stopped me. When I tired to sit up a nurse came in. Nurse: hello (she looked at me) oh sweetie lay down, donâ??t move Me: (I lay back down) can you tell me what happened? Nurse: You got attacked by Kanye West fans; they got mad at you and decided to beat the tar out of you. Me: I can feel thatâ?¦. Nurse: yeah Me: Can you tell me whats wrong with me? Nurse: you have about 5 stitches in the back of your head, 2 of your ribs are out of place, your body is bruised up all over, you have a sprained wrist also Me: (I looked down at my right hand) â?¦..come on! (I quickly looked at my left hand) whereâ??s my ring?! Nurse: Your ring? Me: yes, my engagement ring Nurse: Oh (She smiled and opened the door) Michael: (walks in worried) baby, your awake (he walked over to me and pulled up a chair) Me: Yeah Iâ??m awake, iâ?¦I canâ??t find the ring Michael: calm down sweetie Me: Mike they got the rin- Michael: relax (he pulled the ring out of his pocket and slipped it back on my finger) Me: (I looked at my hand in shock then at him) Michael, you scared me to death, whyâ??d ya do that? Michael: safe protection (he winked at me) Me: (I sighed) Michael Jackson! Michael: (smiles) sorry for scaring you babe (he leaned over and kissed my forehead) Me: itâ??s fine just donâ??t do it again! Michael: alright (he sat back in his seat and grabbed my left hand and held it tightly) I canâ??t believe they did this to you Me: I know (I frowned) Nurse: Kelly Me: yeah? Nurse: the doctor will be here in 10 minutes to pop your ribs back in place (she walked out of the room and closed the door) My body grew completely numb; Iâ??m terrified to get my ribs popped in place. Michael was singing softly to me to get me calm, one thing Iâ??m scared of, the doctor. I have been since I was 3 when I had a tube down my throat, before I knew it the doctor walked in and looked at us. Doctor: Michael, can you step outside for a minute please? to be continued...
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