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Christmas For Maria Carmen(2)
~This is Hope again. And this is the next part to my story. I hope you enjoy~ I was staring right at, Michael and Maria Carmen Jackson. And I Have to say, Maria Carmen has a arm for a 5-year-old. I rubbed the back of my head again. Oh, yeah, she has a arm. Michael walked over to me; holding Maria Carmen in his arms. "I am so sorry, sweetie. I didn't know she would do that." He said. I laughed, "Don't worry, Sir." I looked at Maria Carmen. And I made a smile, "Kids will be kids. He looked at his little girl. And smiled himself. "I guess your right" I smiled, "I know it's right. I have a little cousin name Blame. And he acts the same way" Michael turned back to me. "Sorry, I didn't get your name." He said. I laughed. "Oh, right, Sorry. My name is Hope. Hope Christain Wilbanks." Maria Carmen giggled. "That's a funny name." I loved her giggle, it's just like Michael's. I walked over to her. "Well, what's your name then?" I asked her. Michael chuckled. "I'm Maria Carmen Diana Jackson." she said. Michael's eyes grew wide. He must think I'type of fan person to go crazy. But I'm not. I smiled at Maria Carmen."Well, that a very cute name sweetie. Who's your mommy and daddy?" she frowned. "I don't have a mommy." That always did bring her down. She had the best daddy in the world. But with the best daddy...you might need a mommy. I frowned, "I'm so sorry, sweetie, who's your daddy then?" she smiled. "I have the bestie daddy in the whole world." She said. I had to smile at her. She was so cute when she was five. "Who is your daddy, Maria Carmen?" I asked already knowing the answer. She smiled and said, "Michael Jackson." Michael turned his head to his little girl, then he trned to me, "Awww...she has such a cute imagination doesn't she?" he asked. I smiled. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me, Michael." I winked at him. He smiled. "What are you doing here?" he asked me. "Or I just came to walk around." I said. Half of that was true and the other half was very wrong. "Can you come to our house?" Maria Carmen asked. I laughed. "If it's okay with your daddy." Maria Carmen looked at Michael. "Can she daddy? can she?" Michael looked at his little girl and smiled. "I don't mind baby girl." I smiled as I saw Maria Carmen hug Michael around his neck. We made it to Michael's house. Neverland. WOW!!! It's everything like i thought it would be. Michael placed Maria Carmen down. She looked at me. "You are very pretty, Hope." She said. I smiled. "Well, your a very cute little girl." I told her. Michael went into the living room. And like a little duckling fallowing the mother duck, Maria Carmen fallowed Michael. I fallowed them. And when I got there I saw a Christmas tree in there all ready put up and decorated. I know Michael's was still A Jahovas Withness in this time. But Maria Carmen wasn't. And Michael would do anything to make her happy. Like celebrate Christmas with her. I remember in one Interview that Maria was in she said, "I knew my daddy was still a Witness in 1986 but he also knew that Christmas was my favorite holiday. And I was only four at the time. I remember walking into the Living room one morning and daddy was right there with a Christmas tree up." Michael did everything to make her so happy. "Hope, daddy put this tree up bye himself. Ain't it pretty?" Maria Carmed asked me. I samled at her and chuckled some, "Yes, sweetie, it's very pretty. Did your daddy do this on his own or did you help?" I asked her. She smiled and laughed. "I help with the star on top." She was so cute in this ERA. Well...she's still a cute girl in the 2000s still in her twenties...she still cute as she is right now. Michael smiled at us; he thought I didn't notice it. Just then the phone rung. "Excuse me, ladies." he said chuckling. I saw him answer the phone. My heart was beating as I heard him say Frank's name. And I knew where this was going. I just hope I can help out. I heard the door; I knew it was someone in Michael's family. Maria Carmen ran to the door. "Hope, can you help me open the door?" she called to me. I went to her and picked her up. She turned the knob and I walked backwards. I saw Janet, Randy, Jermaine, Tito, Kathrien, Joe, Jackie, Rebbie, and Latoya. This is turning out to be a very...VERY strange December. To Be Continued....
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