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let me show you the way to go *1*
hey everybody i've got a new idea i came up with it yesterday and don't worry, "Samone and Michael:Love Match" will be back in action when i come up with new ideas but until then here's my new story,hope you like it!!! -Samone:) Description: Name:Shardaye Jones. Home:Los Angeles or South Central,California. Age:16 1/2. Gender:Female. Year:1988. Occupation:Running the streets. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The name is Shardaye Jones but my friends call me Hooker; you gon find out why later.i live in the ghettos of L.A. but not the suburb shit,i live in South Central and ima bad girl.i sell drugs,break into people houses,and even fight any bitch that looks at me the wrong way.Today my skoo will be visitin neverland to just take a tour,man i can't wait i know dat michael jackson got some mad cash and i'm gon get me some.our skoo going because that michael dude wants to help disadvantage kids like myself, but i don't need no help because i get what i want and keep cash.we finally arrive at neverland and it's bigger than i thought.i was the last to get off the bus,as we walked up more i seen this man with some dark shades on.He was kinda cute from a distance but when he came closer he was fiiine!He took his shades off and introduced his self.i was so starstruck but i had to keep my swagger and act coo.He lead us to the train and i sat right behind him,he smelled to sexy and he even made me blush a little.i was on the train just thinkin to myself when he turned around and started a conversation with me. Michael:hello i'm michael(holding out his hand) Me:(noding my head) wud up Michael:wud up,is that the new way to greet people? Me:well you know dats what we say in south central. Michael:oh really, never really been there. Me:you should come out der,but i don't think you should..you know wit you being famous and rich..you might get jacked. Michael:does that mean getting robbed? Me:yea yea you catching on that what sup. Michael:(turning around)yea sure. Me:uh uh kiki did he just roll his eyes at me. Kiki:girl calm down, why you actin like dat at dis man house he tryna be nice daamn. Me:you right you right, let me calm down girl. that buster ass train stopped and we got off dat bad boy.michael showed us all around his house den he showed us his amusement park and his game room.i went up in dat game room because i wasn't bout to be messin up my hair with all dat spinin and bouncin in da air and all dem loopty loops shooooot. dat michael dude kept on followin me like i was bout to take his game or sumthing shit i had to get away from him and try to get in that house cause that where da good shit was at.i told my girl kiki to go distract him by talking to him while i slip my way out of der and into dat house.i finally got in the house and i was in paradise,i mean it was shit you would never see in south central in der.man i was havin an adventure in somebody room i think it was his cause he had painting of himself and all kinds of stuff.i was in his drawer and saw all dis jewelry and thought about my homeboys back home dat would love dis.as i was shoving it in my pocket i looked up in the mirror and michael was right behind me. Michael:what do you think your doing? Me:(jumping)man don't walk up on me like dat,if i would had my piece i would bust a cap in yo ass fo scaring me. Michael:(opening up my jacket)is that my stuff that your lifting? Me:i..i..was gon bring it b-back..y-you know i just needed to b-borrow it. Michael:i don't think so(holding his hand out)give it back please. Me:(slamming it in his hand)ugh here dude. Michael:thanks,now i want you to walk with me for the rest of the day. Me:what,man dude you buggin. Michael:no i'm not(making quotations)buggin,i'm serious. Me:and what if my people ask why i'm walkin wit you? Michael:we'll just say we're having a conversation or as you would say rappin to eachother. Me:aww so you got jokes? Michael:(laughing)come on. man that was crazy walking with him all day,i felt like some kind of damn pet or sumthing. it was finally time for us to leave and i was happy to be getting out of der.i got back on the bus and thought about what had happen that day.when i was wit him i felt like i could do anything but i gotta snap out of dis i'm too coo for all dis sentimental shit. hey hope you liked it,i had to change it up a bit.don't forget to vote:)
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