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sasha and mike: (3)
somehow someone had taken me away from michaels arms. the unkown man had taken me by the arm from the shadows of the building. i couldnt even see him. i started screaming and i could see michael panicing and started to sweat. the man held my waist from behind with one hand, and the other on my mouth. my scream was so loud though, even michael heard it. i screamed help and stop. michael: *yelling* JUST STOP THIS AND GIVE HER BACK! me and the mystery guy (imma nick name him crap in the story XD) came from the shadows into the light. when michael saw me scared as hell he was a little teary. michael: please! just let her go! crap: no! i screamed please crap: i want her! shes mine! michael took a step closer michael *firmly yelling* shes mine! i tried jerking twords michael but the crap would always pull me back in. crap: shes not yours! i already did it with her so get lost loser! something in michael just clicked when he said loser. michael threw a punch and hit the crap in the forhead,all thought not the most painful spot, it was enough to let me go and the crap (haha lol) fell against the wall. i ran to michael and hugged him crying me: thank you michael! *sobbing and crying on his chest* michael: please, do yourself a favor and get out of here, ill be fine. me: NO! i screamed michael: leave sasha! its to painful to watch you go through this! me: michael same here! he just hugged me again, and we kinda forgot about the crap, instead of taking me, he took michael. to feel him being ripped from my arms was such a terrible feeling. i didnt see him, he disapeared in the dark. i couldnt see them, but i could hear them crap: imma kill you with this knife if you dont let me have her! *he said so scary* i screamed and fell to the ground. it was to much, i couldnt help it. why was this happening to me? michael: get away from me! he yelled at the crap. then, i heard the most discousting sound in my entire life. a sound of flesh being torn, a sound of a man screaming so loud and high, my ear drums could have popped. michael had been stabbed. i got so angry i just ran in the dark not knowing where i went. then, that AWFUL crap stole me and raped me right there, in front of michael. it was the most awful experience ever. there was a huge puddle of blood around michael, and a lot was on me. it lasted for about 5 minutes until the police came. they saw me being molested and michael on the ground. i thought he was dead. at first they ran over to the crap and beat him XD then the ambulance came and very quickly took michael to the hospital. i put on all my clothes and cried. the police tried asking me questions but tears where their answer. the next day i went to the hospital with no sleep. i checked in and saw michael. he was breathing. when i entered the room i ran over to him and started to cry while holding his hand. he slowly woke up with a smile. even his smile still light up the whole room. me: *sobbing* oh god are you ok? michael: well, after being stabbed and hearing you... uh well being raped and hardly seeing, i guess im ok. me: oh god! i hugged him and rubbed the spot he was stabbed. his chest. slowly in a circular motion. a tear drop landed on his huge bandaid. and soaked through. then michael put his hand over mine and looked at me. i slowly looked up at him michael:im fine i smiled. me: what do you want me to do? michael: get rest and dont waste your time here. the doctor said i will live. and i will be out in a week. me: no! thats crazy talk! im stayin here weather you like it or not. the week had gone by, i stayed there the whole time. when he got out he looked the same before all this crazy stuff happend. i embraced him me: thank god your ok! michael holding me tighter michael: i would have rather gone through that than seeing you go through it. me: dont say such a thing, BOTH of those assholes are being thrown in jail. and we can visit them and throw shit at them michael: sounds like a plan. we walked to his car. he drove. i got in me: michael michael: yea? me: what exactly did you see and hear? michael: well, do you really wanna know? me: i know its kinda ackward but im curious michael: i saw this awful man strip and molest you right in front of my own eyes. and i heard to screaming and crying. it was by far the worst experience in my life. i blushed when he said strip. me: so you saw me... naked? michael blushed and looked away from my eyes. michael: yes. me: wow... you see why that "little" joke of yours was scary? michael looked at me again michael: yes. he looked so serious ususally hes hapy and laughing. i saw a side of him i have never seen. we where silent the whole 20 minutes in the car ride. well of course music was playing but we didnt talk. michael invited me over once we got to a gas station. i agreed. his house was cool and big of course. we talked forever in his room just laying there on the bed watching cartoons. soon enough, we fell asleep i had just spent the night and i didnt even know. i woke up and got a little frightend. i had such a deep sleep i forgot that i was in his house. he wasnt beside me. he was outside on the balcony humming thriller. i crept over to him, my mouth at his ear and he didnt know me *whisper* i didnt know i spent the night michael turned around michael: hello, and yes i apologize. me: no, its fine, i felt safe in your arms. michael blushed michael: what do you mean? me: well, near morning i sorta woke up to you pretty much on top of me. i laughed and he blushed and looked like an apple. me: its ok michael, i didnt mind. instead of pushing you off i continued to sleep, and uh i sorta felt safe. michael still red said " well, thats good i guess" then he laughed. we had a lovely breakfast outside talking. i soon went home. i came to my house and saw stacy stacy: where were u!?!?! she hugged me me: long story stacy: i got time me: *sighs* ok i told her the story and she said this stacy: we are moving! tbc..... -drew
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