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Zodiac Girl vs. Brat Princess pt. 3
Part 3-Enjoy As i entered the room a was terrified to see what happend to it .. As i hated my cousin Yasmin i think she hated me even more thatâ??s why she did all this in my room ... As usually i had posters with Jackson 5 and Michael .. But now there were only pictures of her singers i donâ??t even know who they are and my clothes are on the bed ... I look in the wardrobe and see all her clothes there then i look on the floor and there are all her stuff on the floor she doesnâ??t even bother picking it up my room was so tidy before she came here i hope mom doesnâ??t see it like this .. She has her headphones in her ears listening to really loud music because i could have still hear it even if she had it on headphones .. Me:Yasmin what did you do to my room? Yasmin:Nothing it needed it a little change and that Jackson 5 posters were old so yep thats everything Me:What do you mean thatâ??s everything what about my wardrobe? Yasmin:Well im 16 your only 14 us older girls need more space because we have more clothes Me:That doesnâ??t give you the right to do that so get your clothes out of my wardrobe Yasmin:NO!! Me:Oh yes you will! I jumped on her on the bed and we started fighting we were fighting and we reached the floor i looked up and seen mom taping her foot on the floor .. Mom:Now Destiny you know Yasmin goes through a hard time because of her parents are going to split up and she is our guest be more respectuous and you Yasmin i expect a bit more from you aswell your older and you should be more with your foot on the ground .. Now tell me whatâ??s going on between you 2?? Me&Yasmin:*in the same time*She did it!! Mom: I didnâ??t ask who did it i said what happend? Me and Yasmin were both speaking in the same time and we didnâ??t realised mom got a bit upset ... Mom:One of the time you go on Yasmin Yasmin:Well you see i was just sitting here in my room queitly and listening to music and then she came in and said i took her room and then she jumped on me and started fighting with me so i had to defend myself Mom:*lifting one eye brown up*I doubt it but letâ??s hear your side of the story Destiny Me:Well itâ??s true with her sitting queitly and listening to music but the other parts are not real i came in my room and saw what she done to it and look at my wardrobe she got all my clothes out and put them on my bed and put all hers in my wardrobe is this fair?? And then i told her nicely to move her clothes and then she shouted at me saying no so i got a bit annoyed and jumped on her and thatâ??s how everything started ... Mom:That sounds more credible now girls make-up together and let me see you apologize one another Yasmin:Eww no way i would apologize to that thing Me:*I opened my mouth and was about to say something but mom interupeted me* Mom:*cutting me off*Yasmin apologize Yasmin:Okay auntie im sorry Destiny Mom:Good now Yasmin more your clothes your going to share a room with Pat as our guest room is being redecorated so hopefully that will work out quite well Me:*looking at Yasmin and whispering*Haha Mom:Donâ??t think i didnâ??t heard that young lady apologize Me:Im sorry Yasmin but i still hate you Yasmin:I hate you more!!! I gived her an evil look and so did she then mom turned around and saw us and then she gived us her creppy look which always made me shut up .. It was evening and i was sitting on my bed thinking of Michael and Rachel and what has happend .. As i put my clothes back in my wardrobe i throw myself on the bed and fall asleep ... I woke up the next morning wtih dryed tears on my face from last night or probably i have cryed in my dream ... I get into white dark blue skinny jeans,a balck tank top and black trainers to go with my black tank top ... and got down stairs for breakfast .. Pat:And what are you supposed to be a goth? Yasmin:Its not halloween yet Me:Haha so funny are you 2 suppose to be witches?? itâ??s so unfair they get to be the same age I take my bag hug mom and donâ??t even have breakfast ... As i usually was doing i cycled at school i was there pretty quick luckily Rachel was ill today i didnâ??t wanted to face her today because i think she seen me yesterday when she kissed Michael .. I was just sitting there day dreaming about what is going to happend in the launch time .. Is Michael going to talk to me?? That was what i kept wondering all day long .. The bell rung and luckily i was in my day dreaming mood anymore .. Everybody was out and i was just packing my sutff even the teacher was out of the room it was only me and Edward left in the room .. I grabed my bagpack and was about to get out till ... Edward:Hey Destiny you look very sexy today as usual Me:Thanks but i really need to go Edward:*kissing me on the lips*I bet you liked that Me:*pulling away*Look Edward your a nice guy and i bet a lot of girls want you but the problem is i donâ??t so can you get out of my way Edward:No i need you hunny Me:Edward get out of my way!! I looked up at him and i seen his hand getting closer to my chick after i few seconds i just realised i was on the floor he slaped me .. I touched my chick and when i look at my hand it was blood on it .. TBC...........................
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