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The Perfect Dramatic Couple pt 7
Hey its Lexi this goes out to michael jackson and mjsite Recap-Jermaine just asked us where is our mother and we're crying Me-Well our mother is ummmmm(crying harder than before) Brandon-(in a low voice)dead(bursting into tears) Latoya-OMG u can't be for real So everyone is like in silence but then randy breaks it Randy-(crying a little)well at least she is in a better place Everyone is thinking that he is right Jackie-He's right what do we do now? Me-Can i sleep over cuz im tired Tito-Yeah sure, but wait why are u tired its only 10:30 Me-Because i get tired when i cry(thats true lol) Marlon-well ok go down the hall then make a right then a left and u should see a guest room u and your brother can sleep in Brandon-Okay Me-Wait don't we need clothes? Jermaine-Well we don't want u to have to go all the way to your house when we can lend u some of our clothes Me-who's clothes can i fit im so skinny(thats true) Randy-Thats true but i can lend u a shirt:) Me-Whoa no i mean im a girl your a boy Randy-Well u can borrow my pants and one of Latoya's shirts proplem solved Me-I guess so but im like really gonna go to bed im sleepy Everyone-Okay bye so i walk up the steps and go into the guest room and fall asleep So its 5 years later and i started wearing nothing but black (im not goth)and red since then and btw michael and brandon are 19 and im 15) One day when we get back from school jermaine asked me this Jermaine-Lexi lion why do u only wear red and black? Me-Cuz i can and i want to everyone was like ohhhh u got told Jermaine-Girl don't get rude with me Me-And what are u suppose to do about it Jermaine-Girl ohh no u didn't Me-ohhh yes i did Brandon-Lexi Michaeletta Josephina Washington how dare u talk to him that way apologize right now!!!!! Me-(not sincere)Sorry Brandon-Now go upstairs now Me-No Brandon-See this is why people don't like u.you're to stubborn and sassy. Me-(feelings are very hurt)Well if u wanted me to go u could have said plz but did i hear that no i didn't but i'll go cuz i want to I ran up the steps and i slamed the door shut.But to me surprise michael came upstairs and comforted me Michael-U know brandon didn't mean what he said Me-I know but it still hurt i mean at school im not mean i just dress different Michael-well i don't what to get into all that so just go to sleep and try to forget about this okay Me-okay michael Just as he was about to walk out i said this Me-Michael Michael-Yeah Me-Thank you Michael-(slight laugh)no problem so michael goes down stairs and everyones smiling and stuff michael-What Everyone-(smiling) Michael-what the hell are u smiling for Tito-U like her don't u Michael-no Rebbie-Boy don't lie Michael-ok ok i'll admit this i care for her LaToya-thats all i need to hear im leaving bye One by one everyone starts to leave but soon everyone left and michael is there alone thinking this Michael-(thinking to himself)do i like her as a friend of more than that? (Next day at school) im walking into school and this girl Maria keeps messing with me and talking about me Maria-Haha look at lexi shes a train wreck(her possy starts to laugh) I try to walk away before i do something i regret but she said something that sent me over the edge Maria-(yelling down the hall to me)At least i got a mother and u don't.And if u did she would be a slut like u Thats when i do a 180 degree turn and its dead silence except a few people saying maria shouldn't have do that So i run down the hall and SLAM her into a locker and say this Me-U BITCH DON'T U EVER TALK ABOUT ME OR MY MOTHER DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME.U KNOW WHAT I SHOULDN'T WASTE MY GOOD TIME ON DIRTY TRASH LIKE U.IM JUST SO SICK AND TIRED OF ALL YOUR BULLSHIT!!! Then i walk back down the hall like nothing ever happened and some people were clapping and saying stuff like its about time that girl got a taste of her own meds or like im glad someone gave that bitch a reality check While all that was happening a teacher saw all of it and called maria's parents and me brother So then we got called to the office in middle of math class.when we got there maria's parents were steaming mad amd my brother was kinda chilled I knew i was in trouble because i could already hear maria's parents giving her 3 months for being grounded and if thats what she gets for getting yelled at by me imagine how long i would get grounded for yelling at her but i got the biggest shock from brandon Brandon-Lexi Me-yeah Brandon-I am so.... I hope u liked and maria i hope its ok that i used your name.Remember vote
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