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Zodiac Girl vs, Brat Princess pt. 1
Part 1-Enjoy As i look over in the corner of my eye i see this very sweet boy with a cute afro almost crying standing by his locker with tears in his eyes i got closer as i was afarid to say something i looked in his eyes and as he seen me he looked back and our eyes linked .. I was lost in his eyes until the magic was over as i always knew magic doesnt last long .. I looked up at him and smilied .. Me:Well probably i dont know you but why are you crying? Boy:*Turning around and crying again* Me:Please be strong and belive in yourself Boy:Umm .. im not sure Me:Come on it cant be that bad Boy:Well it kinda is Me:Im Destiny Battye Boy:Are you? Me:Yes i am the daughter of the famous astrologer Benjamin Battye and the famous business woman Estella Battye .. Boy:Ummm .. i wasnt going to ask you that Me:*blushing and turning away*I better go Boy:No dont im sorry for making you bad Me:No its my fault i just cant take it every teacher from like 2 weeks now has been asking me this question Boy:O.. so you are new here Me:You could say so Boy:Well in that case im Michael Jackson Me:Nice to meet you Mike so going back why were you so upset? Michael:*Pointing at a girl*Well you see that girl over there? Me:Yes thats my sister Pat her real name was Mahina but she hated it so she changed it into Pat and no one could say otherwise to her Michael:Well as you see there are a lot of boys who like her and i asked her out and she .. *started crying a bit* she .. Me:Its alright you dont have to tell me i know my sister she is such a pain in the butt ... So let me tell you more about my sister her real name is Mahina Battye but she changed it into Pat she doesnt look like a Pat though she looks like a Mahina she is 16 and she is one of the most popular girls in school she has green eyes with long black hair going up to her shoulder guys .Theres a long line of boys queuing up for her attention.She usually breaks their heart though, simply because she can. So getting back to Michael ... Me:So do you have any brothers or sisters? Michael:I have 5 brothers and 3 sisters Me:Wow .. i only have her but she is as annoying as 10 sisters .. Michael:I can see she is pretty popular Me:Yes thats her i dont like to talk bad about her but thats the truthful truth she is a little bitch .. Michael:I understand .. I Me and Michael got interupted by a girl with long blonde hair,blue eyes and not so tall i could see her presonality was the same as my sisters .. Michael:Well i have to go now Destiny here comes Liz .. Ill talk to you soon Me:Bye Michael nice meeting you I seen Michael going with Liz or whateva her name was down the corridor and i could feel she hated me from the look on her face ... I opened my locker door and when i was about to close it someone put their hands on my eyes .. Person:Guess who? Me:Umm ..Pat? Person:No .. ill give you a hint blonde hair Me:Rachel!! Rachel:I missed you Me:I missed you more how was your holiday? Rachel:It was good but it would have been better if you was there with me too Me:*hugging her*You know my parents they wont let me go anywhere with out them Rachel:Oh yeah especially your dad Me:Guess who i met he is so cute,sweet and fit Rachel:Who? Me:I said guess Rachel:No clue Me:Okay he is kinda tall he has an afrom his smile is beautiful and he looks very shy and inoccent .. Rachel:No way dont tell me you met Michael Jackson Me:Yes i did Rachel:Do you know what grade he is in?? Me:Nope.. i forgot to ask Rachel:Well ill let you know he is in 10 grade Me:So?? Rachel:10th grade guys dont look at 9th grade girls Me:Well how do you know Michael? Rachel:I know that he is very popular Me:Well that doesnt change him one bit Rachel:And i also know that ... Me:What?? Rachel:Well.. Me:Come on you can tell me Rachel:Well its about him and ... ?? TBC.........not making another till i get 10+ plz tell me what you think about my newest story thnx ^_^
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