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The Way He Loves Me(PART16) by Candice
I didn't want to talk to him. I just wanted to think. Why didn't he seem to trust me? He didn't seem honest with me. I felt selfish and deceived. What was happening? It's been a while and I can seem to point out the very reason that made it wrong at that very moment. He came knocking on the door, asking me to come out. "Come one. I'm sorry I was wrong. I should've answered in a much much better way." I heard him catching his breath. Did he run after me? I was still crying. For a moment there was silence. He was talking and so was I. I heard him lean on the door. I decided to open it. I looked at him and now I was trying not to show my tears. He took me in his arms and embraced me. "I'm sorry." he said once more. He just kept on saying it. "Look, I don't want us to fight or anything. I just.. I just..." then I fainted. -----------------------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx------------------------- I woke up because of the cold touch on my forehead. It was the doctor. Michael was sitting at the foot of the bed while the doctor mended what seemed like a wound on my knee. I suddenly remembered running earlier and tripping just right at the stairs. "What were you thinking?" Michael asked as he took me by the hand. "If you tripped completely, you might have lost our baby." He added. He kissed my hand. I was still a bit disoriented. "She needs to rest." the doctor said as he walked out of the room. "I mean it. I really do." He added. Michael gave him a nod and closed the door. He went to the balcony after. I was too exhausted I stayed in bed. I tried to sit up to see what he was up to. He seemed to be looking at the sky again. He turned around and looked at me. "What's wrong?" I asked. I wanted him to come near me and hold me in his arms. "Nothing." He answered. I laid back down and stared at the ceiling. It was so awkward to be in this situation with him. I didn't know what to say. I heard him hum a song. It was FOR ALL TIME. I couldn't help but stand and run to him. I embraced him and kissed him on the nape. He turned around and smiled. "I want you to forgive me." He said as he stroke my cheek. "I feel so embarrassed. I was just taken aback by your question I guess. But honestly, I'm gonna tell you now." He said. He took me by the hand and led me to the couch by the fireplace. "Let's talk." He proposed. We sat down and I put my head on his shoulder. I felt like I was a little girl listening to a bedtime story. "I take prescription drugs from time to time. I admit that. BUT I take it only because I have some pains here and there and because I find it hard to sleep sometimes. Now, I promise I'm limiting my intake." He explained. I looked up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "I understand." I answered. "But please don't get too used to it. You're getting me worried." I added. "Trust me, I wouldn't" He replied with a firm tone. He was singing again and now he was stroking my hair. "I'm tired" I said, interrupting his singing. "Alright then. I'll carry you to bed." He carried me gently and put me to bed. He embraced me and sang me to sleep. The next day... I volunteered to cook breakfast. I was so excited to cook again. It's been so long and I wanted him to taste the food I made. "I'll be going down now. I'll see you in the kitchen." I said as I went out our room. "Wait right there." he said. "kiss me first before you head down." He said with a smile. He was biting his lip and it was the sexiest thing ever. I kissed him on the cheek. "No not there." he said. He seemed to be teasing me. I stroke his hair and caressed his face. "How do you want me to do it?" I asked jokingly. "Like this." He took me by the waist and kissed me passionately. He let go and stroke my cheek. "See you in the kitchen." I was smitten. I smiled and made my way hurriedly to the kitchen, hoping to cook something good. I was planning to make pancakes but it was such a common meal for breakfast. I decided to make Bacon dogs instead. I got the hotdogs and bacon from the fridge and started. I washed my hands and defrosted the meat. While waiting, I decided to make some Passion Fruit tea. I felt such a wife as I wore the apron and worked my way around the kitchen. I carefully cooked the hotdogs and the bacon. After this, I wrapped the bacon around the hotdogs. I decided to cook sunny side up eggs to go along with the Bacon dogs. As I was making my way back to the fridge I slipped and fell flat on my back. For a moment it was hard to breathe and next thing I knew, I was already bleeding. I didn't have the energy to shout. I felt drained right then and there. It was hard to shout and I just had to gasp for air. I felt like I was being robbed of Oxygen as I looked around for help. Thankfully, the maid came in and saw what was happening. I was already getting dizzy and to my surprise, I was crying. "Mr. Jackson! Mr. Jackson! We need a doctor! Mr. Jackson!" She was shouting. As she burst out each word, I was getting even more dizzy and her voice was starting to fade away. Everything was just topsy turvy. I saw Michael by the kitchen door he was shouting but I didn't seem to hear his voice. Before I knew it, I was out.
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