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A Steamy Night with Michael Part 2 of 2
Hey this is Alonna and this is Part 2 of A Steamy Night with Michael. In this story, I'm playing a girl named Bianica. At this point, every single person focuses their attention on Michael when he's leaving... with me. Now its around 1:30am. We walk out the entrance door and greet Michael's two bodyguards. The whole floor that the part is on, the second floor of the hotel, is guarded by tight security. We walk down the hall, to the elevators and walk in. While we were in the elevator, Michael took it upon himself to lightly pinch my behind. I have to admit; I did kinda like it. So I just gave him a sexy look with my eyes and I can tell he loves it. Then we arrive on the top floor of the hotel and we're greeted by another security guard, who hands what appears to be Michael's room key. Michael grabs my hand and takes me to the door of his suite. He insets the key into the lock, opens the door, and we enter the room. Michael: I've gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be right back. Me: Ok. Don't take too long though, I'll be waiting. Michael: *walking backwards and smiling* Alright and uh... just make yourself comfortable. So I look around the suite a little, while I wait on that sexy thing in the bathroom. After about three, he emerges out the bathroom with just his t-shirt and pants, with no shoes or socks on. I was sitting on the sofa and he comes join me... Michael: *smiles* Hey Me: *smiles* You have a really beautiful smile. Michael: Thank you. Of course, its not nearly as beautiful as yours. Me: *smiles* That's very sweet of you to say. Michael: *smiles and looks down* Me: So uhh... do people get to come up here often? Michael: Uhh no actually, no, only a few people can come here. Me: Well how did I get to be one of that lucky few? (Looks at my dress) Michael: That's a nice, sexy dress you're wearin'. Me: *smiles* (Michael stands up) Michael: You wanna go sit over there *points to bed* the light's kinda bright over here. Me: Sure. So I stand up and walk over to the side of the bed. I look back and Michael is staring at my behind... again. I tell him to come closer. He bits his sexy lips and walks slowly closer to me. I step closer to him and put my hands on his shoulders, and run them down his arms, as well as my eyes. I look back up, intensely into his eyes, slide my fingers gently on his chin, and kiss his lips. We're locked in a hot and passionate kiss. Michael wraps his arms around my body, as I wrap my arms around his neck. Then I move one hand down, and rub his chest. He starts kissing and licking my neck as he is unzipping my dress. Once he unzips my dress fully, I push him onto the bed. I step out of my dress, and reveal my black lace lingere underneath. I turn around, and bent down to take off my boots. Then I turn back around and crawl on top of Michael. I kiss him on the neck and pull his shirt off. I get up and turn the lamp off by the bed. As I'm turning off some other lights, Michael sits up and begins taking off his pants. He turns around from laying horizontally on the bed, and lays vertically. I walk back over and Michael has absolutely nothing on. I remove my bra and crawl on top of him. He flips me over and starts kissing my body. He then slowly removes my underwear and throws them on the floor. We get underneath the covers and he crawls back on me. I feel him push his body inside of mine. Oooohh how good that felt. Michael begins moving his body slowly up and down as I'm grabbing and pulling the sheets. Michael: Aaah Me: (moaning) Michael: (moaning too) Me: Ooooohh Michael... So around 3:30am we finally finish and Michael falls asleep. Normally I don't fall asleep afterwards because I've had a bad experience doing that once before. So I get up and put my clothes on. Before I leave, I give Michael one last kiss on the lips. Oh yeah, and I made sure to grab his underwear as a little... souvenir for me to keep. That concluded my one hot and steamy evening with Michael... I have to admit, Michael was one hell of a dancer---and not just on the stage in the spotlight neither.
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