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A friend i met.. part 2
hi there!!! here is part 2, i hope u enjoy the previous part of the story 😊. i hope u enjoy this one too i was shocked for a moment to see that the person who saved me was actually Michael Jackson. i could hardly say anything michael: sara! sara ! (waves at my face) wake up! r u alright?? me: wha..what? yeah i am alright michael: why do u react that way? it's because i am the king of pop? me: no thats not the main reason, i mean I wouldn't have guess that it was u. the only thing that i was thinking that u r just a regular stranger. a very nice stranger. i am so comfortable talking to u that i never even thought that u r the famous pop star. michael: (laughs) really? does my disguise really fool u? me: i mean duh, that never crosses my mind michael: i see, u r happy to see it was me? me: of course i am, i mean even though for some reason, u r just regular person. i would still like to talk to u coz i felt that i could say alot of things with u and u r a good listener michael: ohh thats really sweet sara, its nice to have this conversation with u. u know without any disturbance me: what r u doing here? in this hour anyway? michael: hmm nothing i was bored and i just want to take a walk outside. being like anybody else and hoping that i could bump to someone so that i have someone to talk to. then i saw u and i knew i need to do something. then here we r, having this conversation. me: i see, what r u doing in new york? u have a show? michael: yeah in a few weeks time, kind of alot things in my mind and i just need to take a walk, me: wow thats nice michael, i wish that i could achieve my dream someday like u have achieved yours michael: what do u mean? me: sigh nah just my boss, i wrote this poem and i want him to publish it in the paper so that people could read it. something they can read about where they can relate to michael: mind if i read the poem? me: oh no its not as good as u think michael; come on i am sure its not gonna be bad me: alright so i open my bag and took out the paper, i passed it to michael. as he was reading the poem so tentatively, i was there, tapping the table with my fingers and i felt a sudden cold on my palms, i keep looking at him and waiting for his comment. he put down the paper and looked at me michael: sara, your poem, how can i say this? it's amazing, i love the way u put the words together. its full of emotions and i enjoy reading it. me: really? u do?? michael: of course, its wonderful, really great work. u should really publish this me: but i cant, he wont do it, i guess i should give up writing michael: what??! why would u say this? u shouldnt give up the things u really want most. people like u deserves to get that recognition. maybe u can try other ways to achieve that dream and u can publish that poem someday. maybe not now, but soon if u put ur heart into it. me: really? u really think so? michael: of course i do, as a friend, i believe u can he touched my hand and look at me in the eye with full of trust and sincerity that made me felt a sudden good feeling being around his company. knowing a person like him believes me and even regard me as his own friend. i never really knew the meaning of having a friend who actually like my work and believes in me in what i do. to be honest, i was touched. i smiled and i started to tear up abit but i tried not to show it to him michael: hey u ok? me: of course i do, hmm thanks for the advice and believing in me mostly. u really regard me as a friend? michael: of course, if u regard me as one of yours too me: ok i smiled and keep the paper into my bag. i saw the cab coming when i glanced out the window. i really need to go, me: ohh theres the cab, i better run. i help u pay for the coffee michael: ohh no , it wouldnt be nice me: hey its the only way for me to pay back for saving me and giving me good advice. ( i pay at the counter) i quickly went out and wave for the cab. the cab stopped, then michael called out for me. michael: sara! thank u for the coffee, its nice having u me: no prob and thanks michael: no prob.. wait, i hope we can see each other again. ohh if u need me, this is the hotel number ( writing the number in a piece of paper) here, u just say my name and u r my friend. she would help to connect to my room phone me: (take the paper) ohh thanks michael, u sure i wont be disturbing u? michael: of course not. see u me: see u i went in the cab and as the cab drove. i saw michael in distance waving good bye to me and walk away. the words that keep wondering in my head was really inspirational. my first friend who would give me words of wisdom where most people would criticize my work. i never felt so happy in a long time and tonight was really great. i thought i would do everything alone and its a great thing but having michael being my friend was even better. i hope i get to see him again and my dreams would finally achieved. *michael's point of view* tonight, was the greatest night of my life. i finally got to meet someone who r not only talk to me but regarding me as her own friend. even though, she knew who i am, she never treated me differently and i get to see her as being herself. i cant wait to see her again if i have the chance to share more moments together in this friendship. *sara point of view* as soon as i reached home, i slowly open the door and went into the house as quietly as i can to make sure that i wont wake my mom and dad. i locked the door and tip toed my way to my room. as i reached my room and closed the door, i sighed with relief, i changed my clothes and throw my bag to the side. i get myself tuck in and smiling to myself. knowing what a great night it has been. slowly, my eyes shut. the next morning, the alarm woke me up from my restless slumber. oh god, couldnt get any worse than this? mom: sara!!! my mom went into the room, i spoke too soon mom: what time did u came home last night?!! i have been worried sick me: mom i am sorry, i caught into some trouble last night mom: i thought ur father was waiting for u coz he asked me to go to bed first and he will wait for u. if i knew he fell asleep, i would have waited for u instead me: mom, i am fine and i am sorry. something happen last night and some goons followed me mom: what? omg, then how did u get home? i dont want u to come back late again me: mom, let me explain, while i was followed and they grabbed me. there was a nice man who helped me and he accompanied me till i got a cab which took forever for it to arrived. so while we were waiting, we went to the diner and grabbed a coffee mom: oh my, thank goodness u r alright, he is surely a nice man. we should have him over to thank him. whats his name? me: hmm its michael mom: thats great, u should call him over and we would send our gratitude. better call him. hurry up u r late for work me: hmm ok mom i didnt get to finish what i was about to say that he is michael jackson and she is already excited of having him over to come to my home. she would be shocked if she get to know about it. oh damn, i am late. i hurriedly get myself ready and went out from the house. as soon as i reached there, i was called by my boss to come to his office coz i came one hour late. when i came into his office.. mr perkins: what the hell sara?! u r late again, do u think u own this place that u can come in any time u want?? me: but mr perkins... i can explain.. i mr perkins: shut up ! i dont want to hear it, u better get out and do your work. u better not having any rubbish poem in my office. u have another article to finish it. stop wasting time writing your dumb poems and place your dreams elsewhere. u loser poet! me: ok thats it, mr perkins , sorry for being rude but u r the one who supposed to shut up! u r not the boss of my dreams and i have been doing your work for months and never once u ask anyone else to do ur extra work. here u r , in ur fancy office and u r here to judge me of what i supposed to do? i admit that i was wrong to be late then u should have ask someone to help me to do the article. u r my boss, but u have no right to abuse me with work and said things that r hurtful to me. so u better find someone else better than me to do ur work, i quit! i stomped out from the office and i quickly packed up my stuff from my desk and went off. he never even said anything and stunned for a moment. i dont care, i respect people but they have no right to abuse me and said bad things about what i do. i have my own self respect and i feel so much better. as i went home, i jumped for joy! mom: sara u r home early?! me: mom oh mom, i quit!! i finally quit!! i cant believe i did it mom: what? why did u quit? now how r we going to support financially? me: dont worry mom, i have plans and i know what to do mom: no no dont tell me u want to be a poet? me: mom, this is what i have been dreaming for so long, i dont deserve to be abuse by anyone and i just sit there to take it all in. i want to prove that i can be successful being a poet. i just want u to believe in me mom: ok sara, if this is your decision, i cant do anything and i support u wherever i can. just hope u know what u r doing. me: of course mom, first i need to call someone mom: oh sara dont forget to ask michael to come over for dinner. me: ok mom i went to my room upstairs and i reached out for the phone. i dialled the numbers on my phone. as i hear the tone, my heart keep pumping faster, i cant wait to tell him. i think someone answering me: hello? receptionist: hello, may i know who is this? me: ohh i am here to call for michael jackson, i am his friend. sara davidson receptionist: ohh i see, hmm let me check if he is in his room coz he went out for a photo session and i am not sure if he is back yet and to ensure that if he knows u. i am sorry miss davidson, its privacy me: sure, i understand she put me on hold for about five mins and she answered my call. receptionist: ohh miss davidson,he is in his room now, he just came back and he wants me to connect u to his call. he knows u me: ohh ok, sure thank u receptionist: my pleasure then for a few minutes, my call is connected to his me: hello? michael: oh hey sara! how have u been? me: i have been good! thanks for asking, how r u? hows the photo session? michael: hahaha i am good too, sigh its tiring but its fun too. why r u calling me? any news? me: yes!! i am really excited to tell u right now michael: alright, tell me already! me: i quit my job!! can u believe it? michael: wow thats.. great i think, have u thought it through? me: yes i do, u know when u said to me that there r other ways to achieved that dream, i found that other way michael: well if thats the case, i am happy for u, mind if i ask? what r u gonna do now? me: well i planned to go somewhere where i can express my feelings in writing. a company that would never be afraid to accept my material to be in books. but its gonna take some time to find that kind of job and i need job now to support me financially michael: hmm i have a suggestion, i dont know if u would like it. how bout u can work with me? my previous in charge for the costumes just quit due to personal reasons and my team and i are cracking our heads to look for a replacement. would u consider it? i mean its not what u dream of but u will be seeing me here and there. u will follow me on tours and we get to spent more time . we get explore more places in the world me: well its not what i dream of, i have to admit but it would be fun if i get to hang around with u. i will think about it and i let u know michael: ok sure, just give me a ring if u already consider me: "give me a ring" thats the best slang u can do michael: hey yo , dont ever think i can never do that slang me: hahahha, oh michael i almost forgot, can u make it tonight for dinner? coz my mom asked if u could michael: tonight? hmm i am going to my rehearsal later but i would try my best to come over. me: ok i just say out my address so that u can come michael: alright i gave him my address and i really hope that he can make it later. me: there, u got that? michael: yeah, i call u once i am back from the rehearsal me: ok bye michael michael: bye end of part 2.. part 3 coming
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