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The pure love story part 15
Hi guys, sorry for the late story. I hope u guys will enjoy this one as much as the other parts of my story. Enjoy!! I find it weird that michael just unexpectedly came into my doorstep and asking me out for a surprise. Oh well, trying not to sound rude or anything , i just followed wherever he wants me to go. When we r about to reach the destination, michael covered my eyes and slowly lead me the way.. Me: michael, where r u taking me? Michael: shhh... Just go with it Me: hmmm ok Then a few distance, i heard the laughter of children and loud music that makes me even more curious of where i am. Me: oh come on michael, tell me , can i look now? Michael: hmmm ok, here it is! (Opening my eyes) Me: omg!! I saw a crowd waiting outside the gate of neverland ranch with children and marching band playing the happy birthday music, holding a big banner saying "happy birthday, Sarah!" Me: michael, this is so sweet of u, i am really surprised Michael: u like it? Me: what? Of course i do, its amazing, u put this up just for me? Michael: yeah of course, anything for u Me: why would u celebrate it today? Its only a few more days Michael: well i know u gonna spend more time with ur family and friends celebrating ur birthday and i am scared that i didnt get to celebrate with u Me: why would u think that way? Michael: its because i know u wont and u r mad at me, maybe someone else might celebrate with u so rather than i waste my chances, i better take that chance Me: oh i see, thank u michael Michael: my pleasure Michael kissed me on the cheek and just pulled me to the train stand by together with the children. It was fun, playing around with michael and the children. They just adore him and i really admire that. Even though i might feel guilty of making him feel that he wont be treated the same like before but i just give the chance of showing his love just as a friend which is enough for me but i dont know about him. Throughout the whole day, we have been on the rides and playing waterguns. The children and i even played a pranked on him and pushed him into the pool and of course, he pulled me along. I was all drenched and i ask michael whether he has the towel and clothes for me to change. He just bring me to his house while the children r still playing around. As michael and i went into the house.. Me: omg michael, this place never changed Michael: hahahah yeah of course Me: no matter what, i still find your house is better than mine Michael: no your house is beautiful too Me: no i say your house!! (I poke him) Michael: no i say yours!! ( he poke me back) Then we end up poking each other and arguing whose house is nicer. I had a great time teasing after so long. I even chase him around until we went upstairs to his room. After all the chasing, we finally gave up and rest on the bed. Michael finally decided to get up and take a shower while i wait up until he is done. After 15 min, i began knocking on his door.. Me: hey michael,what took u so long? I am feeling wet and uncomfortable, can u hurry up Michael: alright, wait up cranky Then i heard the knob of the shower turned and he went out with his bathrob, his hair is all dripping wet and the water droplets slowly flow down from the neck to his chest. I was stunned and silenced in the moment looking at his attractive features that makes me melt. But i must be strong and i have to ignore the feelings and hide it from him so i just bring out my casual self and stay cool Michael: hey sara, u going in right? Me: what? Oh yeah duh, of course Michael: oh sara, i placed the towel and bathrob inside so u can use it once u r done Me: oh ok, thanks alot, since when did u take the towel and the bathrob? Michael: hmmm from my cupboard just now, sara , u r here when i took it, u ok? Me: yeah of course Michael: hmm ok then Omg i was so embarass, i was too focused about him that i forgot about one moment here. Oh no, alright stay cool and just enjoy my shower. About 10 mins later, i finally went out with my bathrob and a towel above my head, i went out and saw michael with his red casual wear shirt, black pants and a buckle belt around his waist and leathered shoes sitting on the bed waiting for me. Again, i was stunned and i couldnt help myself, i find that i only attracted to michael than anyone else. Omg i cant believe it, i still love him. Michael suddenly came to me closer and closer and put his hand on my cheeks, letting me feel his warm touch against my skin. Right then, i knew i was hypnotised Michael: sara, sara!! U ok? Me: what? Yeah i am Michael: why r u like so stunned whenever u see me? Do i look ok? Me: yeah of course, just that i dont know, its been years since i saw u and i am still mad at u of course but i tried to avoid what i feel then when i see u, i was mesmerized and feel things that i ever before not with anyone else but to u , only u and i.. Michael: u what? Me: i.. Forget it Michael: sara, u still love me do u? Me: i cant tell Michael: sara, u know u cant lie to me Me: what can i lie about michael? About me still loving u? u left me two years and suddenly u just came into the picture. Michael: please dont assume it the wrong way, i wish i could tell u but its not the right time yet Me: fine enough of feelings, we just stick as friends Michael: ok fine Once michael go out, i quickly changed. Michael starting to affections towards me and he just try to keep away. He was hiding something and doesnt want me to know at the same time, he respect me and my decision to be friends. I am sorry to hurt u michael but u hurt me first. I got out from the room and noticed that its getting late. Michael decided to send me home and right the porch of my house and said something Michael: sara, first of all, i am really sorry and i really want to let bygones be bygones and to make it up to u again, i brought u this.( he took out a present) Me: oh michael, u dont have to give me anything Michael: its alright, take it Me: alright, thank u michael, after all i treated u, u still want to give me something Michael: its nothing, u r worth it Me: thank u, well bye, keep in touch if u have the time Michael: sure, happy birthday Me: thank u As i went into the house and michael already left, i decided to open the present and i took out a heart shaped locket and there is a picture of us when we were collegues at the production and we were close friends, theres even a note in the locket. It says: Dear sara, we have our ups and downs but we knew we would always find a way to get back to each other no matter what. Even as friends, we r willing to share the great moments together. U r sweet as honey and beautiful as the moonlight in the night sky. I love u sara, happy birthday. Love, michael I tear up abit after i read the note and its wrong for me to stay vengeful towards him. Maybe i should give a chance to be friends again. I know it wont be so bad, what could happen? End of part 15, part 16 coming
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