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The pure love story part 12
Hello guys!! This is the other part, hope u enjoy!! The next morning, i woke up from my peaceful slumber while i stretch out my arms wide and get off from my bed. I walk into the bathroom to have a nice warm shower. After i finished, i changed into my tshirt and jeans and also have the opportunity to pack up my stuff for departure at 9pm. Oh my gosh, without realizing it, its already 8am. Michael was still at the couch sleeping so peacefully. As i came to the couch and wanting to wake him up, my mischievious character suddenly came to me and come up with an evil plan. I hide at the side of the couch and when the time is right, i scream directly at the side of his ear. He quickly woke up and jump for a moment. I laughed so hard Michael: Oh my god, Sara, u r bad!! U really scared me Me: hahahahahahhahaha u should have seen the look on your face when u jump like that. Michael: really?? Come here u Me: michael no!!! He quickly chase me around the room as i was trying my best to get away from him. I even throw pillows at him to slow down his pace but he was just too fast. My heart is beating fast and he finally caught me. Wrapping me in his arms, he begin to tickle me and i couldnt stop laughing, i felt that my stomach just want to burst. When we got tired, we just sat down on the couch, panting and sweating. Me: omg michael, u sure really can run fast Michael: of course, that was fun Me: yeah its fun being with u Michael: hahahaa u r so sweet Me: of course, omg michael we r late, come on go and take a bath Michael: awww do i have to? Me: just go and take a bath, stinky Michael: give me one kiss Me: no go and shower I just keep pushing him to the bathroom and he keep asking me for a kiss. Michael: sara , just one kiss Me: hmmm ok When i come close to him then i just push him and close the door. Me: better brush your teeth and get yourself clean Michael: hahahaha ok ok sure After i ask michael to take a shower, i quickly take all of his clothes and pack them in his suitcase. I even put out a nice shirt and pants for him to wear later after he showered. Once he come out from the bathroom, i quickly went out and close the door because i dont want to interupt his privacy. I waited him by the couch and watch tv then i heard a doorknob turn. When he came out from the room, he is completely well groomed and ready to go. He brought out all of the suitcases to the front door. Michael: so ready to go? Me: yup, u look really good Michael: thank u, u too I got up and switch off the tv, i help him to bring out a few of the suitcases which mostly belong to me and he would bring his own suitcases. As we go down to the lift lobby, his bodyguards were there to help us guide to the limo and on our way to the airport.. While in the limo Me: i feel sad leaving paris so soon, its so beautiful here Michael: i am sorry i didnt get to stay with u here longer, we need to finish up the song for the album. Its ok, maybe one day, we will come again. Me: yeah, i cant wait for that day where we finally be together again in the city of love again. Without any disturbance or work Michael: hahahahaah oh well, if u wish for it, it will come true Me: thats true, michael, can i ask u something? Michael: sure? Me: have u always wanted to become famous? I mean must be great being loved by everyone Michael: well, its really great, i get the opportunity to see the world and get whatever i want. I get to pursue my passion as a singer. Loving my fans all over the world. Its great but...( his smile turned into a frown) Me: but... Whats wrong? Michael: well i cant be normal like any other people, doing normal daily things and being in my own privacy. I didnt get the chance to know more people and i would sometimes feel lonely. Thats why, i would fill my loneliness by spending time with children so that i can forget my sadness and wanting to spread the love to all the people in the world. Making that change Me: well u did, u r kind and pure, u did so many things for other people and not asking anything in return. I am sorry that u ever feel that way, why would u want to love a person like me? Michael: its because u remind me of how i used to be and a piece that can fill my empty heart. I dont care who u r but i know u made a change in my life Me: u did for me too, alot of times Michael: i am glad that i did He suddenly hugged me tight and i could feel his tears running down. His pain is so real that i would never imagine he would feel this way, i feel sorry for him that i wipe his tears and give him a big smile. He smiled at me in return and just kiss me on my forehead. Michael: omg i am sorry, its not right for me to cry in front of u (wiping his tears) Me: its ok to cry, i wont mind Michael: thanks for making me feel better Me: its nothing Just when we reached the airport, we finally took the departure and went off to america. As soon as we reached there, michael send me back to my apartment and he went home. I finally get to rest at home after a wonderful trip to paris and get to lay down on my comfy bed. On the next day at work, my team and i finally finished the songs for the album, michael and i went out for dinner for a celebration of the completion of the songs. When days become weeks and weeks become months, michael and i have spending alot of time together at work and outside of work. We would spend time at my apartment to talk abt the crazy things we did and we might plan for the future like our wedding, kids and growing old together. Whenever we spend our time together, we felt that time is endless and we share the similar interest in music and hobbies. I even told michael that my dream is to become a great singer one day where i can travel and meet new people. Michael always say that anything is possible and he would always support me all the way. We might fight sometimes in small things but we would somehow find a solution to resolve. However, as time went by, michael was acting different around me, he never come to my apartment or even gave me a call. He was never around at work and i would ask his collegues, they kept saying that his busy and working his song in another studio. I kept calling him and he never answer, i went to his house but the security guard said that he went home to meet his family. Why is being distant with me? With my heart full of worries, i stop writing songs and became really depressed for a moment. I stared at my phone, waiting for his call endlessly day by day but never once he called. I feel mad and upset. Then one day, one call that brought me back to reality.. Me: hello? Michael: hello sara ( his voice shaky and dull) Me: michael??!! Is that u?? Where have u been? R u ok? Whats wrong? Michael: yes sara i am fine, i have been busy for awhile Me: awhile?? Its been a month since u have gone, whats wrong michael? U make me worried sick Michael: i know i am really sorry Me: lets meet, i really want to see u, i miss u Michael: sara, i am sorry, i dont think we can meet anymore Me: what? What do u mean? Michael: i mean we r not working out, lets go do our separate ways from now on Me: michael, why? We r so happy together Michael: we r just not working out, i want the best for u, i dont want because of our relationship, u would jeapordize ur dream. Go live ur dream sara Me: but let me achieve my dream with u Michael: we cant, be strong sara, i cant bear to hurt u Me: michael, please dont Michael: just forget me sara, i am nothing to u and i will hurt u. I have been lying to u and i just say that i have feelings for u so that u could write me more songs for my album. I dont have feelings for u, i cant bear the lies Me: what? Thats not true, why would u ever be in my life? The promises, love, hugs and kisses were lies? The first kiss we had? Lies too Michael: yes... Me: how could u? Thought that i would never be hurt by u. Fine, good bye michael and have a good life. I am sorry for being in your luxury and i am quitting my job there. I hung up the phone, i began to cry and throw all my things around. Tear the pictures of my memories with him and the gifts given to me. I cried the whole that day with all of the pieces scatter around my wooden floor. Tears of despair flowing down my cheeks as i could feel my heart breaks into a million pieces. Thinking of the lies he said to me and the things he have done for me. On that day, i made a vow to never be hurt by anyone again and show to him that i can be strong and find my journey to success without him. I will not end up like my mother and achieve my success like my mother wanted me to be. Then i decided to call jane Jane: hello Me: jane its me Jane: oh hey babe, whats up? Me: i want to tell u something, something terrible Jane: what is it? Me: its michael, we r over Jane: what???! Why? U two r so happy together Me: thats what i thought Jane: r u ok? Me: hmm no obviously, can i meet u tomorrow? At the coffeehouse at 2pm? Jane: sure anything for u babe Me: ok i just see u tmr Jane: ok take care of yourself Me: ok i will bye Jane: bye As i hung up the phone, i just clean the mess and went straight to bed. When i glance towards my cabinet, i hold up a letter that states "motown records" and i thought of a new idea of working there. But i am still thinking abt it, i just put down the letter and just sleep. Michael point of view I cant believe what i have just done, it must have hurt her alot right now and i cant bear to see her hurt. If only she knew that i never meant what i said and the truth. I would never want to leave her and i love her too much that i just want the best for her. I would do anything to protect her from any harm. Sara, i am doing this for ur own good, i love only u no matter how long the time flies, i will find u again when the time is right. Please dont hate me for what i did and i will do anything to make u happy again, i promise..... End of part 12, part 13 coming soon !!
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