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The pure love story part 11
Hi guys, this is my other part of the story! I hope u guys enjoy my other parts of the story and i try to make it as interesting as possible so enjoy! ;) As we opened the door, there was unexpected surprise and all my life, this is one of one my most hated surprised ever as i saw a woman siting at the couch with her high stilletos, tight skirt, pink blouse and wearing her gucci shades and it was none other than michael's best friend, suzanne. Suzanne: omg, michael, u r back early, i was just starting to miss u ( comes over to michael and kissed him on the cheek) Me: hmm excuse me? Michael: suzanne?? What r u doing here?? What r u trying to do? ( he grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her away) Suzanne: hey michael, i know i have been very naughty and all but is this the way to treat your old friend? Just because u have a low class preety wannabe, u r going to treat me this way? Michael: suzanne! How dare u say about sara that way? She is the most beautiful person i have ever seen and she light up my life. U r my friend but this is really unacceptable. I am sorry suzanne, i am going to ask u to leave Suzanne: wow michael, i cant believe someone like u can fall for someone like her, i applaud for your greatness and stupidity for choosing her instead of me, bravo michael ( giving a slow clap with a sarcastic tone) Michael: say anything u want suzanne, i will never regret meeting someone like her. If u r happy now, u can leave ( opens the door) leave! Suzanne: ok michael, i will go, but whatever it is, i will always know where u r like right now. i know u r going to paris so i followed u for a surprise but instead i found her beside u. This is not over She walked out from our room and michael slam the door hard. His face were so red and he is filled with so much anger. He walked away from me quickly, trying not to show me his anger. I never seen michael get angry before in my life and i dont blame him. My heart was breaking from every word that came out from suzanne's mouth and i was really worried of what our relationship can become but i was surprised that michael is willing to stand up for me and defend me. I was actually touched by his words and action. However, i want to know if michael is still angry about the situation. He was sitting on the couch with his head bowed down and covering his face with his hands. I came and sit with him, started to pat on his shoulder, just to break the silence... Me: michael? R u ok? Michael: (sighing and looked up to look at me) i am sorry sara, i never expect she would be here. I never expect her to do this way, i thought she was my friend. I cant accept the way she say to u with those harsh words because i know all of it is not true. I am so sorry that i burst out in anger that made u feel scared. Oh my god, i am really sorry sara ( hold my hand) Me: michael, its ok, i understand. Sometimes people can change and they sometimes that they dont realize whatever the things they are doing. To be honest, i was kind of hurt from all the things she said to me but i forgive her because its just a misunderstanding. She was too in love with u that she didnt realize what she is doing. Michael: sara, why r u being so nice? Me: because i believed that being nice to people who dont like u is the bestest way to treat a person Michael: but she is trying to take me away from u sara, i wouldnt like that Me: if it wasnt meant to be, maybe u r really belong with her Michael: sara??! What r u talking abt? U dont even care if i am with someone else? I love u sara, i will die without u. I waited for u all my life and i am gonna waste that just because of one woman. There must be a reason why we meet at the audition and sacrifice my time with u Me: i am not preety as her, u can change ur heart anytime Michael: sara, u r the most beautiful person i have ever seen, strong and determined and passionate. U r the reason that i found happiness other than money and fame. The reason i am able to succeed by having u in my life after for so long. My heart was stolen from u and it cannot be stolen from anybody else even for suzanne. Sara, do u love me? Me: yes i do, with all my heart Michael: then please believe me, eventhough suzanne tried to seduce me and threaten me but i dont care. I madly in love with u sara Me: wait, she seduced u? When? Michael: back at my house, before we came here. But sara, i swear to u nothing happened. I never felt seduced sara, just feeling scared and thats why she threatened me and came here. All the time, i have been thinking about u and i felt really guilty after that incident. I wanted to tell u after the conference but when u introduced me to ur surprise. I forget and i was seduced by u, the only girl who can rock my world. Me: please dont remind me of it, is it true? U never felt the same with suzanne but only to me? Michael: yes of course I was shocked to know that i was the first girl that made him feel that way. I dont want to say that its really good news but i was touched. It shows me how much he loves me that he never even once felt seduced by any women. I was abit upset when he never told me about the incident with suzanne but i know that i believed him because i could feel his sincerity with every word that came out fr his mouth. So i decided to forgive him Me: michael, i believe u and i hope that whatever u r saying would be true and come mostly from ur heart Michael: sara ( put my hand against his chest) do u feel that heartbeat? My heart will always be telling the truth especially to u and my heart will always beat faster whenever i am with u. I promise always fight for our relationship to last forever Me: i promise to fight together with u despite all the troubles we have. I love u michael Michael: i love u too sara He hugged me tightly and kissed me repeatedly on my forehead and cheeks. I hugged him tight too and i felt that i will never want to let him go. I could feel the warmth from soft touch and his breath touching my skin whenever he kissed me on the forehead. I was feeling warm under his touch and smelling his sweet scent of his body. As we let go, michael wanted to kiss me but i stopped him as i was thinking of doing something. Michael: sara, why wont u let me kiss u? Me: i want to do something, wait here I went into the room and grab a silk cloth. I came back with the cloth in my hands and michael look at me in curiosity. Michael point of view I was shocked seeing sara with a silk cloth in her hands and my question into my mind and i couldnt find the answer in any of them so i just follow what she needed me to do. Sara: michael, this cloth represent darkness and many problems in life and might blind u in so many ways. Turn around Me: what r u doing? Sara: just turn around Me: hmm ok, this is weird Sara: shut up She started to wrap the cloth around my eyes and it was dark, i couldnt see her but i know i could sense her presence and her voice infront of me Sara point of view After i wrap the cloth around his eyes, he cant see me and i began to said something to him Me: michael, u cant see me right? Michael: hmm no Me: but u can hear me? Michael: hahahahah of course, sara what r u doing exactly? Me: michael, so many things might happen to blind u from seeing me and stopping u to be with me but can u feel this? ( putting his hand on my chest) Michael: yes i do, its your heartbeat Me: this is to let u know that, whatever happens between us, always know that this heart will always beat and it beats only for u michael. Love will always find a way for us to return. Come sit down I carefully leading him to sit down on the couch and ask him to lay down on my lap. With his hand still on my chest, i ask him again Me: do u still feel that? Michael: yeah its getting faster Me: its because something is going to happen Michael: what? I pushed his hand away and i kissed him on the lips. With his eyes still covering, he could still my tender loving kiss which is true and sincere. I love him so much that i want to prove to him how much my love really worth. He have done so much for me to prove his love and its my turn to show. As we began to apart.. Michael: wow, i definitely feel that. It was the best kiss i have ever had Me: so its not the best when u first kiss me? Michael: i didnt say that, its the bestest first kiss. I never feel like this before Me: u have done so much for me and maybe i do the same for u Michael: without even seeing u, i could still feel so much love from u ( he took off the cloth) He got off from my lap and carry me to the bedroom. He tucked me in and give me a goodnight kiss while he went out to the living room to watch tv. I sleep and cuddle myself to bed. I smile with full of happiness.... Part 11 ended. Part 12 coming soon! :)
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