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You're The One 28
Please vote -Kayla Today is the last day of school. Also known as my last day of my junior year. I don't think everyone at school is showing up today. There's really no point. All of the seniors, however, have to show up. Today is their graduation. I know its weird having graduation on the last day of school. Well anyways, since all of the other grades don't have to show up, they chose not to come on the last day. But me and my friends chose to come. Well, I made them. I sorta had a surprised planned with the help of Ray and Jade. We planned it all out yesterday while we were walking. *Flashback from yesterday* Jade: What did you have in mind, Ray? Jade gave Ray a devious look. These people are really starting to creep me out. Ray saw my disturbed expression and quickly comforted me. Ray: Don't worry, Cierra. We're not gonna brainwash MJ or anything. He likes you, you like him. You're both ready to take that final step. MJ just needs a little extra push. I nodded my head slowly in understanding. He's right. But what's he onto? Ray: Just tell him how you feel. A part of me knew he was gonna say that. Me: I already tried that. In the chemistry lab. When we were alone. I tried! But he turned me down! My eyes were tearing up just thinking about how he broke my heart yesterday. Its like he doesn't know what he does to me. Ray held up his finger, as a way of telling me to hold my tears. Ray: I know. But this time, tell him how you really feel in front of everyone. I raised an eyebrow in hope that tiny gesture would explain my thoughts. He lost me there. Ray: We can get everyone's attention. Then, so on. MJ is totally into big speeches, he'll never be able to say no, especially since you put this all together for him. I looked over at Jade who had an indescribable look on her face. She looked impressed, but at the same time confused. And so did I. Me: So, you want me to guilt him into dating me? Ray: No! Well, yeah. Sorta. I don't know. Do you like the idea or not? He was obviously growing impatient. I looked over at Jade who was also waiting for a answer. We finally arrived at school, where I finally gave Ray and Jade my answer. * End of flashback * So here I am, checking myself out in my mirror. I have to admit. I do look cute. And I want to look cute for my big day today. Yes, that's right. I agreed to Ray's plan. But not because I like it. I'm actually nervous about it. Ray and Jade wouldn't leave me alone about it all day. I texted MJ and told him not to pick me up this morning ( part of Ray's plan). He didn't argue though. His response was actually cute. MJ: Alright, but this is the last time. Oh, and I have to tell you something when you get to school. I sorta just ignored the last part. It could wait until the assembly. I had to walk alone this morning. Even though Ray wouldn't let me ride with MJ, he didn't arrange for me to walk with anyone else. I was about to turn into the alley when I remembered about my normal route. The one I was walking down before MJ showed me the shortcut. I looked down at my hands. I had only 8 minutes until the bell rings. Since I have no one to walk with, I decided to continue walking down my normal route. I just spent the whole time thinking to myself about how this plan is gonna go. Am I just gonna make a fool out of myself? Will MJ actually say yes? My thoughts were cut off by a car's horn honking. Please don't let it be MJ. I thought to myself. I turned around to see Roc Royal's car. Gia was waving her hand at me through the passenger's window. Gia: Wanna ride? I almost forgot Roc Royal had a car. Well, Ray didn't say anything about riding with Roc Royal and Gia.... During the car ride, I told Roc Royal and Gia all about Ray's plan. Gia seemed to think it was a great idea but Roc Royal was thinking the same thing I was. What if he says no? Gia hit him on the arm, but I had to agree with him. This plan wasn't exactly foolproof. So Gia made a few changes. Instead of announcing my love for MJ in front of the whole school, or just have a toast for my love in the cafeteria. Sure, its not exactly foolproof, either, but there's less of a risk of getting in trouble on the last day, and the gym would've already been set up for the graduation. I had to hand it to Gia, she's good at coming up with ideas, but still not so good at making me feel better at the moment. We finally got to school, and I tried my best to avoid Ray, Jade, and MJ at all costs. I finally got to my locker unnoticed, until I felt a pair of hands covering my eyes. Please don't let it be MJ. ??: Guess who? I recognize that voice anywhere. I pulled out of his grasp and turned around to face him. ??: Hey, Cierra. You look good today. Me: Thanks Brandon. Brandon: Gia told me about your little plan. I rolled my eyes. Thanks a lot Gia. Me: It wasn't even my plan! It was Ray's! And I don't even want to do it! Brandon raised his eyebrows in shock. But I could tell he was just over exaggerating. Brandon: Whoa! Calm down! I don't care who's plan it was. I just wanted to say good luck. He gave me a slight smile. I returned it before giving him a friendly hug. Suddenly, in the corner of my eye, I saw MJ approaching us. He looked like he had something on his mind. Me: I gotta go. He saw what I was running from and quickly caught on. I have to wait until lunch to talk to MJ. Its all part of the stupid plan. I immediately started walking the other direction away from MJ. Me: Oh! And don't tell him about the surprise. I told Brandon, before getting lost in the crowd. But that didn't stop MJ from following me. I tried losing him couple times, but it was no use. MJ: " Cierra"! I heard him call my name. I cursed under my breath before turning around. He was about a yard away, shrugging his shoulders. As if he knew that I was trying to avoid him. I almost felt sorry. But I can't ruin this. Just at that moment, the school bell rung. Saved by the bell. Me: I gotta go to class. I called back to MJ. He just stood in the middle of the hallway, looking defeated. I wanted to turn back, but I didn't. I couldn't. And he'll understand when lunch time comes. First period over. Second period over. My heart was racing as I entered the cafeteria. I was expecting all eyes to be on me for some reason. But they weren't. Not yet. I started to calm myself down when I realized that there aren't that many people here today. That made me feel better. Sitting at the table today is everyone except MJ. Ray: I asked some friends to stall MJ so we could get this all set up. Are you ready? Everyone at the table eyes were on me. I nodded slowly, looking around. Ray: Great! I don't think Ray noticed my nervous expression. He seems like he's more into this than I am. As if thinking the same thing as me, Gia butted in. Gia: Why are you so excited about this Ray? Its like you and Cierra can't catch your breaths for two different reasons. She stood up. She put her arm around my shoulder, comforting me. My heartbeat started to slow down, but not a lot. Ray: Cierra's into this too, right Cierra? Me: I'm just not that into public speaking. Gia: That's not it. You love talking. You're just nervous cause its MJ. I ignored her but Jade and Ray " ooh" at her like immature elementary kids. Suddenly, MJ walked through the doors frantically searching for something. Not something. Someone. Me. Ray: Ok, now is your cue. Are you sure you still want to do this? I shrugged. Ray: Ok, I'll take that as a yes
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