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You're The One 22
Please vote -Kayla MJ and I arrived at school with 30 minutes to spare. Mrs. Jackson let me wear one of her outfits. She actually has a great sense of style. MJ and I got out of the car and headed straight to the office. The secretary looked at us like we were crazy. ??: There are 28 minutes left of school. Why did you decide to show up now? Me: There was an emergency at home we had to take care of. ??: What was that emergency? MJ: Cierra had to go to the doctors and I wanted to go with her. My mom called the school this morning an hour ago. The secretary gave us a blank look. ??: Oh yeah. She did. But as I said, there are now only 25 minutes left so there is no point in going to class. I decided to sit down on the bench. MJ watched me sit down, than turned his attention back to the secretary. MJ: Well, can we wait here until school's over? We really need to talk to someone. MJ gave the secretary the cute little pout face. And again, she fell for it. Like she did with Ray. She smiled and gestured him towards the bench I'm sitting on. MJ sat beside me and held my hand in his. I guess he could tell how nervous I was. Something always goes wrong when I try to break up with Ray. I hope this time it will stick and he finds someone new. My thoughts were interrupted by MJ's voice. MJ: Are you ok? I looked down at my hands (one of them in his) and nodded. He let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulder, kissing my forehead. I immediately felt 10 times better. MJ: Don't worry. Third times a charm. I looked up at him. I know he was joking. Me: I think it's been more than 3 times. I was also joking. He smiled, causing me to smile. MJ: But seriously, Ray's bad news. He doesn't care about you like the rest of us do. You deserve better. So that's why you have to break up with Ray. And the sooner the better. Why does he want me to break up with Ray so badly? I know he's hurt me multiple times and maybe even got me pregnant, but MJ has nothing to do with my abusive relationship with Ray. So why does he care? We waited for the rest of the school day, exactly as we were with his arm around me. Finally, the bell rang. We both got up and I walked out of the office, followed by MJ. Suddenly, the students started piling in the hall. But no sign of Ray. Roc Royal and Princeton managed to see us through all of the madness. MJ: Roc, have you seen Ray? Roc Royal: Yeah, he sat with us at lunch. But I didn't see him last period. Princeton: Oh, by the way Cierra. Ray and Gia were looking for you. Me: I thought he would be. Roc Royal and Princeton left through the front doors as the crowd started to disappear. But still no sign of Ray. MJ: Where could he be? They said he was at lunch. I shrugged. Suddenly, his face lit up as if he got an idea. He started running down the hall and iI followed him. Finally, he stopped at the chemistry lab door. MJ: Any chance he could be in here? Me: What would he be doing in there? MJ: He could be with another girl. I literally prayed to God for MJ to be incorrect. He opened the door and to nobody's surprise, there was Ray kissing another girl. But the girl he was kissing turned out to be Jade. Yes, Brandon's girlfriend Jade. Ray: Baby I- I held up my hand to stop him. I turned around to leave, until I saw MJ in the doorway. The look on his face reminded me that this is the last time this pain in the ass is gonna mess with me. I turned back around, I had to get this off my chest. Me: Actually, let me tell you a little story. Ray looked at Jade, who's shirt was missing. She awkwardly turned her attention to me, and Ray did the same. Me: This story is about a girl named Cierra. Cierra is so stupid because she went out with a guy named Ray. Their on and off relationship was becoming too much for Cierra to handle, so she decided to break it off for good. She wanted to be polite about it, but sadly she caught Ray kissing another girl. One of her closest friend's girlfriend to be exact. The last part made me break out into tears that I have been holding in for way too long. I knew breaking up with Ray would be hard, but I didn't know it would be this hard. I saw that Jade had started crying too. She had also put her shirt back on. Now, she was sitting on the table with her head in her hands. I would have loved to see the old Jade like this, but not the new one. She didn't deserve this as much as I didn't. Me: So, I guess the point to this story is I'm done. I don't like being hurt. I don't like falling asleep crying, and waking up in strange places. I don't like feeling unwanted and cheap. I hate this relationship, if you can even call it that. I wiped my tears, symbolically saying that I'm done with the tears and the pain. I looked up to see Ray's head down. He was crying too. I have to admit, he's taking this way better than I thought he would. Me: Ray, I'm finished. It's over... For good. And with that, I turned around and left. And I didn't look back. I heard footsteps behind me, but I still didn't look back. I felt... Bittersweet. Happy, that its finally over. No more Ray. We're done. But sadly, he didn't stop me from leaving. MJ was right, he really doesn't care about me. MJ: You did great. He put his arm around my shoulder again. I faked smiled then looked back down as we walked down the hallway. But before we walked through the doors, I glanced over my shoulder. No Ray. I guess it really is over. So then why do I still feel so incomplete? I got in the passenger side of MJ's truck as he started it. MJ: Cierra, what's wrong? He pulled the key out the ignition. I gave him a confused look. Me: What do you mean? I'm fine. But somehow he knew I was lying. He always does. MJ: No you're not. What's wrong? It's finally over!! Ray is out of your life!! You should be happy!! I faked another smile. Me: I'm fine. I just really want to go home right now. MJ sighed as he put the key back in the ignition. He's right. I should be happy. But I'm not. And I don't know why. TBC....
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