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You're The One 16
Momo, I didn't have any ideas for part 2 of your story. But I hope someone can help you with some ideas, because I am in love with your story. Please MJ lovers help momo with her story. And don't forget to vote. - Kayla I fell asleep on the couch when my sister dropped me off last night. I woke up with what felt like a hangover the next morning. Even though I don't remember having alcohol last night, and will never will. I do remember crying myself to sleep, but not having any headache medicine. Anyways, I woke up because I heard Spongebob on TV. I sat up and saw Xavier sitting on the other side of the couch, eating a bag of chips. Me: Why are you so inconsiderate? Don't you see me sleeping here? Xavier: Why are you so stupid? Don't you know I always watch tv here? I didn't even want to deal with this child right now, so I just got up and made my way upstairs. I went into my room and slammed my door behind me. ??: Whoa!!! Why are you slamming the door? Your family is trying to sleep. I heard a familiar voice. It was a woman talking, and her voice was sweet. Me: Shanice, what are you doing here? The door opened slowly and walked in... My mom. I jumped out of my bed and slowly backed away. It couldn't be her!!! She died 5 years ago!!! I walked around to the back of my room, as far away from that thing as I could possibly get. I jumped again as she proceeded into my room and sat down on my bed. Then she patted a spot beside her, as if telling me to sit down. Am I still asleep? How is this happening? I did as I was told and walked around to sit on my bed a few inches away from her. It moved closer to me and held my hand. It was cold but really soft. ??: Why is my baby so upset? I was still in shock. I could hear, see, and feel her touching my hair. It's almost like she's come back to life. Me: A lot has happened since you left, mom I started shaking. This is the first time I've ever been visited by her since she died. ??: I know. I've been watching you. You've been getting yourself in a lot of trouble lately, haven't you baby? She still looks the same as the last time I saw her. She was even still wearing the lucky infinity necklace she used to wear and was buried in. It's her birthstone diamond necklace. Me: Yeah. I miss you My eyes started tearing up. She wiped my tears with her soft and cold finger. ??: I know baby. I miss you and the family too. Tell me what's been going on? I told her all about my brothers and sisters, Brandon, Jade, Ray, and MJ. I told her all about the troubles I've been getting into lately, and I also told her about dad quitting his job. ??: Seems like I really have missed a lot Me: Mom, I need you to come back more often. Since you left, I have nobody to talk to about these things. Shanice's never here and dad won't understand. I started crying harder. ??: But there is someone who I haven't seen you talk to this passed week since you met those two boys I gave her a confused look. Who could she be talking about? ??: Gia That's true. Every since I met and got to know MJ and Ray, I've been completely ditching her. But she hasn't really been paying me any attention either since she met Roc Royal. Me: Your right. We barely talked all week. And that's when my life started going downhill. ??: You've gone almost 6 years without me. I don't think I'm the one you need to talk to. I think you need your best friend Gia. She did have a point. This all started happening when I started ditching her. Me: Thanks for visiting me mom. I really needed this talk. (hugs her) ??: Honey, I think we already knew that it's Gia you needed to talk to, not me. Me: I know. But without you, I wouldn't have even thought about Gia. And I still really miss you. I hugged her again. Even though she was incredibly cold, but the hug felt warm. ??: I miss you too, honey. Now call Gia. I have to go. (gets up) Me: What if she doesn't answer? I haven't spoke to her all week. She probably hates me. ??: You'll never know unless you try I was awoken to the sound of Spongebob on TV. I got up and saw Xavier sitting on the other side of the couch, eating a bag of chips. As always. Even in my dreams, this kid is always eating chips. Me: Good morning lil bro Even though I had that nasty stuff in my eyes. I could still see him making a confused look. Xavier: Good morning I got up and made my way upstairs. Xavier: Are you ok? Me: Honestly, this is the best I've been all week. I said to Xavier before entering my room. I gently closed the door behind me. I opened it again to see if my momma was there. No momma. It was just a dream. But it was so incredibly vivid. I grabbed my phone and called the first number that came to my mind. ??: Hello She sounded really tired. Me: Hey Gia. I know it's like 8am and you're probably still asleep. But do you think you can come over later? I really need to talk to you. She didn't reply for a while, but I could tell she was there because I could hear her breathing. And snoring. Me: "GIA" I yelled through the phone, waking her up again. Gia: I'm up!!! What was that for? Me: You wanna come over later? Gia: Sure, I'll be over in a few hours Me: Thanks, bye I hope I didn't ruin our friendship. She's been my best friend since diapers. And I really care about her. I got off of my bed and stepped on something. It was sorta sharp, I think I might have cut my foot. I hopped back on my bed and took a look at my foot. There wasn't a dent. And it didn't hurt anymore. But what was that? I looked down at the floor and gasped. It was the birthstone diamond necklace my mom had around her neck. She left it for me. So that means she really was here? Or was she? It doesn't even matter. As long as I got to see her one last time. I picked up the necklace and put it around my neck. I will never take it off as long as I live. About half an hour, there was a knock at the door. It was still Xavier and I awake. I answered the door to a crying Gia. She didn't say anything. She just walked inside and hugged me. Gia: Thanks for inviting me. I've missed you so much. This has been the worst week of my life without my best friend, Cierra. I smiled. It was so nice to just see her again. She let go and looked down at my neck. Gia: Cierra, is that your mom's old necklace? I nodded and gestured for her to follow me upstairs. Me: Come on Gia. We have so much to get caught up on. Thanks mom. TBC....
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