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No Matter What *4*
Finally finished the next part, hope it's enjoyed :) -R. I put the water down on the counter. "Michael I'm sorry for yelling at you...Ronnie swore he'd wouldn't tell anybody." "It's okay. How come you never told me?" "I never told anyone except Ron. I was hoping no one would ever find out." "Getting beat up by a man that's supposed to love you isn't something you keep a secret." "I had to." "No you didn't. Why did you feel like you had to?" "I was ashamed." "Of what?" "I was in a relationship with a monster and I felt trapped, trying to please my father." "For how long?" "Too long." "Tell me what happened." I take a deep breath. I really don't want to talk about this but Michael wants to know which is understandable. "Four years ago. I was eighteen he was thirty. I remember being devastated because dad had to go overseas for a mission, we didn't know when he'd come back and he'd missed my graduation. A few weeks after I graduated, I met Sean while out to lunch with mom. He approached me like a gentleman, I was swept off my feet. Fast toward, he asked me out. At first I was hesitant because he was more than ten years my senior. Mom said he was too old for me so I called dad and asked his opinion. I really liked this guy. Once I said the words air force he didn't hear anything else. He encouraged me to go out with him. We got to know each other and he was like, this sounds crazy but because he reminded me so much of my dad, the loving side of him..." "Where is that? I've never seen it." "I know he's extremely hard on you but he has a loving side to him and I saw similarities with that in Sean and got attached in no time. He and dad talked on the phone often and became fond of each other." "They never met in person?" "No, by the time dad got back home we were over. Everything was going great between us until I found out he was married. He told me he was separated. He also confessed to having three children. I wanted out but my dad..." "He wanted you to continue the relationship?" "Yeah, and I wanted to make him happy so I did it. Then all of a sudden his wife dragged him through custody court, he became depressed and that's when he started hitting me. He would apologize and tell me he needed me. He was going through a lot emotionally and..." Michael's voice becomes shaky. "So that gave him the right to slap you around?" "No," I look down at the floor. "I never told you this...but my parents used to argue a lot and my dad would hit my mother." "Are you serious?" I nod my head, "I was so young seeing that, he was a hard drinker too. The only time he wouldn't touch alcohol was when he was active in the military. Thankfully he hasn't put his hands on my mother in about five years but seeing him hit her, that was my example of how relationships worked so when Sean hit me, I knew I didn't deserve it, no woman does. No one gets into a relationship wondering if their partner is an abuser. That's why I said it was unthinkable. I always thought that if it happened to me I'd do what my mom didn't. I'd leave but it wasn't as easy as it sounded. I love my father but he was wrong. All those years he was wrong. I don't think he's ever apologized for what he did. It was like my dad was two different people. He was a loving father and a wife beater." "Did he ever beat you or Ronnie?" "He's never hit me but Ronnie, dad would beat him like some guy on the street. That's why he got a job and left home at seventeen." "I never knew any of this." "I didn't know how to tell you. I look back and I ask myself, how the hell was able to pretend like nothing was going on? I went to class everyday, made good grades, it's a miracle I graduated high school. I guess that's why when I was in college it wasn't a problem pretending. Just like I had to fight through to earn my diploma, same thing went for getting my degree. I'd go on dates with Sean, get punched in the face, go home and act like I had the time of my life. I had everyone fooled but I was hurting. I'd cry myself to sleep every night and have nightmares." It grows silent then I hear sniffing. "It all makes sense now." "What?" "Whenever we have a disagreement, you always get in a stance like you're ready to fight. Like you're expecting me to raise my hand and hit you." I walk over to him and sit in his lap. He puts his arms around my waist and I put mine over his shoulders. I notice his eyes are red from crying. He whips his face with his shirt, then looks into my eyes. "I will never...ever do what he did to you. A man that hits a woman doesn't respect her. I'm not only in love with you, I respect you." I know in my heart that he means what he says. I feel the tears rolling down my face. He whips them away with his thumbs and kisses me softly on my lips. "I'll tell you a million times infinity that I love you." "I know, love you too." "I wanna know one last thing." "What's that?" "How did you finally end it?" "Well, I'd had more than enough of his abuse. I decided I was gon' give him a dose of his own medicine, something he never expected. He got mad at me over something. I can't remember what it was but I do remember him calling me a bitch for the first and last time. Then he hit me in the head with the tv remote. I looked at him and everything went black. When I regained my sight, I saw the damage I'd done to him. His shirt was ripped up, I'd scratched up his face and neck, gave him a busted nose, black eye and a bloody mouth. He was shocked, he knew it was over and let me walk out the door. I knew he wouldn't call the police because he didn't want anyone to ever find out he got his ass tore up by a girl." "He deserved it." "Yes he did." "When did you tell Ron?" "I told him everything that night. He wanted to find Sean and beat him to a pulp a second time but I calmed him down. I made him promise not to tell anyone and told him to just beat it. No pun intended." Michael cracks a smile. "After all he did to you, you should've let Ron beat him." "True but I didn't want him to go to jail. Then he'd owe our parents an explanation." "What did you tell Ronald?"" "He asked me what happened to Sean, I told him I didn't know. This is the only thing I've ever been able to hide from him. One of my his air force buddies told us that he went back on duty. I was happy that I wouldn't see him again. I felt free and my smiles weren't fake anymore. It didn't take long for me to become content with being by myself but then you came along." "And you were something else." "What you mean?" "You had me working. Trying to get to know you was like having a second job. You were a piece of work, you know that?" "I was just letting you know that I wasn't one of your groupies. I wasn't gonna be easy just because you were famous. What I look like?" We start cracking up.. "But on the real, you've shown me what love really is. I'm lucky to have you in my life and I appreciate every moment we spend together." He smiles and kisses me on the cheek. I look up at the clock on the wall and it's 4:00. We go back into the living room and turn on the tv. Time passes, we both get a few hours of sleep. I end up waking back up at sunrise. I know we have to go talk to his parents but I'm not too excited about that because like my father, Joe is unpredictable. I think once Michael talks to her, Mrs. Jackson will be understanding but Mr. Jackson, is another story. "Good morning my little soon to be mom," my brother says coming out of his room. "Good morning Ronnie." "Is Mike snoring?" "He only does that when he's really tired. Most people do." "He sounds like a sleeping walrus." "He does not." "He does to me. Isn't he leaving tonight?" "Yeah." "Are gonna go with him?" "Don't you think people would get suspicious. An unknown woman traveling the world with Michael Jackson. Then, I'll start showing. I think they'd connect the dots. I'm not ready to have my life out in the open." "I feel you sis. They'll probably start calling you Billie Jean," starts laughing. "Oh hell no! That chick is mental." "She's real?" He asks surprised. "Yeah, I thought you knew." "Lord, have mercy." "Crazy right?" "Yeah, real crazy. So where you gonna stay? I know you're not going back home." "Michael's gonna talk to his parents and hopefully I'll be staying there. That's where he wants me to be." "How you gonna deal with dad? I bet he's furious by now," "Dad needs to realize that I'm not a little girl anymore and he can't tell me what to do or who to love." "Good luck with that." "I need some." "All this craziness aside, I didn't say it last night but congratulations. I'm happy for you two." "Thanks." "I can't wait to be an uncle." "When are you gon' make me an aunt?" "Whoa now, let's not rush into things. First, I need your boyfriend to talk to his sister for me." "You're still trying to get with Janet?" "Janet, LaToya either one. Rebbie too, if she wasn't already married. They're all beautiful. I'll take whichever one. As a matter of fact...MIKE! Wake up!" He throws a pillow at him. He jumps up. "What time is it?" "Time to get up brother." "I'm gonna get you for throwing that pillow at me." Michael rubs his eyes, grabs his pillow and hits Ronnie with it. "Oh, I see you wanna be startin' something. Is it a pillow fight you want?" "Bring it." "Let's do this Mike!" Oh my gosh, this will be sight to see.
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