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You're The One 11
Please vote -Kayla MJ and I didn't say anything the whole car ride. We both just sat there silently and nervously until the ride was over. We pulled up to the police station, my heart was racing and a bunch of random questions kept going through my head. What if my dad finds out? What if the whole school finds out? What if I'm sentenced to life? What if I have to wear orange? I look so bad in orange! The cop opened the door and gently pulled me out the car, MJ's officer did the same. We walked into the station and down the hall. There was an empty cell and that's where MJ and I were placed. There was also a desk in the room, the officers locked the cell and stood behind the desk. Officer: Do you kids know what you're here for? MJ: I think I know Officer: What do you think you're here for? MJ: Can I please call my mom and tell her where I am? Officer: Nice try. Now young lady, do you know why you're here? Me: No I know he can tell I was lying. Because he gave me a suspicious look. Officer: Alright, we'll talk to your friend first He unlocked the cell and let MJ out. MJ walked behind the officer, the second officer trailing behind. They left to go to the interrogation room, it was just me alone in the cell now. I looked at the walls, they were white bricks, the ceiling was tiled, and the floors were also tiled. There were no windows just a flickering light, so I decided to countdown from 300 to pass the time. Just as soon as I got to 294, they all walked back in the room. They put MJ back in the cell, he sat on the bench with a serious look on his face. Me: What did you say? MJ: I told them the truth. Don't worry, you'll do fine Officer: Alright young lady, your turn I followed him down the hall. I tried to look back at MJ but the other officer was behind me. He looked down at me and smirked at me, I quickly turned back around. We walked into the interrogation room and it's a bunch of CSI stuff. One of the officers turned on the camera and left the room. I was shaking so much, I could hear my own teeth chattering. The officer gestured me to sit down, I quickly sat down, still shaking. Officer: Are you nervous? Me: Not really Officer: OK, do you know why you're here? If I don't get answers soon you might be here for a while. Me: Couldn't you just ask us questions back at school and save all this time? Officer:Your friend already tried the stalling trick, I didn't fall for it I looked down at my fingers, then looked at the officer. Officer: I just want to know what you did and why you did it I took a deep breath. Me: It's a long story, but I was sexually assaulted Officer: By who? Your boyfriend in there? Me: No, the guy who called the police this morning because of a little misunderstanding Officer: Please, start from the beginning I started by telling him about my relationship with Ray and our so called date, but I never brought up the threat. The officer let me go half an hour later and took me back to the room. MJ, his parents, and my older sister Shanice were all waiting. Shanice looked mad. Shanice: What the hell are you doing here? I ignored her and walked up to MJ, who was being yelled at by his parents, they stopped once they saw me. Me: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. I'm Cierra, MJ's friend Mrs. Jackson: That's used to be friends MJ's father grabbed him by the collar and pulled him out the police station. Ray walked into the station that exact moment, he looked guilty and sorry. Me: What are you doing here? Shanice: Cierra, if you're gonna ignore me, that's fine. You can walk home Shanice walked out the station. I would've left with her but I needed to clear things up with Ray. Ray: I'm here to tell the officers the truth Me: What are you talking about? Ray: I told the school office that you and MJ pushed me down the fire escape then threatened to kill me. I didn't know they'd call the police, I thought you just get suspended or expelled. But when I saw how scared you and MJ looked, I had to straighten things out. Baby, I can't lose you I'm sorry please forgive me. He grabbed my hands. I shook my head no and pulled away. Me: Ray, I can't forgive you. After last night and this whole experience. This is going on my permanent records! I'm sorry, but you have some issues that need to be solved. When you get help, I'll think about forgiving you. And with that, I walked out the station. I finally did it, I said no to Ray. After being his puppet and not thinking for myself, I said no to him. And for the first time today, I felt relieved. I was given my keys, money, and cell phone back. They asked if I wanted a ride home, but I said no. I been in a police car enough times today. It took me almost 2 hours to get home but I made it. I opened the door and saw Tarell, Shanice, and my dad sitting on the couch. Me: Oh no.... Tarell: I guess it's time for that story, Cierra My dad came home from his business trip early. I must really be in trouble. TBC
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