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Magic Mike
Hey y'all, I haven't posted in a while and I've been missing y'all. I know I said I would still post, but I couldn't figure out what I would post until day. This story may not be too long like the others, but it's better than nothing. ~Enjoy! Aariyan. Plus Matt in this story is Matt Bomer. Chapter 1 Magic Mike Good morning you North Dakota sky. Today has started off as a sunny one over the land, so I naturally woke up despite wanting to stay in my bed with my lover, Matt. Things have been going GREAT so far! Since Matt has been making so much at the club with his talents, we've been able to stay in this COZY lodge since it's always so cold here. Although I haven't seen my folks in a while, I've been doing okay. I mean Matt and I have been happier than ever! We've been seeing the United States whenever we wanted to, and have been sharing all the love where possible. It's not like I haven't been doing anything either. Whenever I can find a job, I'll work as a clerk at a Dollar General if needed. But me and Matt aren't struggling that much. We're fine. I just...I just hope I'm not missing something in my life while I'm having so much fun with him. I hope I'm not. "Good morning Baby," Matt kisses my forehead, while in his house slippers only and a mug of coffee--which was mine until he took it. I giggle as I stand up to kiss him on the mouth. "But put some clothes afterwards. You don't need to walk around like this in these kinds of temperatures." "You got the heat on, right?" "Yeah." "Then we ain't got nothing to worry about." He laughs then kisses me again. Matt walks over to our leather couch and turns on the T.V. "I have breakfast brewing in the kitchen, darling." I go in our bedroom, grab Matt's boxers and pajama pants out the drawers, then as I walk into the living room again, I throw them at him. "Here, seriously WEAR these. At least I have my pajamas, robe, and slippers on." He rolls his eyes as he puts them on. "There, happy? Now the Big--" "Matt--" "is covered up." he smirks then kisses me. I pull away, then turn the T.V. up. "Hmm, the Jacksons. I wonder what they're up to now." "Well you'll have to see after I'm done with you." He starts to kiss my neck. "Matt stop." "Whhhyy? Because you want to see your boyfriend, Michael on the screen?" I look him in the eyes, "Nooo, YOUR my boyfriend. Now come over here." "That's what I like to hear!" "But wait, right here, where people have to sit?" "It's not the first time we have." Then my back hits the couch. What made us stop was the smell of burning breakfast. "Let me get that," he kisses me in the mouth before heading towards the kitchen, and I slip on my pajama shirt. It's safe to say the Jacksons aren't on the news anymore. I slowly ate my breakfast, and allowed my fork to scrape the plate once I finished. Then I began to bite my thumb. I eventually felt something over my hand. I looked down and it was Matt's hand. "Why are you looking like that honey? You've been looking like that lately." "I don't know, I just feel like I've been wanting a change of pace." "You're not happy here, Baby?" "I still haven't gotten used to this cold environment with it just being you and me. What if something happens to you or me? Where would we be buried? Is that when we'd finally get into contact with each other's family's?" "Whoa, what got your thongs in a bunch?" "You know I wear panties Matt, and nothing. I like the animals and the grass here, but I feel closed off. How about we go to California or Florida. Somewhere where it's hot? Wait, scratch off Florida, but somewhere like Arizona. It's burning up there!" "You know I can't just leave the club like that." I get up slowly and walk over to Matt. Then I sit on his lap, facing him. "Take some time off baby. You've been working there nonstop since we've gotten here, and I just want you to myself. Our time together has been altered since you've been working at that damn strip joint." "It hasn't stopped us before. Plus Phoenix doesn't get that hot all the time. Plus why Arizona, it's too close to home." Matt is from the Panhandle part of Texas, and he doesn't want anything to do with "home". I've tried asking but he doesn't talk about it much. "Well then Phoenix is perfect! But please Matt. Let's go take off--even if it's only for a little while! We haven't left in months! We really need this change, and with your good looks, you can go anywhere and be successful!!" "Okay, okay, I get the point. But let me kiss you first." And that's how Matt, my lover and best friend, and I made our trip to Phoenix. "Do you love the wind blowing in your hair, Baby?" "That's why we had to travel to the South. I couldn't stand shivering all the time." Then I imitate my former self. "Well you know I'm used to the cold--being from the Panhandle, I mean." And like typical Matt and Baby, we ended up at some riggity motel. He joked around that he chose this place to "punish" me for wanting to come to Arizona. "And I HOPE Arizona has all that you NEED it to offer." he says with a smile. Matt said we would stay here two weeks tops. But then the night we were finally going to have a romantic night in our motel, Matt came back all beaten up. "What happened?! We need to get you to the hospital!" So after covering myself with a robe and snatching on some shoes, I locked up the place so I could drive Matt to get some help. "WHAT happened because you know they're going to want to know once we get there." "It was a robbery. I already felt funny when I walked in another club to potentially look for some fast money, and this guy was messing with me before I even walked in. By the time I was leaving, it was dark, and he and his four friends jumped me. He saw me walking in the club with my bag of money. I guess he thought I couldn't fight because I was bringing up a good one until two of his other friends hops out the dark and begins hitting me." Matt doesn't say anything else. "Well ma'am, he'll be fine. He has some bad cuts and bruises, and he his right arm is banged up as well so he won't be able to use it as much." "For how long?" "A month." "Whoa." "He said he couldn't identify the criminals too well and that you weren't there, so you wouldn't be able to identify them either. Do you think you'll be able to coax him in it?" "I'll try me best," then I give the doctor a reassuring smile. Matt stayed in the hospital two extra days, and whenever I wasn't around, I'd go back to the motel and clean up. "Welcome home baby! I did my best to clean up this place while you were healing." Matt looks at me and frowns. "If we were never here, this wouldn'tve ever happened." "But why did you walk in the club with money anyways? You're BOUND to get robbed." "Honey, that's how you do business." He lays down on the bed as he ignores the balloons I bought for his welcome back. "With that chunk of money now being gone and with this doctor bill, you know what that means for you again." "Did you have any insurance?" "No." "WHY don't you have ANY?" "Nothing was supposed to happen to me." "Oh my gosh, Matt don't be a dumbass." "Either way you're going to have to make some sacrifices yourself." "I'm NOT doing that again. I just, I can't!" "Yes you will, and I'll see to it." So this is how I ended up on this bed, in some lingerie that I had bought to wear for Matt. I didn't want to do this. In fact, I HATED it and felt disgusted. But Matt and I really needed the money. In actuality, my customer was taking way too long, and I've been up all day looking after Matt, so I fell asleep. "'Scuse me ma'am, 'scuse me, but you're in my bed." I woke up and saw who I thought I would never see. "Michael Jackson!" Then as I tried to get off the bed, I banged my head on the wall before the picture that was nailed to the wall hit me on the head. -- Excuse some of the sketchiness from this story :) -A
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