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Back In Time 17
It was my boss who was sitting on my couch. Why Was he here??? How did he get in here??? My boss suddenly stands up and comes closer to Michael. I move up to get between them but Michael pushed me out the way. They are both staring each other down.. I didn't want any trouble. My boss gives Michael one last stare down and then burst out in laughter. Boss: So she didn't tell you huh?? Michael:(looking at me) Tell me what? Boss:She's pregnant man, This is your woman and you couldn't tell... Michael:Your pregnant?? why didn't you tell me Me: I.. I.. Didn't want (gets cut off by my boss) Boss:(Chuckles) Looks like I'm more of man than you are Mike Michael charges at him and pushes him to the ground. Nothing but punches are being thrown.I jump in to stop then all of sudden I hear a click. Me and Michael back away as We see my boss holding a gun. I was terrified and started holding on to Michael...but he pushed me away. Boss:This isn't over... I will be back(still with the gun in hand...he slowly heads out the door) Me and Michael just stand there breathing so hard. I knew all of this was my fault. I didn't want it to be this way. Me:(grabbing his arm) Michael Michael:(Ignores me) Me:Michael please say something Michael: Nadirah, How can you be pregnant, when me and you have never been intimate Me:(silent) Michael: So whose the lucky guy There was a knock on the door. I didn't want to answer it because I had a feeling it was my boss again. I hear a familiar voice at the door. I slowly walk towards it and through the peep hole I see that it's Jermaine.I slowly open the door but not fully...just a little crack. Me:(speaking low) what do you want?? Jermaine: To talk about things. Me: There's nothing to talk about(closing the door) Jermaine:(stopping the door from closing) Why are you so distant with me? We have to talk about the baby... Our baby or did you forgot I walk outside quietly so Michael wouldn't hear. Me: I didn't forget... I wish I could Jermaine:why are you talking to low? Is somebody in there with you... Who is it(Charging towards the door) Me:(blocks the way) Michael is in there Jermaine: He is? So you told him. Me: .... The door opens and Michael has this upset look on his face. His eyes are red like he is about to cry. Michael:(voice cracking) I heard everything. It's nice to know how careless the people you love can be. I had a feeling but I didn't want to say anything because I didn't think you guys would do something so low. Especially you Jermaine, Your Married To Hazel. Me:Michael it was a mistake, Please let me explain Michael:There's nothing to explain. The only mistake was being with you.You being a stripper is perfect for you...it obviously shows (walking away) Me and Jermaine just sat there in silence for a few minutes. I started to cry. Jermaine came to comfort me but I didn't want to be touched. I walk into my house and close the door in his face. It's been about 2 in half weeks since I spoke to Michael or Jermaine. I tried calling Michael but to no surprise he wasn't answering. I don't blame him, I would be beyond hurt if I was In Position. What happened between me and Jermaine was... I don't even know. I was drunk and he was helping me get home... then it just happened. Well nothing just happens but there's no excuse.I didn't want to tell Michael because I didn't want him judging me. I quit my job and currently on a look for another one. Hopefully I can get back into actually performing the right way. I decided to take a longgg walk. I saw a magazine on the floor with Michaels face on it.The magazine showed Michael covering his face. With the big letters the magazine said that Michael had Vitiligo. That explains why his skin was discolored. I don't know why he didn't tell me. I really want to speak to him. My feet led me to this big building. Never thought in a life time I would do this. I just want to go back where I'm supposed to be... I was Here...Right in front of the Abortion Clinic... To Be Continued ... P.S. I'm not trying to offend anybody who doesn't believe in abortion.I don't want to start anything because I know people can be very sensitive about certain subjects.
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