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You're The One 5
Please vote -Kayla The next morning I woke up way happier than when I went to bed, but I was starving, if only I gotten my Tacos. I took a shower and changed into something to impress Ray, I think I might like him. He cheered me up when I was sad and he likes me back. I went downstairs and got a bowl of cereal. Once again, I was the only one awake, so I decided to leave early again. Besides, the faster I get to school, the faster I get to see Ray. Since I left early, I bumped into MJ again, he looked upset to see me. M:You look different today C:Just trying to look good for somebody M:*mumbles* Whatever C:What's wrong? M:I heard you have a date with Ray C:*shrugs* Yeah, so M:Did he ask you out? C:No, he just told me we have a date M:Ray always breaking the bro code C:What are you talking about? M:Nothing C:Would you tell me what's wrong? M:Look, I gotta go He turned into the alley but he didn't wait for Ray. He just hopped the fence and walked through the field alone. Ray quickly came down the fire escape when he saw MJ walking alone, then he noticed me. R:Cierra, what's wrong with MJ? C:I don't know, he's mad about something R:Well then I guess I'm walking with you today At lunch, we all sat together but this time I sat beside Ray. MJ, however, was nowhere to be found. P:Anyone seen MJ? C:I'll go look for him R:*pulls me* No baby, I'm sure he'll get over it soon C:Get over what? R:Umm... Whatever's on his mind C:Well, I'm gonna go find out what that "whatever" is This time Ray was too slow to catch me. I walked out the cafeteria and made my way to the library, where he happened to be, Brandon said he's always in here. C:Hey MJ M: ... C:The silent treatment? Really? M: ... C:What did I do? Why aren't you talking to me? M: ... C:Look, I'm sorry for whatever I did M:You didn't do anything C:Then why are you mad? M:I'm not mad at you C:Then tell me what's bothering you? M:I can't tell you in here C:Then let's go somewhere you can tell me M:Why do you care about it so much? C:MJ,I care about you and I wanna know what's wrong so I can help M:*smiles* I know where we can go I followed him down the hall to an empty chemistry lab it looked like there haven't been anyone in here for a while. C:Are we allowed to be in here? M:The teachers let me in here whenever I want C:Really? M:Ok, the guys and I made this our little hideout C:So, do you guys bring any girls in here? M:Wouldn't you like to know *gets closer* I laughed and approached him too. We stopped once our bodies were touching. I looked up to see MJ was smiling down at me. I grabbed his hand and started smiling too, he leaned in closer but I pulled away. C:Umm, so M:So... C:Oh, umm... M:What's wrong with me? C:Yeah, why have you been ignoring your friends? M:Some of them haven't been acting like real friends C:Like who? M:Let's just say, I liked this girl for a while. I always see her walking to school but I never had the courage to walk or talk with her. My friends knew about her and always told me to just say hello but I couldn't, I was too scared. Finally, with the help of one of them, I created a plan to drop my phone while she was looking and get her to return it, so we could start a conversation. Everything was going great, according to the plan until one of my friends decided to ruin everything by asking her out. I let him by lying and saying I wasn't all that into her anymore. Does that explain anything? I felt tears coming but I refused to cry. I never felt this way before, these were tears of happiness, MJ held my hand and leaned in closer. I couldn't help myself, I grabbed his face and kissed him. It was an amazing kiss too, it was going great until someone opened the door. I let go and looked over to see Ray standing in the doorway, he looked pissed. R:What the hell, MJ *punches MJ* C:Ray, what are you doing? R:What does it look like I'm doing? Ray was kicking MJ in the stomach several times, blood was coming out his nose and his eye was badly bruised, he also looked unconscious. C:RAY, STOP!! *pushes Ray* R:What are you doing with him? C:Nothing R:Oh, now you're lying to me! You know what the date is off C:What *tears up* R:It's off! Cancelled! Done! I never want to see you again I was about to follow him but I remembered MJ. C:MJ, are you ok? *cries* M:No *tears up* C:I'll call the nurse, ok M:Please... I got up and ran to the phone and called the nurse, she said she'd be here right away. I walked back over to MJ and held his hand. C:Don't worry MJ, I'll stay with you while you're in the nurses office. Everything will be ok. TBC
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