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Tough Love (1979) Part 1
Ready for this Year? ;) *Plus itâ??s good if you pay attention to how certain characters are acting because of the events that have/will take place :) -A ************************************************************************************* Chapter 1 Not Lyric (Bad Girl) I walked out my room, only to turn around and find this plasma TV sitting on my dresser. Quite ironic because my other T.V. was bootleg, but I loved it. How could Iâ??ve passed right by it and not even NOTICE it?! My hand was over my mouth as I gapped at the television. It was fours time the side of my head it seemed! I describe it as being a movie screen. It seemed to be that big to me. I padded downstairs to find Clarence. We catch each otherâ??s eyes. â??I didnâ??t know you got me a T.V.â? I pointed upstairs with my thumb. â??Yeah. Thought it was about time.â? He looked tired around the eyes. â??You like it?â? Wanted to say I LOVED it, but I just nodded. â??Michael also gave me your gifts. Didnâ??t see any reason to wait any longer.â? â??â?¦Yeah.â? â??Thank you for the mug too.â? He picks it up, â??â??#1 Dadâ??.â? I could almost hear him sneer. â??I also checked in on Sonny.â? Remember Sonny Navarra, Clarenceâ??s friend and partner on the job? The one that was shot in October? Him. â??Heâ??s doing better.â? â??Thatâ??s terrific.â? I rub the back of my neck. I looked over at Michael, who just walked out the kitchen a little. He looked down at the floor and sat down on the couch. I ultimately changed my clothes into some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I was going to wash my hair later so I could â??cleanseâ? myself even further. When I go back downstairs, I see that Michael isnâ??t there. â??Lyric, sit down.â? I stick my head out the kitchen, and see Clarence pointing to the right of him on the couch. I make my way over there. â??So, how was last night?â? Of course heâ??s going to ask that. â??It went fine.â? â??Where did you go?â? I couldnâ??t help but fight my temptation to want to look at him in disbelief. He turns towards me momentarily. â??I thought you didnâ??t care.â? â??â?¦Iâ??ll always care Alaric Chiyan. Donâ??t joke with me like that.â? â??Iâ??m not. I just thoughtâ?¦.â? â??I said something I didnâ??t mean, okay?â? he gets up and looks out the window with his arms crossed. â??I havenâ??t seen my damn daughter in â??bout two weeks, so oâ??course I miss you. I want to hug you and I donâ??t know what happened to your leg. All of a sudden, you have a sprain on your ankle instead of the bigger case, which Iâ??d rather you have on. Youâ??re not used to being around me anymore,â? he sighs. â??Huuug, I canâ??t win.â? He stays there with his hands on his hips. After a minute, I stand up by him. â??Well if you wanted a hug, then you should have just hugged me.â? I wrap my arms around his waist, embracing for the BOTH of us. He lets me go some and looks at me. â??Youâ??re just growing up Lyric.â? he hugs me and when he was about to kiss the top of my head, I just wriggled away. I hadnâ??t washed my hair yet.â? â??See what I mean?â? he laughs. â??No, I justâ?¦I just couldnâ??t.â? He holds his arm around my shoulders again. â??This year youâ??re turning seventeen. And youâ??re going to be in your last year of school. Boys are going to be looking after you more than ever. (Itâ??s not like theyâ??re not NOW!)â? He mumbles. â??I know about Donovan. But is there any others?!â? â??Hunh?â? â??Kids talk. Too much sometimes because yâ??all get caught.â? â??Oh..well I donâ??t know what theyâ??re talking about.â? â??But sit with me.â? â??Okay.â? â??Yâ??know while you were out having your little fiasco, Michael came back to the house.â? â??Yes.â? â??He looked worried. He hadnâ??t slept since I told him I let you out the house.â? â??Must care about me.â? â??Boy, I had to make him go to sleep! Michael stayed up with me like HE was your father.â? Dad, I meant CLARENCE cracks a smile. â??Oh.â? â??He cares about youâ?¦maybe a little too much.â? â??You wonâ??t have thatâ?¦you say heâ??s too old for me.â? â??â?¦Well I wouldnâ??t have a problem with you dating Randy. Heâ??s only a year older than you. If you want to be famous and already know the Jacksons, then you might as well be with the youngest one.â? â??Oh my Gosh Dad.â? â??But Iâ??m worried with how youâ??d deal with it.â? â??Iâ??d like to think Iâ??m more of a private person. Randy is only a friend.â? â??Iâ??m assuming thatâ??s why you donâ??t want to date him.â? â??Well I donâ??t know him enough.â? â??Fine by me. And your mother was out the house last night, so she didnâ??t have to worry about you. Less hell on my hands.â? He gives me a side smirk. I went up to my room after that. I was feeling it. I was feeling appreciated. But at the same time, I was feeling likeâ?¦like I had gone too far. But it felt goodâ?¦. â??Somethingâ??s missing and I donâ??t know whyâ?¦ I always feel the need to hide my feeeelingsâ?¦from youuu Is it me or you that Iâ??m afraid of? I tell myself Iâ??ll you show what Iâ??m made ooof Canâ??t bring myself to LET you gooooooooo Bridge: â??Donâ??t want to cause you any paiiiinnn But I love you just the saaaame And youâ??ll always be my baaabaay In my heart I know weâ??ve come apaaart And I donâ??t know where to staaart What can I doooo, I donâ??t wanna feel bluuue-u Chorus 1: Bad girl drunk by siiix Kissing someone elseâ??s lipps Smoked too many cigarettes today Iâ??m not happy when I act this waaaay Chorus 2: Bad girl drunk by six Kissing some kind strangerâ??s lips Smoked too many cigarettes todeeey Iâ??m not happy when I act this weeeyâ? I signed my name after writing it. I named it â??Bad Girlâ?. Itâ??s pretty self-explanatory. I felt this was INCREASINGLY becoming my life. One minute I needed Michael. Now I like Nick. I did the dirty deed with him. The phone rang when Clarence went out to check on Sonny Navarra, his friend and partner that got injured while on the line of duty. I tried going, but Sonny told Clarence that he â??didnâ??t want me to see him that wayâ?. So instead, Clarence took my Christmas gifts to Sonny, his wife April, and their soon-to-be-child. I canâ??t see why Sonny wouldnâ??t want me to come when I was giving them gifts, but anyway, when I answered, it was Nick. â??Hello beautiful.â? â??What are you up to?â? â??Nothing. I canâ??t call you after what happened because you think Iâ??m going to want that again?â? â??â?¦Not necessarily. I just hate surprises.â? â??Well Iâ??m not surprising you with something special. I hadnâ??t studied some stuff I need to be looking over for this upcoming semester, and I KNOW you havenâ??t either since youâ??ve been having so much fun.â? â??Un-huh?â? â??No Iâ??m serious. I just wanted to know if you wanted a little study time.â? â??When?â? â??Tomorrowâ?¦I didnâ??t want to think I was being too forwardâ?¦You know sometime to connect before the party on Thursdayâ?¦I donâ??t want things to be awkward when I pick you up on Thursdayâ?¦Thatâ??s if you still want me to.â? â??Tell me something Nickâ?¦Why are you so hesitant?â? â??I donâ??t want to push you into something you donâ??t want to doâ?¦â? BOY! I know I havenâ??t heard that from: starts with an M, ends in a J.â? â??Oh. Well Iâ??m fine with studying. What do you need to study?â? â??Well math and some reading comprehension stuff. Plus Iâ??d like to go over my French vocab. I SPEAK it. I just want to go over it some more because I havenâ??t been speaking it as much.â? â??Yeah. I understand. I need to look over my Spanish II notes. This Spanish stuff wonâ??t teach itself!!â? â??I hear that sweetie. I canâ??t expect to teach myself AP French without looking at it seriously.â? â??But if you speak it more than I speak Spanish, then you should be fine.â? â??So itâ??s settled? Youâ??ll come tomorrow?â? â??WHERE tomorrow? What about Tobey?â? â??One of our relatives is going to look after him for meâ?¦I just felt like watching him last night because I thought I didnâ??t have anything to do.â? â??Well said..â? â??We were going to be at my home if you donâ??t mind. Thereâ??s more room to study.â? I know where he stays. â??What time do you think will be good?â? â??Whatever time thatâ??s good for you. I thought about early in the afternoon, just so you can have the rest of your day if you wanted.â? â??â?¦Sounds good.â? â??Okay. Then itâ??s settled. Iâ??ll scoop you up atâ?¦letâ??s say 12:30 if you want. And you wonâ??t have to worry about â??being watchedâ??. My mum and stepdad will be gone doing their own thing, so itâ??ll just be the two of us if that makes you feel better.â? I donâ??t how to answer that. I shouldnâ??t feel â??hornyâ? or shoot him down for his offer. â??Sure. Iâ??ve been needing to reviewâ?¦But thereâ??s a catch. Iâ??d rather take a bus or something. I donâ??t want my dad to see you picking me up.â? â??Why not?â? â??Becauseâ?¦well he used to seeing me with M.J. Leviâ?¦and well, to be honest, I donâ??t really like to bring my guyâ?¦friends around my family like that. Iâ??m at the age where theyâ??re assuming yâ??all are my boyfriend, and even worse, weâ??re â??screwing aroundâ??. Itâ??s just a protection thing, thatâ??s all.â? â??Oh.â? â??Itâ??s too soon. But Iâ??ll be more than happy to take a cab or something.â? â??You never know Lyric. Not trying to scare you, but you canâ??t trust EVERY cab driverâ?¦â? â??I know thatâ?¦I know.â? I sigh. â??But if I tell him Iâ??m studying with a friend, heâ??ll want to know who, and ESPECIALLY if itâ??s a guy, then heâ??ll want you to come in the house and meet him.â? Then an idea came to mind. â??Youâ??re sure?â? â??Yeahâ?¦I got this Nicky.â? â??Well okay then. Have sweet dreamsâ?¦sweetheart.â? â??Bye Nicky.â? â??I like it when you call me that,â? I could tell his dimples were at work right now. â??And so will HE.â? I smirk myself. After getting off the phone, I walked my room and saw Michael in the â??Manâ??s Roomâ?. I guess his room again. I went to the threshold. â??Need something?â? â??Yeahâ?¦I need you to speak. To say heyâ?¦SOMETHING!â? â??Iâ??m sorry Lyric,â? Michael hangs up one of his dressy shirts. â??I donâ??t work that way anymore.â? He closes the closet door then cross his arms. â??Iâ??m just sorry you canâ??t take the word â??Noâ?? to heart.â? I look off to the side. â??Michael youâ??re only making it harder,â? I whisper. â??How am I?â? he points at himself. I hear the front door open before I get to answer. â??Guys, I got some pizza and ice cream. Letâ??s watch a movie!â? Michael looks at me for a few seconds, then walks past me; leaving me to stand there. Doing my best to get him to pay attention, I tagalong Michael a little too much. But even when I sat on the couch by him, he barely looked my way. When Angela came home, heâ??d laugh and talk to her over my head and with Clarence. But not with me. Not Lyric. ******************************************************************* Hmm, Michael may know somethingâ?¦Lyric donâ??t?
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