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You Can't Be Serious...? 8
Thx for the likes:) L.O.V.E Finally! I'm done with everything Mr. Blake wanted me to do. I met with him at his office this morning and he said I did nice work and he's proud of me. I asked him could I take the next five days off and he approved. "When you return, expect that promotion," he says holding out his hand. I shake his hand, "I will, thank you sir." "You earned it, enjoy your vacation." I'm so excited, I've been wanting this promotion since it became available. Hard work pays off. When I get home I pack for the trip to New York. A cab comes to pick me up to take me to the airport. Sydney met me there. The flight was a breeze but the whole time I was thinking of what I might have said to Michael on the phone that day. I spoke to him briefly a day ago, I know he's been busy. I didn't tell him I was coming, I want him to be surprised. Once we're in the New York airport, I call Michael. He didn't answer the phone, Jeff did. He gave me all the info I needed. Sydney and I took the bus to the hotel instead of a cab because we thought it'd be fun and it was. It dropped us off at the corner street where the hotel was. The not so fun part was trying to carry our luggage up the steep sidewalk hill. Two teen boys walking by offered to help us, we were thankful and gave them $25 each. Without them we don't how it would've got done. As expected, the hotel was very elegant and classy. We got one suite with two beds a floor below were Michael's room is. Once we settle in, we take showers and change clothes. I put on a comfortable red and white adidas track suite with same color adidas sneakers. I curled my hair and left it down. Sydney dressed the opposite, trying to be sexy. She always trying to find a man. "Tia girl, I hope Michael got some cute dancers," she says before putting on her lip gloss. "You always trying to find a man." "You know it. Besides why should I be all alone? You gone be with your man." "Michael is NOT my man." "By the time we get back to L.A., he will be." "Whatever." "Wanna bet?" she asks throwing $100 on her bed. "Fine," I pull out the same amount. Then we shake on it. She puts the money in her suitcase, then we finish getting ready. When we get down to the set, we had no problems with security. Jeff had told the head of security that we were coming. It was a subway station. Everyone was scattered. Syd and I walk around observing what's going on. "Hey Tia, over here!" We look around and I see Jeff. He runs over to us. "You're finally here, good to see you," he says reaching out for a hug. "Good to see you to," I say before hugging him. "This is my friend, Sydney. Syd this is Jeff, he's a choreographer." "Nice to meet you Jeff," she says shaking his hand. "Same here." I'm side-eying Jeff because he's checking Sydney out knowing he's got a girlfriend. "Where's Mike?" "He's in his trailer." "He doesn't know I'm here right?" "He doesn't have a clue. Wanna surprise him now or later?" "Now is good, right Syd?" "Hell ya!" We follow Jeff to Michael's trailer. Once we're there he knocks on his door. "Mike, you got company man!" The door opens and as he is revealed to me I swore my eyes were playing tricks on me. A smile spread across his lips as he walked down the stairs. I'm sure I had a pretty foolish look on my face. "Sup Tia, what a surprise," looks at Sydney, "How you doing Sydney?" "Great, you?" "I'm doing even better now that the girl of my dreams is here." "Tia, say something," Syd whispers. When I don't say anything she pulls me over to the, "Michael, would you excuse us for a moment." "Sure," he says nodding his head. "What is wrong with you?" "I...uh, I don't know." "You better find out and get it together. You're embarrassing yourself." "Final scene starts in 60 seconds, places everybody!" the director yells though his bullhorn. Everyone takes their places. The director yells action and Michael starts singing acapella with so much raw aggression. "You're telling me You're doing wrong Gone lock you up For too long!..." Suddenly I feel a rush. I think I might be getting turned on. 2 B Cont.
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