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A Drop In The Ocean «Part 2»
Thanks to everyone who enjoys my story. -MRJ ***** As my mom and I are driving to the radio station, I see old stuff. Just things I've never seen in person. Workout girls dancing in their yards. Guys speeding around in convertibles and on those old skateboards. And all the while I only hear Def Leppard, Cyndi Lauper, a little Michael Jackson, Prince, Bruce Springsteen, RUN DMC, The Police, etc. No Drake or anything like that. Everyone looks so happy, and...well 80s! I turn on the radio and Def Leppard Leopard is on. I've always liked the song 'Pour some sugar on me'. And that's what's on. I start singing and bouncing around in the car. My mom just laughs. "We're here," she says, soon after the song has gone off. We get out and go inside the place. My mom has to confirm that she is the lucky winner. And I wait by the door. Getting two tickets sure does take long. Someone comes in swinging the door open. They catch it before it hits me, "Sorry," he says. I look from his shoes to his head. Penny loafers, black pants, red button down with a white shirt underneath..could it be? I close my eyes before I look at his face. I stopped breathing for a moment. It's him. Michael Jackson. "You okay? Did I not grab the door in time?," he asks, playfully. I smile a creepy weird over-bearing smile. It's Michael Jackson talking to me. Wow okay be cool, "Shyeah. I'm fine. The door didn't hit me," I say, oh so disappointed with myself. That was a terrible idea. "Okay. That's great," he says, to me. Before starting to walk away. "Wait, um Mr.Jackson?" He turns around, smiling. "Could I have an autograph?," I ask, nervously. I had to stop him. I don't know how long I'm going to be here, and I've always wanted to ask for an autograph, but you know the sitch. He walks over to me and checks his pockets. He says, "aha!," and pulls out a pen. He smiles before asking, "What do you want me to sign?" Oh snap, that's one thing I forgot? "The back of my shirt. Like the whole thing," I turn around and feel the pen widely going across my back. "Done," he says. I turn back around and he hands me the pen. I offer to hand it back put he shakes his head and walks away. My mom walks over to me jumping, "I got the tickets for Michael Jackson's concert!!," she yells. He looks back and she freezes. "Francelle is that M-Michael Jackson?? What's he doing in here?," she asks, going into shock. I start pulling her by her arm. "I don't know what he's doing in here.." We make it back to the car and sit there for a minute. I just got Michael Jackson's autograph out of nowhere. I have tickets to his concert. I have his pen. And I think my time machine worked. *** So me and my mom drive home. We blast the radio, they're playing Michael Jackson in spirit of the concert. The same radio station Michael was just just at,the same place that gave us tickets. I love that radio station. We get home and we freak out! I show my mom the back of my shirt, she holds up the tickets and we jump around yelling. This has always been a fantasy of mine. Going to a Michael Jackson concert with free tickets, bumping into him, and getting his autograph. One thing checked off my bucket list. After a few hours, me and my mom start getting ready. I wear my Michael Jackson t- shirt, which I've always had.. in 2013 and everything. Weeiirrdd..like this shirt followed me. I look over to the floor and My foil ball is still there. I pick it up and look at it. It still looks the same. Not one change. I set it on my dresser and continue getting ready. I don't know how to do my hair. I have lots of hairspray and gels but I don't know how to use them. I wasn't born in the 80s. I know what hairstyles they wore and that's not what I'm wearing. So I decide a regular ponytail. A smooth middle of the hair ponytail. No mall hair. When we're both ready me and my mom head to the concert. Well, I don't think I could've EVER been ready for this. Did I mention we had front row tickets? To a BAD TOUR concert? What on earth, wind and fire is happening? Four years ago he was dead. Now a day later he's in concert... MY TIME MACHINE WORKED AND STEPHEN HAWKING DOESN'T KNOW A THING! *** To be continued.. -MRJ
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