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One Hell of a Boyfriend_Part 1
So guys, I'm back!! It's Kimaya. Had to do a few things and got some stuff taken care of, but now im back full on. Came up with a new story and I'll finish Just A Thought! Hope you like this one, Vote up, and I love you! :) PEACE, LOVE AND WEED! -Kimaya _____________________________________________ So I met Michael Jackson around 1980. We've been friends ever since. I've always had a boyfriend. Not the same one, but for years I stay with a boyfriend. Until something comes up between me and Michael. He asks me did I wanna be his girlfriend. He knew I had a boyfriend. I didn't know what was getting into him. I told him I'd let him know knowin a year. _____ Sure enough it's a year later. I'm boyfriend-less and Michael's begging me to go on a date with him, before his tour. I agree and let me tell you it wasn't easy. -- "Come on, Diana! One date?," he pleads over the phone. "Michael, you're going on your tour and stuff. If it does start something you won't have time for it," I say sadly. "I would make time," he replies, quietly. Okay this is ironic. Biggest pop star of the 60s, 70s, AND 80s begging someone, Literally BEGGING, a girl to date him. You're probably thinking "WTF I'D SAY HELL YEAH IN AN INSTANT!" but I have my reasons... "Michael you can't give up everything for me," I say awkwardly. "But I would! Please, Diana." "Where would this date take place?," I smile, through the phone. He giggles, "Neverland. Is that a yes, though?" I finally say yes. But when we hang up I feel disappointed. I don't think I can go on this date. Before I can overthink it, there's a knock on my front door. I open it to see Michael dressed super nice. Smiling from ear to ear. "Get dressed," he says coming inside quickly. "It's today?," I ask, quite startled. "Yes. I've been waiting for so long." I go up the stairs really confused. I get dressed casually but nice. I go back downstairs to see Michael's not there...Suddenly I'm lifted off the ground and out the door. I'm put in a limo. Then I see Michael run back in my house grab my purse and keys. He locks my door and gets in the limo with me. He's out of breath. "To Neverland," he says cutely. I smile at him. I feel as special as anyone could feel at this moment. I've sworn I'd never fall in love again, but this is bringing me closer... ______ We get to Neverland and he's just perfect. He helps me out of the limo, holding my hand the whole time. He takes me in the house which is dim with candles and stuff. In the kitchen there's a beautiful dinner set out. He sits me down and then takes a seat across from me. He's so happy right now. I'm kind of miserable. He's wasting his time on me, and I can't fall in love. He's a lovely guy. Handsome, sweet, great skills, and just really great. But I'm a broken girl. My last boyfriend I just broke up with was terrible. He abused me in places no one would see. He called me names. But what got me was the first impression. He was a straight gentleman, handsome, and doing evrything for me. A month later, he's abusing me and hurting my feelings. I never told anyone. I couldn't. I was elated when he finally left me. Now Michael's interested in me..I'm not really sure how I feel about it... ___ So after dinner we go on a few rides. Best night ever. We're on the ferris wheel and it stops. "I want to tell you something," Michael says calmly. I look at him, gesturing for him to go on. "I love you," he says instantly. I feel tears pour down my face right when he says that. "What the-? Why are you crying? I'm sorry," he says frantically wiping my face. I shake my head and hold his hands. "It's not you," I say with a sad smile. He looks away. "I'm in love with you, Diana. I always have been. Through all your boyfriends, I loved you. I love you still." "Michael listen, I love you too. I just can't." He wipes his face. He then looks at me with the most innocent look ever. Then he kisses me. Do I stop him because I'm sad and broken? No I don't stop him for any reason. _____ Peace, Love, and Weed <3 -Kimaya
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