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Darling Nikki (Part 32)
Since Nikki is away, I decided to update another chapter! :) - Kadena. PS, Nikki will be back soon! She's at an appointment. Lol. Enjoy! - â??There has to be some kind of mistake. I donâ??t have any weed. I donâ??t even know where you buy it around here!â? I yelled, damn near in tears. If there was one thing I hated, it was being accused of something that I didnâ??t do. â??Unless you can prove that itâ??s not yours. Youâ??re suspended until you can find some kind of proof.â? I groaned knowing that that could take forever. â??I took a piss test numerous times when I broke my ankles, canâ??t you use those?â? I asked feeling hopeless. â??It still doesnâ??t prove that you havenâ??t been selling them.â? His words irritated me and it seemed like no matter what I said, heâ??d have a counter attack. â??Everybody hangs out at my locker, when I broke my leg I had numerous people go through it. Michael came to my locker just today. Will that help?â? I asked becoming desperate. He sighed as if he was giving in. He turned towards one of the security and nodded towards the door. â??Bring Michael Jackson here please.â? My heart lifted a little at these words. Maybe Iâ??d be able to get out of this. We both waited for a while. The only thing I was worried about was the fact that Michael and I werenâ??t on the best of terms, but regardless he had to help me out right? Once Michael was brought into the room I sighed in relief. He looked over at me with a confused expression. â??Mr. Jackson, Iâ??ve called you here because we have found marijuana in Ms. Davids locker.â? Michaelâ??s expression dropped to nothing and he began to walk towards the door. â??Wait, Michael please!â? I yelled becoming a bit scared. If only he knew what was riding on this. He stopped in his tracks and slowly walked back into the room. â??You were with me earlier when I opened my locker; tell him that there wasnâ??t anything in it.â? I was extremely desperate at this point. â??Oh so once again, you need my help?â? He asked in a bitter way. It broke my heart the way he was speaking to me. â??I understand youâ??re angry but this is my last chance. I canâ??t be expelled anymore, this is it.â? I tried to get through to him but it didnâ??t seem like it was working. â??Whatâ??s the point? Youâ??re going to be bullshitting in a week anyways.â? I wasnâ??t used to seeing him like this. Tears began to build up. I stood up and limped towards him so that we could be face to face. â??The point is that Iâ??m trying to change my old ways. I havenâ??t bullshitted in weeks because Iâ??ve realized that Iâ??m only given but so many chances and when I fuck up for good thatâ??s it.â? A tear fell and I quickly wiped it away. â??You donâ??t appreciate shit I do for you. You donâ??t even care about me as much as I care about you. I might as well be your freaking guardian.â? It was apparent that he still wasnâ??t budging. I sighed deeply feeling a pain deep down in my gut that I havenâ??t felt for a while now. â??Do you remember the person I was when I first met you? Can you honestly say that nothing has changed since then? I owe it all to you. If you werenâ??t in my life Iâ??d probably be locked up, or strung out on drugs. Or a whore, like my mother. I care for you, more than I care about anybody else in this world. When are you going to get that youâ??re all I got. I donâ??t have anybody else to help me cope with my life, with my situation.â? I forgot where I was for a moment. In my mind it was just me and him. Tears began to pour from my eyes to the point where I couldnâ??t see anything. He slowly wiped away my tears with a softened facial expression. Everything around us became a blur. â??Donâ??t cry Nikki, please.â? He said this while slowly pulling me into a hug which I gladly accepted. â??There was nothing in her locker.â? I heard Michael say this to Mr. Gumby. â??That still doesnâ??t prove-.â? â??Iâ??ll take care of it.â? Michael cut him off and began to walk me towards the door. We walked for a while until we reached the abandon hallway. He entered one of the vacant classrooms and I followed behind him. I sat on one of the tables and he stood between my legs. â??How exactly am I supposed to get out of this situation?â? I asked him, hoping that he would have answers. â??Thereâ??s is literally only one person in town with access to marijuana. This is the same person that sold it to Tyler. Weâ??ll ask her where to go; weâ??ll get them to tell us who their last sell was to.â? He put it so simply as if it took very little thought. â??I knew that.â? I lied shrugging my shoulders and looking towards the ceiling. He chuckled at this. â??Thank you, for uh literally everything.â? He seemed pleased by this. â??Youâ??re always welcome.â? He replied leaning closer towards me. I wasted no time. I gently grabbed his hair and pulled him in for a kiss. He seemed a bit shocked by this but gladly accepted. I figured him being the goody toe shoes he was, it wouldnâ??t go but so far. But the kiss became sloppier and our tongues began to explore to the point where it was like we were trying to swallow each otherâ??s faces. He wrapped his arms around my waist and closed the little space between us. I need to breathe and I didnâ??t know how to go about this seeing that I never been tongue down before. I knew not to blow in his face because that would be weird. So I held it in. Idiotic idea, I know. After a whil that was no longer an option so I literally blew all of the air I was holding out and ended up spitting in his face on accident. He froze and kept his eyes closed as if he wasnâ??t expecting that to happen. â??Iâ??m so sorry.â? I apologized unable to hold in my laughter. â??Why exactly didnâ??t you just simply breathe out of your nose?â? he asked, now wiping the droplets of spit off of his face. â??I thought that it would be weird to breathe in your face.â? I explained, still giggling at my actions. â??Yes so letâ??s spit on him instead.â? I began to laugh even harder. Once he wiped away all of the evidence he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I smiled at this. He then leaned to the side a little and moved my hair all to one side. He began to kiss my neck and I began to smile from ear to ear. His kisses soon turned into sucking and I became excited by this. Donâ??t ask me why but I was fist pumping mentally. â??You know, if you like to suck things my dick is available.â? I spoke up making him burst into laughter. He stood up straight and shook his head. â??Stop being such a pervert.â? He spoke while lightly tugging on a piece of my hair. â??Baby I was born this way!â? I sung striking a pose. He shook his head and pulled me off of the table. â??Lunch is almost over, letâ??s get you to class.â? His words confused me. â??But Iâ??m expelled.â? I reminded him. â??He didnâ??t even call your aunt; I think he was just trying to scare you into confessing whether or not it was really yours.â? It kind of made since. While walking down the hallway I spotted a few cheerleaders. â??If it isnâ??t the little dirty drug dealer.â? One of the girls spoke, making the other three laugh. â??Are you on your way to your locker to gather your things?â? She asked, pretending as if she was sad. â??Do you not realize how much trouble youâ??re going to get into, setting Nikki up like that?â? Michael asked before I could get a word in. â??How exactly will anybody find out? Mr. Gumby loves his beloved cheerleaders, and I mean look at these faces. Who would ever suspect such innocent girls?â? Before I could answer Michael covered my mouth and continued, which confused me a bit. â??How can you live with yourself? Whatâ??s the point of framing her?â? Michael asked. â??We want the bitch gone, for good. She doesnâ??t belong here and nobody likes her. Besides, sheâ??s such an easy target; you look like dirty trash to begin with so a drug dealing title really wouldnâ??t be that surprising.â? I was angry at this point. But before I could attack I heard Michael whisper Mr. Gumby. I looked down the hall to see him walking towards us. â??Good afternoon Mr. Gumby.â? The cheerleaders spoke in unison. I rolled my eyes, completely disgusted with their fakeness. â??Hello there. Nikki, what are you still doing here?â? He asked, irritating me further. I really didnâ??t want to just sit at him all day. â??Well I uh-.â? â??We have proof that the cheerleaders set Nikki up.â? Michael spoke, confusing the entire group. â??What proof?â? Mr. Gumby asked. â??I recorded our conversation.â? Michael simply stated while pulling out his phone. I almost fainted. But Mr. Gumby didnâ??t seem relieved. He seemed annoyed and disappointed. â??What is with the constant beef between you and the cheerleaders? Now Iâ??m getting sick and tired of the games you kids play. You know what? I have the perfect plan.â? We all waited for him to speak hoping that this plan involved him kicking someone out. â??I think that if you guys spent some time together, youâ??d become friends in absolutely no time.â? Everyone shook their heads no including Michael. â??Nicole Davids, congratulations you are now a part of the cheerleading squad.â? I almost shitted bricks.
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