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Tough Love Part 95; Part 4 (2)
Hey yâ??all! :)Aariyan- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 95; Part 4 (2) Christmas Night, 1978 I was sitting there with my elbows stabbing through my thighs. My hands were holding my head as well when Michael walked back into the room. â??Iâ??m glad you finally hung up. I was about to call them. Iâ??m sure theyâ??re going to give us the go.â? I wouldâ??ve said â??Ohâ? but I just nod my head. â??I didnâ??t think to NOT tie up the phone lines. I shouldâ??ve been more considerate. Iâ??m sorry.â? Michael sits next to me on the bed and rubs my back for a second. â??Just pick yourself up.â? â??What?!â? â??We have a plane to catch.â? He smiles. Then Michael kisses my forehead. â??So get finish getting prepared, will ya?â? Well his light joking must mean heâ??s in a good mood, but since he knew I was recently sad, heâ??s just trying to make me feel better. I look at him with a tear located at the outer-edge of my eye. â??Whatâ??s wrong?â? I look down at my feet. â??I donâ??t knowâ?¦and thatâ??s whatâ??s so scary.â? Then he begins to rub my arms real quick like you would do if you were trying to help someone get some thermal heat. â??Well I hope I can help you with that. Okay?â? then I get a light kiss on the nose and he walks out the room. I guess this is my cue to pick myself up and get on with my life. So I do. Basically I reluctantly do a check of my stuff. While I was doing that, the phone rings and I decide to answer. â??Hello?â? â??Lyric?â? â??Hey Donovan, Iâ??m busy right now.â? â??Lyric, are you ready? Weâ??re going to ride up to LAX regardless.â? Michael asks as he gets under the threshold again. I nod my head as I glance real quick. â??Iâ??ll just have to call you back Donovan. Iâ??m sorry.â? â??I donâ??t know why,â? he says in his tone which means something is up. â??What?â? I say anyways because I donâ??t have time for anyone elseâ??s drama. â??Nothing.â? Then he hangs up. I stare into the phone, which is now dead on the other end. I put the phone back to its cradle. But I had just came from using the bathroom, and I was about to zip up my suitcase when Clarence calls me. â??You have a visitor!â? Damn, this AINâ??T a time for visitors right now. Why canâ??t this person get that through their head?! So I take ANOTHER deep breath, virtually face Heaven, then I say a quick prayer for things to go right, and as I go downstairs, I canâ??t believe what Iâ??m seeing at first. â??Donovan?!â? He just stood there quietly, but humbly with a closed-tooth smile. With his hands in his pockets, Donovan looked all grown up. But after briefly taking his posture in, I throw my arms his neck. Itâ??s been DAYS since I saw my best friend/ex-boyfriend. Plus the last time I saw him, I was also stuck in the closet with another guyâ?¦. â??Donovan, I canâ??t believe youâ??re here!â? â??You know I couldnâ??t miss Christmas Day with you.â? Then he goes behind his back and hands me a longer box wrapped in red shiny paper, and a smaller one in purple. I smile at him and move my hair behind my ears. ANYTIME Donovan gets me a gift, Iâ??m pretty eager because he always get good gifts. â??Open it,â? he whispers. But I really didnâ??t wanna feel pressured into opening presents in-front of anyone if I didnâ??t feel like it. So I firmly told him no. â??Ummâ?¦I was going to sit on the porch with Donovan.â? At this point in time, I really shouldnâ??t have to ask for permission to do certain things. â??â?¦Go on ahead. Just remember you gotta board a plane soon.â? I shrug Clarence off by nodding my head, but I do my best to NOT look at Michael. He was probably hurt for sure, but Iâ??m sure that he was pissed as well. I take Donovanâ??s hand and after I firmly close the door behind us, I take in the fresh air of the bright night. â??I canâ??t believe you came.â? â??Cookies and hot cocoa for you two?â? Angela says as she hands us two mugs and a plate of Christmas cookies. I felt like draining my mug RIGHT in-front of her and then sliding the plate of cookies into the bushes. But what stopped me was this FAKE façade we were playing in-front of Donovan. While he tells her thank you, I just look to my left as if Iâ??m looking over the neighborhood. Once she goes back in, my shoulders relax and I relax as I begin to look at Donovan again. Unlike other times when heâ??d wear his own famous blackâ??as in black clothingâ??and his hard-rock look, he actually softened it up a bit. With his hair flowing in the wind, and him being unimaginably quite, I must say Donovan Cooper looked pretty urbane. â??Care to sit?â? he points at the â??Famous Swingâ? on my porch. â??Sure,â? and as I back up in my corner, I tell Donovan I wasnâ??t a fan of this too much. â??Why not?â? â??Because of the window. My family is the snoopy type. They WILL look through the blinds to see what weâ??re doing.â? After looking off to the side, Donovan shrugs. â??Then we wonâ??t give them a reason to worry.â? He puts his arm on the back of the swing set after he scooted closer to me. Since Donovan wouldnâ??t say anything else, I did the speaking instead. â??Itâ??s been a long time huh?â? â??Yeahâ?¦it has. Itâ??s been a long time sinceâ?¦.â? Donovan looks at the window, which had the glow of yellow and orange since the living room light was on. â??See, told you.â? I smile as he sits us on the steps. Then he scoots in closer again. â??But like I was saying, yeah, itâ??s been a long time since Iâ??ve heard from you. Even a long time since Iâ??ve kissed you.â? I quickly-shyly smile down at my lap when he says that. â??You know it was only a peckâ?¦â? he turns my face towards him, and as he tenderly brush his thumb on my bottom lip, I see that lust isnâ??t the dominant force thatâ??s driving Donovan to feel this way. I actually see adoration in his eyes like normal. â??I know Donovan. But Iâ??m with someone. I donâ??t suppose to kiss you too.â? â??I know thatâ?¦I just miss you.â? â??Your hair looks like its growing.â? â??You know it grows fast. Iâ??ll cut it back into its little Shag if it gets too long. I donâ??t think I want all that length.â? â??Itâ??s a great change.â? I smile. â??Well Iâ??ll grow mine when you grow yours.â? â??Nun uh,â? I say. â??My hair has character now. I donâ??t look like everyone else.â? â??And thatâ??s another reason I dig you so much.â? â??I hope you didnâ??t come here JUST to hit on me, Donovan.â? â??Noâ?¦I really didnâ??t. I just know Iâ??m one of the first people you met once you moved back to California. You canâ??t scold me too much for wanting to be a part of this day with youâ??and thatâ??s even if itâ??s for only thirty minutes!â??I just love you and I care. You know that. Iâ??ve told you before, so itâ??s hard to hide my affection.â? â??I know,â? I quietly say. â??And I got my present for you but itâ??s in the house. I wasnâ??t expecting to youâ?¦know you today.â? â??I know you werenâ??t,â? then he smiles, â??If your boyfriend, who youâ??ve only been with for over a month can spend Christmas with you, then I donâ??t see why I, Donovan O. Cooper canâ??t as well.â? I smile while I let that soak in. Then I look up at him in the eyes. â??Uh Donovanâ?¦whatâ??s your middle name again?â? â??Whyâ?¦I thought you said you wouldnâ??t forget it since it fitted me so well.â? â??I knowâ?¦I just wanna hear it again so Iâ??ll make sure Iâ??m right.â? â??Itâ??s getting later and she REALLY needs to catch her plane. Itâ??ll be here pretty soon.â? It would be JUST like HIM to mess up things for me! And yep, Iâ??m speaking about Clarence. Donovan was just about to tell me his middle name! â??Oh okay,â? Donovan looks back at me with this stunned expression. I know he was thinking â??not again!â?. I try to go back in the house and wait to open Donovanâ??s presents, but Clarence insisted I do it NOW! Even Donovan was eager. It took my all to not gnaw off the inside of my cheek. So when I open the first box, a smaller one is in it as well. Oh noâ?¦no more M.J. tricks please! But what was in the bigger was an acoustic guitar. My face beamed but then I quickly became confused. â??Donovan, I got a smaller one that I got when I was about nine!â? â??Thought you outgrew it so I bought you a fresh start.â? I really didnâ??t want to open the smaller one, but everyone was expecting me to, so I did. My breath wasnâ??t so shallow once I saw what was in it: simply a guitar pick. But there was another key chain in the box as well. However, it was a set of pictures that Donovan and I had taken earlier in the year in a photo booth. Before I got to gasp, Donovan handed me the last box. It was a dark-lavender soft-back journal. When I looked blank again, Donovan answered for me again. â??I know how you like to write a lot. And so you wonâ??t have to write in that spiral notebook, I got you a real one so you can write your songs in.â? I was a little embarrassed that he told everyone that. So I handed him the journal, but I wrapped my arms around his neck because I was so happy that he was THOUGHTFUL in his gift giving. I know that made Clarence uncomfortable, but I really donâ??t care. Heck, I spent the day AWAY from them because I couldnâ??t stand their presence. Now Iâ??m just rubbing it in their face. â??Thank you DONNIE! You know, I wasnâ??t really expecting this at all!â? With Donovan just standing there in-front of Clarence and Angela, I SWEAR I just wanted to kiss him to make them mad. The only thing that stopped me was that Iâ??m dating M.J. So I just settle on a tight hug. When I bid him bye on the front steps, Donovan mustâ??ve had the same thing in mind. â??I guess Iâ??ll see you later.â? â??Yeah, sure.â? Without saying anything, he leans me closer to his face, but it was like an airy tease because I never remember feeling his lips touch mine. â??If only,â? he whispers. â??You know you donâ??t have to be scared to do it.â? â??But I am because you arenâ??t mine.â? And when I get a kiss on the forehead, I felt like Donovanâ??s little sister! Though I was just rejected, I liked that Angela and Clarence seemed to be speechless about Donovanâ??s gifts. I follow Michael downstairs. â??Need us to go with yâ??all again?â? Clarence asks. â??No weâ??re fine.â? I say with so much strictness in my tone. It wasnâ??t even funnyâ??my tone or face. â??I think we can manage this time, Clarence.â? Michael tries to politely say. â??Well let me get a few words with you,â? Clarence says as he pulls Michael to the side. But Angela just holds her arms out to me as she grabs onto my neck. Iâ??m still stiff as a brick. I didnâ??t need her even TOUCHING me. But while she did this, I over hear Clarence tell Michael: â??Now, Iâ??m trusting you with my daughter. DONâ??T screw this up. Remember, Iâ??m a man too.â? No shitâ??you proved that crap to me today. But Iâ??ll let him finish. â??Iâ??m a father. And Iâ??m a cop on top of that,â? he says as he clamps his hand on Michaelâ??s shoulder. As Michael is looking Clarence in the eyes, he nods and thereâ??s some type of â??understandingâ? understood between the two. I wonder why Clarence always feels the need to tell Michael this. Itâ??s not like heâ??s trying to do anything to me but babysit me like heâ??s done here in California. So to piss him off, I hug Michael but the way I did it, I just looked like I needed some emotional healing, but in truth, I think I actually wanted to KISS him in-front of them. See how they like it. I know that wouldâ??ve been worse than kissing Donovan. â??And I love you too Lyric.â? Clarence says as he pulls me into a hug by the waist. Right after he kisses my cheek, Iâ??m just like â??mhmmâ? and I GRAB Michaelâ??s hand before walking out. We get our things in the trunk, and as theyâ??re waving us off from the porch, I roll my eyes and look at Michael because Iâ??m wanting to ask him â??Do you see this?!â? Clarence actually has his arms around Angelaâ??s waist like weâ??re one big happy family again. Thatâ??s not the case with usâ?¦anymore. The last site of them was them still waving with the light on in the house. I turn around in my seat and let out a HUGE sigh. I begin smiling again when I noticed it was just the two of us once more. â??Arenâ??t you happy to get me alone?â? Michael curiously looks at me, rolls his eyes, then pay attention to the road again. â??It dependsâ?¦.â? â??Well I think I miss it just being the two of us.â? I cross my arms then. â??Well remember what your dad said.â? â??Oh uck!â? â??â??Iâ??m a MAN! Iâ??m her FATHER! Iâ??m a COP!â??â? Michael jokingly deepened his voice. â??How do you feel when he say it?â? I look over at him. He doesnâ??t say anything for a moment. â??Like I wanna do something thatâ??ll make him worry.â? My eyes got wide as he looks over at me and begins laughing. The whole way to LAX was like this. I would crack a joke or Michael would crack a joke and weâ??s just have the best of time. We really fed off of each otherâ??s energy. â??I wished I had changed shirts than this Christmas sweater.â? â??Well you can when we get there.â? I wasnâ??t expecting to see Marlon once we got there. â??Just here to pick up the Mercedes.â? Tito was there with him so I guess Tito was going to drive the other car while Marlon got the Mercedes. â??Have a safe trip,â? he smiles. Then I hug him and Tito. â??Yâ??all too,â? I say. â??And try not to have too much fun,â? Tito remarks then snickers with Marlon as they walk away. â??YOU donâ??t have to worry about that,â? Michael says as we begin to walk away as well. â??So what was wrong with you?â? â??Michael I donâ??t know if we should be talking about this here.â? â??But I donâ??t want this to hangover us once we get to Hawaii again.â? â??What if I get emotional? Iâ??m TELLING you I donâ??t WANT to talk about this here!â? Michael looks around and over my head. Then he whispers in my ear about what he was going to do. A few minutes later, I say the pass code which is â??Peter Pan rocks,â? and the door opens and I lock it real quick. Michael is leaning against the sink with his arms crossed. â??Now youâ??re going to tell ME whatâ??s wrong with you. You wonâ??t tell anyone else.â? I cross my own arms, look off to the side, then I start to bite down on my lip because of my nerves.... ------------------------------------------------------------------ I know I havenâ??t posted in aâ?¦while and Iâ??m sorry. This date, Feb. 11, will be really important in the story as well. And Iâ??m sorry this didnâ??t pertain 100% with Michael. But as usual, Iâ??m thinking about the story so once I type, I know WHAT to type about :).
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