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A Daughter's Love -11-
Me: He Dad! Dad: Hey Sweetie. I sounded like a little kid that hasn't seen their father in a long time. By the sound of his voice, he had sounded kind of tired. Me: You sound tired. Have you been sleeping? Dad: I've been on a plane all day. You know I can't sleep well on planes. Me: Well...Have you reached Japan yet? Dad: Yea...It's about time. Me: We'll that's good that you got there safely. Dad: Well, I just wanted to talk to you for a little bit and tell you that I love you and for you to have a good first day of school tomorrow. Me: Will do! And I love you too. Have a good concert! Bye daddy! Dad: Bye sweetie! Well...That went well! No arguments or threats towards being grounded. Isn't this just a good day. Grandma finally came downstairs. Grandma: Hey Ailynn...Good to know that you're back. Who was that on the phone? Me: It was my dad. Grandma: Oh okay. Well are you hungry? I got some leftovers in the fridge. Me: Nope...Im about to get ready to go and get ready for bed. I'm so excited about tomorrow! But thanks though! I ran upstairs to take a shower. I just couldn't wait to go to bed and wake up in the morning. I took a shower for 30 minutes, played with my hair, and even read and watched TV to pass the time. By the time I was done with all of that, it was already 9 o'clock. I decided to tell my grandmother that I was going to bed early. I said my prayers and hope into bed. I couldn't wait until the next morning!! ��Next Morning�� I've been up since 5 o'clock this morning. I'm so excited! This is how I'm gonna look for the day: My Hair and Shirt: http://img002.lazygirls.info/people/tinashe_kachingwe/tinashe_kachingwe_pretty_ 8LmejAR.sized.jpg My Pants: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_iBilNMJ98Po/SwrfuQHK6aI/AAAAAAAAAd0/r29kGrIGi 3c/s400/skinny+jeans.jpg My Shoes: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/$T2eC16d,!ykE9s7ty!EiBQUS,C2)IQ~ ~60_35.JPG I was looking pretty cute. You're probably wondering why my hair is blond. I have these rare genetics where my hair changes color over a certain amount of time, giving me a new look every time school starts. Since Grandma woke up about an hour after I did, she made me a "Back To School" breakfast! It consisted of chocolate chip pancakes, a banana nut muffin, mandarin oranges & strawberries alon with milk. Doesn't really sound like a good combination but trust me, it was DELICIOUS! I finally left the house, on my way to school. I finally arrived to school! Incase you're wondering, I go to Buckley, a private school within the valley. Some of the kids can be pretty snotty so I constantly hang out with my friends from the previous year. I can be classified as one of the "popular" kids. I don't really understand how. I'm just pretty goofy and smart but I know that kids don't like you for that now-a-days. Maybe it's because of my last name. Oh well, I tend to distance myself from those type of kids. I got out if the limo and ran to the front door. I saw a few kids from last year as well as some newbies. When I got inside, I ran to the 200 hall. Did you first already? I had a kiss from Daryll waiting for me. Since Daryll is a grade ahead of me (I skipped up a grade back in '84), he was on a different hall. I ran to the lockers, hoping that Daryll would be there. He wasn't here get and its already 8:30. I hope he's here at school. I kept seeing other kids that lived in my neighborhood, waving at me and I kept throwing out a fake wave. I was a little upset, hoping that he wouldn't stand me up. Suddenly, someone covered my eyes saying- ???: Guess who! Yay! I knew exactly who it was but I kinda wanted to keep this game going. School doesn't start till 9 anyway. Me: Ummm...Jacque? Daryll: Nooo Me: Taj? Daryll: Noo...Last guess. Me: (Fake Gasp) Is it Daryll?!? Daryll: You got it! He is so cute when he's slow! Daryll: (turning me around) So...You ready for your "First Day Of School" Kiss? Me: Maybe I am... (Biting my lip) Daryll: I know you are (pushing me against the locker) Omg! I'm bouncing like crazy on the inside! He tilted my head up and kissed me passionately. My 2nd kiss in 2 days and it was better than the first one. The way he kisses me makes it seem as if it's my 1st kiss. People were staring but I didn't notice until Daryll's friends started howling. We ended up pulling apart. I was biting my lip. We were blushing and our dimples were showing. I don't really understand why my dad doesn't want me dating. All guys aren't no good. Daryll: Come on let's go and get our schedules (waffling our hands together) Me: Okay. People kept looking at us like they were about to nominate us as couple of the year. We finally got our schedules. We had 3 classes together! Daryll: At least we got the last 3 classes of the day together. Me: I know...This is gonna be an awesome school year. Daryll walked me to class, risking being late to his own. He can be such a sweetheart. I'm glad we're together! ��Dad's PV�� (Skipping Time) I've been on tour for about 2 months now. Ailynn ready started 8th grade and I just feel like I'm getting old. I feels just like yesterday when I was holding her small little body in my arms just a day after she was born. Today, I get a day off, but knowing me, there's no such thing as relaxation in my book. I was readin a book when I heard Frank out in the hallway yelling. What is it now? Frank: This is ridiculous! Don't show this to Michael or he'll have a f***** heart attack! This revolved around me...I had to see what was going on. Me: Frank what's all the noise? I noticed that Frank had quickly hid something behind his back. Me: Whats behind your back Frank? Frank: Nothing man don't worry about it. Me: I think I should worry about it (snatching the paper from behind him) I looked at the paper and saw something that I couldn't believe. This infuriated me to the core. What made everything even worse was there was a picture of her and that boy. I'm more pissed than ever before... TBC
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