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A Daughter's Love -6-
â?¢Flashbackâ?¢ 1982 was a year of chaos for my dad. This psychotic woman had sent letters to my dad saying that he was the father of one of her twins. It had gotten out of hand. She ended up sending him a gun within another letter, telling him to kill himself at a certain time on a certain day. He ended up making the song Billie Jean. One day, a deranged woman broke into Hayvenhurst saying some pretty inappropriate things. My grandparents (mother's parents) ended up finding out about these situations and decided to fight to have custody over me in court. Me ,being only 7 years old, didn't know what "custody" was but I knew that I didn't wanna be separated from my dad. My dad tried to fight this court. He ended up taking me to court with him. That was the worst day of that year. At the end of that day, I had to go with my grandparents and I only got to see my dad once a week. This went on for about a month. I remember during one of the visits, I went back to Hayvenhurst and went with my grandmother to go and visit my dad on the set of the Billie Jean. I remember running up to him and hugging him. He picked me up. It felt like we were hugging for a long time because neither one of us let go for a long time. I still remember our conversation: Me: I missed you daddy! Dad: I missed you too baby! Me: Daddy? Dad: Yes sweetie? Me: Why am I still living with abuelo y abuela? (grandpa and grandma)? I thought you said I was coming home soon. Dad: You are coming home. They're just watching after you for a while. Me: Daddy... Dad: (smiling) Yes sweetie? Me: Can I spend the night with you? I really miss you. I saw a twinkle in his eyes. Dad. Sure sweetheart. That night was the best night for me. I pulled and all nighter with him, eating junk food and watching movies. We even stared talking. Me: Daddy... Dad: Hmm? Me: Why did mommy leave us? He just stared at me. He looked like he was about to cry but he sucked it up and told me... Dad: It was time for mommy to go. Me: What do you mean? She didn't love us anymore? I started crying Dad: No...Come here baby. I went over to him and sat in his lap. He held me tight and kissed my forehead. Dad: Your mommy loved us and she loved you more than life itself. Me: Where exactly did she go? Dad: She went to heaven with God. Me: Does that mean that she's an angel? Dad: You can say something like that. Which means that she's watching over us. She'll never let anything happen to us. She loves us too much to let that happen. After he said that, I snuggled my head into his chest and put my hand on his cheek while listening to his heart. He kissed my forehead again and started rubbing my head. Me: I love you daddy. I think he was crying because I heard him sniffling Dad: I love you too Aily. The next day, he had to take me back to my grandparents' house. I was sleep ny the time we got there, so I woke up, realizing that I wasn't at Hayvenhurst anymore. I started crying really hard. I thought I was never gonna see him again. I cried that entire day, putting myself to sleep. About two weeks later, I moved back into Hayvenhurst with my dad. You're probably wondering "how is this traumatizing?" When you're seven years old still recuperating with your mother's death, anything appears to be traumatizing. â?¢Realityâ?¢ Daryll: Wow...You have been through a lot. Me: Told ya that my life isn't all that extravagant I realized that the sun was starting to set Me: Wow. I didn't know that my story was that long. Daryll: It's okay...You want me to walk you home? Me: It's okay...I can get there from here, besides I want you to get home before the sun fully sets. Daryll: It's okay...I live about 15 minutes away from you. Besides (grabbing my hands) if anything happens to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Me: Ummm...Okay. He grabbed my hands! Omg! I'm so struck by love! No one has ever done that. I know I shouldn't be getting caught up into his charm, mainly because my dad doesn't want me to date any boys but Daryll is about a year and a half older than me (born Sept. 1973) so I don't think I should consider Daryll as a boy, but more of a man. He walked me all the home, that even includes the front door. Daryll: I had a good time with you today Me: Me too, I mean I had a good time with you not just- I just stopped talking. How was I so nervous at this point? Daryll: (giggling) You're funny. I'll see you tomorrow, okay. Me: Okay...Bye Daryll: Bye He turned around and kissed me on my cheek. Daryll: I owe you for that I held the side of my face and started blushing. Daryll: Bye. I was speechless. I just waved. I walked into the house and looked out the peep hole, just watching him walk away ???: Who was that and where have you been? TBC
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