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Why are you so mean? part 7
Alex: my bad mike I didn't know the honey was yours Michael: you cool man Alex: I'll see you later me: Michael: you didnt have to do that Michael: if I didn't he would've left you alone me: I can handle myself Michael: we are talking about frat boys... Look they call themselves bees and classify girls. The pollen are the girls that look alright, the flowers are the girls that are pretty, and the honey they are the sexy girls that the can't wait to get their hands on me: I can still handle myself Michael: girl in that dress it is impossible to handle yourself, now say thank you and let's dance We went on the dancefloor and we were grinding friendly, I was holding on to michaels shirt and he had his and on my hip and a drink in the other hand. I stuck with Michael the whole night because I trusted no one else Victoria acted like I wasn't even there I guess she was having fun te at the end of the party Victoria was white girl wasted so I got Michael to carry her to the dorm and he put her down. me: thanks for taking her up, she was a mess Michael: your welcome... I better let you get some sleep we have English tomorrow *hugs me* me: bye Michael Michael: bye I went in the room and took victoria's shoes off, put her in the covers and I went to sleep. The next morning I woke up around 8:00 because I had a class at 9:30 I got in the shower and put this on:http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/cnrward/Random%20Celeb%20pics/575 45161cnrward528200962811PM.jpg I went out to get a black coffee for Victoria and a frappecino for me I went back to the dorm and she was laid out on the floor me: forreal Victoria we got class in an hour get go ass up Victoria: *whispering* shhh stop yelling head hurts me: you should've never got that drunk last night... Here drink this Victoria: *takes coffee* I hate coffee me: well it is the Only thing that is going to sober you up in time for class Victoria: ok ok ok Victoria drunk the coffee took a shower and we were on our way to class. When we got there Victoria saw some of her friends and sat with them as I was about to sit down I heard someone call my name. Michael: psst Christina me: *turns around* hey Michael * walks to him Michael: hey *hugs me* wanna sit with me and the guys me: sure just don't get me in trouble *smirks* Michael: no promises *smirks*... so are you doing cheerleading tryouts me: yea me and Victoria both are Michael: that's good me and the team are going to be watching you guys me: really Michael: yup me: then you can help me stretch Michael: really me: nope We listened to our English 101 lecture and as soon as class was over idealize out and Michael grabbed my arm Michael: see you on the field *bites his lip* me: bye Michael Michael: *whispers in my ear* bye Chrissy I wonder what that was all about, o well I need to get ready for tryouts so I went in my room and put on a white sports bra and my old red short cheer shorts. When I got on the field I was greeted by the coach and I saw Victoria and she came to me jumping like she lost her mind. Victoria: girl I am so EXCITED me: I am to Victoria: girl and the football team is watchin me: I know Michael told me Victoria: mmmm Michael tells you a lot lately me: what's that suppose to mean Coach: okay girls time to cheer get into groups and select a song, make your own routine for 3 minutes then show me what you got as you see we have company so each group will get two player for supervision, because they have nothing better to do with their lives The Team: HEY!!!!!! Coach: *laughing* alright let's go I got into a group with Victoria and three girls named Aaliyah, Jessica, and Nicki We picked the song kiss kiss by Chris brown Michael: Chrissy guess whose in your group me: I don't know is it number 5 the sexy one with the waves or number 28 the cute white boy with the hilights Michael: Straight face NO!! It's number 7 the one with the curly black hair me: oh well I guess your alright Michael: *jaw drops* that's not funny *picks me up* me: put me down Michael I was playin please put me down I have to stretch Michael: can I help? me: no I have the girls Michael: well do your thing because I will be supervising you the most me: *playfully pushes him* shut up and "supervise" We got our routine right and did it for the coach and our whole team made it and then we got our uniforms---- http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_1NsBcAe7nTs/SdwddNSzv2I/AAAAAAAAABc/DXm7z- TFsCM/s400/ucla+cheer+3.JPG Michael: I can't wait until you cheer at my games me: and I can't wait until you play to my cheers Michael: okay *rubs my chin* see you later, I have to practice me: well go practice Michael left and I turned around and saw the rest of the girls Nicki: he likes you me: we are just friends Jessica: really, well "friend" Michael is one of the most friendliest friends I've seen thus far Victoria: I tried to tell you Aaliyah: but he's cute so you betta get him before somebody else do me: y'all really think he like me The Girls: DUHHH!!!!! me: imma mess with him Victoria: why!! me: look I know the past is the past but he did me wrong in high school Victoria: so what you gonna do me: make him want something he can't have The other cheerleaders Aaliyah: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma2ly9Po2j1r8cav3o2_400.jpg Jessica: http://ia.media- imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM0MzU1NTg5NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjY5MDA 0Mg@@._V1._SX214_CR0,0,214,314_.jpg Nicki:http://images.starpulse.com/pictures/2007/02/09/previews/Denyce%20Lawt on-SGG-036442.jpg Enjoy~ Erica
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