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Show Me What Love Feels Like Ch. 21
Enjoy!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- *Recall: Misty decides to stay at home while Michael tours so she could restart her education. "I hope that made you feel better," I said as I ran my finger up and down on his chest as we lay together, with our sweat- ridden bodies causing friction as they rub together. "Ehh, not really, but I'll get over it," Michael replied as he placed his arm around my shoulder as I rested on his chest. "Michael, I'm sad that I can't tour with you, but this is what's best for me. I have to get my life back on track and make something out of myself. I want to major in literature and minor in English, and I can't do that if I'm busy touring the world." "Once again, I understand that. I'm very proud of you, girl," Michael said sincerely as he kissed my cheek. "You know I love you." "Yes, I know for sure. I love you too." "Always know that I will love you forever." "Baby, I know that. I love you too much to not know that." Then Michael turned to me so that our faces would be before each other. He then grabbed my hand and his grip was tight. "Prove how much you love me." "What do you mean by that?" "...Marry me someday..." My heart suddenly felt overwhelmed. The man that I loved asked me to take his hand in marriage one day. That meant the world to me at that point. "Oh, Mike. You know that I will marry you soon. It's my destiny to be your wife. For everything that you have saved me from and everything that you've done for me...I want to pay you back in return.." "Marry me when I come back from touring next year. Please do it." "I will." ............. Four months flew away and it was the day that Michael had to leave for his year long tour, and also the day that I started school. It was a very important, yet a very lonely day. My fiancee' was going to leave me for more than a year, and I was going to spend a year and a month in lonliness, yet it came with a good price: I was going to succeed in my studies, hoping to reach my dreams of majoring in literature and minoring in English. In June of 1996, Michael had gotten me a 36 carrot, diamond ring which costed as much as a house did. I had told him that he didn't have to spend much money on just a ring for me, but he quoted that he "felt that you deserved the world and that you are worth more than any diamond on this Earth." "I'll miss you, baby. Write me," I said, while dabbing my eyes with tissue as he stepped into his private jet on the way to Europe. "I sure will honey. I will also call you everyday to hear your sweet voice. Love you!!" "Love you too babe." I then saw his private jet rise up into the clouds while I saw him blowing kisses from the sky. I blew him kisses back. Once I saw the plane right out of sight, I just let my emotions fly out. I squat down onto the ground and just cried. That was all I could do: cry. But I had to leave him. It was for my own good. It was for my future. It was to better my life. About two months later, in November, I was reading a book required for my Literature class when I heard the doorbell ring. No one had ever answered the door, since I had never gotten any visitors, so I was pretty suspicious. I looked through the door hole before answering, and through the door hole, I saw a familiar face...a face I did not wanna see... the face belonged to the she-devil herself, Lisa Marie... "Lisa?" "Look, we gotta talk," she said, immediately slamming the door and taking my hand with her as we sat on the couch. "What is it?" "Look, I know that we haven't been the nicest to each other this past year, and I know that you and Michael have been in love for some while, but...I have to tell you something." Lisa then held her head down and took a large sigh. "What's going on?" I asked, confused and afraid of what she was going to tell. "Michael's been cheating on you.." From hearing her words, my heart crashed the floor and exploded into a million pieces like a fine glass plate. "What? No, Michael could never do that." "Oh yeah? Here's evidence," she said as she handed me a dozen pictures. All of the pictures were of her and him at Disneyland with them holding hands and smooching. My body felt weak. I felt like a dead cadaver who had been decomposed for months. I felt betrayed, I felt emotionally tortured by those pictures that Lisa had shown me. Michael told me that he loved me. That I was all that he needed. But he hurt me behind my back. Now I knew how Lisa felt when Michael and I had begun an affair. I guess it was karma..... ............... TBC....
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