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The Memories.Part 7
-Mariee <3 Me:Lets go Maddie. *pulling her* Maddie:Why? We didn't even see them yet. Me:I don't car lets go *pulling her to the car* Maddie:What is your problem? Me:Did you not see Michael kissing that girl? Maddie:So he's moved on and you need to do the same. Me:Shut Up! Maddie:Your just saying that because im right. Michael's P.O.V I love my new girlfriend she' funny,sweet, caring ,loving and beautiful but theres just one thing she's not Ariel. When i look at Gia all i see is Ariel.We get done with the Meet & Greet and now were back chilling. Marlon:Hey Michael did you see... Gia:Michael lets go out tonight. Michael;Hold on, what were you saying Marlon? Marlon:Nothing its nothing . Michael:You sure? Marlon:Yeah you two carry on. Michael:Ok what were you saying Gia? Gia:I said lets go tonight. Michael:Its like 11 and Joe will kill if he knew i snuck out. Gia:So your 16 this is what kids your age do all the time. Michael;Maybe tomorrow. Gia:We never do anything but i bet when you were with that bitch Arianna she did anything she told you. Michael:First off she's not a bitch and second her name is Ariel please get people's name right before you want to talk about somebody. Gia;I don't care what her name is. Michael:Im not about to do this with you tonight. Gia:Whatever i'll see you at the hotel. Gia decided to take a cab and i really didn't care. I couldn't believe she would talk about Ariel like that i was starting to have second thoughts on Gia i mean why should i be having second thoughts i haven't seen nor talk to Ariel in a month but like i said everytime im with Gia its like im with Ariel. When i kiss Gia its like im kissing Ariel, when Gia's talking to me all i hear is Ariel's voice i can't get her out of my head. *4 years later... (1978) My p.o.v Im still living in i wanted to move back when i turned 18 but i met someone special his name is Jesse he is the most sweetest man ever. He proposed to me a couple of months ago and of course i said yes but something strange happened i saw Michael's face appear which was strange because i haven't been thinking about Michael in years... Jesse:Ariel want to watch some tv with me? me:*runs and jumps on the couch * whats on? Jesse:*grabs the remote * lets see. *turns on the tv* ahh look Michael's Jackson living in ... while shooting the Wiz. Me:Can you turn the channel? Jesse:Why? Me:Please just turn the channel. Jesse:*turns the channel* Are you going to tell me whats the matter? Me:Nothing i just wanted to watch something else. Jesse:Oh the way you said change the channel kind of scared like you remembered something from your past. Lucky for me Jesse was a therpastic so he could tell when something was the matter with me by just looking at me and you know therpastic always want to make you tell them whats the matter but i don't know how to say im still in love with my childhood boyfriend... Me:No just wanted to watch something else thats all. Jesse:You sure? You know you can tell me anything. Me:I know im going in the kitchen to grab something to drink you want something? Jesse:No im good. Me:*Goes to the kitchen and comes back* You know we dont have any Juice im going to run and get some you want something? Jesse:I'll come with. Me:No... I mean im just running up the street to the store im be back in a jiffy. Jesse:Oh okay bring me back some candy. Me:I'll bring back lots of it. *grabbing my keys* i'll be right back... I had no intentions on going to the store. I didn't lie about have any juice but i didn't really want any more i just made that up to get out the house because there was something i had to do. I knocked on the door scared out of my mind.I haven't been dace to face with this man in 4 years what was i going to say, what if he doesn't even remember me? I should leave. Michael:*opens the door* Ariel? Me:*turns around* Michael... Michael:W-what are you doing here? Me:I was looking at tv and they said you were living here while you were filming the wiz , weird right? I mean why would they give out where your staying but they did i just came by to see how you doing. So how are you doing? Michael:*silent* Me:Im sorry i shouldn't have came here... *begins walking away* Michael:Ariel do you want to come in? Me:*stops* S-Sure. Michael:You can sit down if you like. Me:*Sits down* how have you been? Michael:good and yourself? Me:um alright. Michael:Oh Mother told me a long time ago you moved here. Me:Yeah ... Michael:Do you like it better out here? Me:I mean yeah i guess what about you? Michael:I move around so much they all seems the same. Me:Oh... Michael:Would you like some Coffee or Tea or something? Me:no im fine. Michael:What? Ariel passing up Coffee... Me: You remember that? Michael:how could i forgot everytime you came over had to have coffee. Me:*laughs* it was addicting. Michael:I know then after that you would be so hyper . Rememeber the time we got in trouble for jumping on the couch? Me:Yeah your mother made us stand in a cornor for ten minutes. *laughs* Michael;*Laughs* That was funny. Me:Yeah thanks to you and your laughing we had to stay there for another 10. Michael:Hey you were laughing too. Me:Not as loud as you though. Michael;*giggles* Do you still paint? Me:Honestly no i haven't painted since umm since our last date. Stephanie (Michael's GF) : Michael... *looks at me* oh hello. Me;*stands up* Hello im Ariel. Stephanie: Hello im Stephanie. Me:Oh are you dating Michael? Stephanie:Yes. Me:Ohh Well then i better get going it was nice meeting you and nice seeing you Michael. Stephanie:yeah nice meeting you too. Michael:Wait...Ariel Me:See you Michael. *walks out and closes the door* Stephanie:She left rather fast. Michael:yeah she did. Stephanie:Was that her? Michael:huh? What are you talking about? Stephanie:The girl your first love ... The girl your still in love with. Michael:i-i dont--- Stephanie:Look a women knows when a man looks into her eyes and see's another women. Michael:*hesitates* yeah- yeah thats her. Stephanie:She's very pretty , how'd you two meet? Michael:Carnival... She didn't even want to talk to me. Stephanie:How'd you get her to? Michael:Her friend talked to her into it. Stephanie:How'd you guys break up? Michael:It was my fault. Stephanie:What? Michael: The reason she didn't go out with me before was because she thought i just wanted to have sex with her then leave her but once she saw i didn't we started dating after a while of us dating we both decided to you know have sex then after that she found out i was leaving for tour in two days and thought that i was just with her to have sex but i wasn't . I loved her i still do. Stephanie:Sounds like to me you needs to make things right. Michael:What about you ? What about us? Stephanie:We both know this relationship is not going to last if your still in love with another women... (*Pretend* present day) *1987* Maddie:*closes the book* Me;Don't stop i need to know if Michael and Ariel got back together. Maddie:Its getting late i'll finish it tomorrow. Me:You always stop at the good parts. Maddie:I gotta leave you with a cliffhanger Anna. me:Where's Kelsey? Maddie;Who? Me;Kelsey i had a baby name Kelsey... TBC..... Sucks i know...
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