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The Memories.Part 3
-Marie <3 I was so confused on why Michael didn't kiss me i mean i know earlier on what i said about boys just wanting to have sex but i was proved wrong Michael wasn't like that at all he rarley even liked to talk about it but you can tell he was curious on a lot of things about the subject but back to the kiss on which Michael backed away from. Maybe he felt it was to early for the kiss but why not tell me that instead of having me look like a idiot infron of you... I walked in the house with my parents asking me 1,000 questions about the date. Maddie was sleep but i know in the morning she's going to be asking 1,000 questions too and if im still going over Michael's house to go swimming. I did want to go over Michael's house but i was also afraid because i will be meeting his family for the first time and we all know how that can be. What if the family hates me? No im not going to think negative on positive thinking... *The Next Morning at 8 am eating breakfast. Maddie:Ariel are we still going to Mikes today? Me:yes... Mom:Ariel you should bring me and your father along with you since your going to meet his family his family should also meet us. Me:Mom Mike and I are not dating i mean yeah im meeting them but its not like "hey this is my girlfriend everybody" type meeting. Mom:I know but still. Dad:Honey lets give those two some time to hang around eachother without us getting in the way for awhile,we'll do something fun at the house. Me:ew dad that sounds so wrong. Maddie:What? I dont get it. Me:you dont need to... Mom:okay what time you two going over there? Me:11. Mom:What time do you think you'll be done? Me:I don't probably 3 or 4. I'll call you. With the million questions they were asking me let me just move on... I began to get ready after we get done eating i didn't want to be late. I love to swim but i was also really excited to see Michael. My mom dropped me and my sister off at Michael's house and let me tell you his house was HUGE i mean i wasn't expecting something tiny but i didn't know it was going to be like this. I ring the doorbell and Michael didn't answer... Marlon:Hello. Me:Hi im... Marlon:Ariel i know Mike talks non stop about you...please come in. Maddie and I both walk in. Me;Oh My Gosh i love your house. Marlon:Thanks. Me:Where Michael? Marlon:upstairs taking a shower we had rehearsel today and it ran kind of late everybody ran in the shower and Michael was the last one to make it so he had to wait until i got out. Me:oh i never knew you guys had to rehearse on Sundays i thought you would get like a day off or something. Marlon:I wish. Maddie:*coughs* Me:Oh im so sorry Maddie.Marlon this is my little sister Maddie ... Maddie this is Marlon. Maddie:Hi im 6. Marlon:Hi im 17. My sister Janet is 8 you want to go upstairs and play with her? Maddie:Sure. Marlon takes Maddie upstairs and leaves me downstairs by myself i was freaking out. I hate being alone in a place ive never been before... Michael:Ariel your here *runs up and hugs me* Me:Yeah i just got here five minutes ago. Michael:Who let you in? Me:Marlon... Michael:Oh god. what did he tell you? Me:Nothing really he just said you talk about me non stop. Michael: Of course he did, where is he now? Me:He took Maddie up to play with Janet. Michael:oh... Me:Wheres your mother? Michael:ran to the store real quick. Me:oh where's um Joe? Michael:Downstairs taking a nap. Me:Oh well i know you have a lot of brothers and sisters...Where are they? Michael:Running around here somewhere want to me to get them for you so you can meet them? Me:NO! i mean im nervous. Michael:Don't be they're normal people well sometimes. TITO, JERMAINE,MARLON,JACKIE,RANDY GET DOWN HERE PLEASE! Tito:What you want man? Jermaine:yeah i was really busy talking on the phone. Randy:Do you guys not see theres Michael lady standing right there. Michael:Randy she's my friend. Randy:Yeah a friend who you can't stop talking about. *mocking Michael* Oh Ariel's so beautiful, im going to marry her and give her babies. Michael:SHUT UP! Me:*laughs* Michael:*sits on the couch*ughh so embarssing. Jackie:Hello Ariel my name is Jackie. Me:I know hello Jackie. Tito:Bet you know my name. Me:Tito right? Tito:told you. Marlon:You already met me. Randy:Im Randy the new short and cute improved member of the Jackson 5. Michael,Jermaine,Marlon,Jackie,Tito:OH SHUT UP RANDY *throws a pillow at him* Me:*laughs* Jermaine:And im Jermaine. Me:Hello... Its very nice to meet all of you. *smiles* Michael:okay you may leave now. Randy:No i want to stay here and talk to Ariel...So Ariel do you like Michael? Me:I umm... i mean... i umm... Yeah i do. Randy:Michael she said she likes you. Michael:I can hear... *looks at me* You do? Me:Yeah *looks down. Michael:I like you too. Me:I know you ive been told already. Michael:*laughs* Tito:GET SOME MIKE! Michael:thats it you guys really need to leave. All the boys leave and Michael just stands there and slaps his head. Me:Why'd you do that? Michael:Im so embaressed. Im so sorry. Me:Its fine they're family thats what there supposed to do. Michael:But what Tito said was way out of line. Me:I thought it was pretty funny you know he was just playing around. Michael:I know but still... Me:Michael... Michael:Yeah? Me:Can we go swimming? Michael:Oh i thought you were going to tell me something important. Me:I was asking something important. Michael:Well lets go *pulling me towards the backyard* I take off my swimsuite cover up. I had on my two piece on. I have my belly button piecered but nobody knows not even my mom or dad and def not Maddie. Michael:Woah. Me:What? Michael:You... I mean Your umm . Your umm. Marlon:POOL TIME PEOPLES *jumps in the water*Hey Ariel you have your belly button piecered. Michael:thats what i was going to say. Marlon:well i beat you to it. Me:yeah i kind of had it done but you guys can't tell nobody about it cause your the only two that knows. Michael:your secret is safe with us. Marlon:Yup... Michael:*jumps in the pool* You coming ? Miss. Michael when are we going swimming? Me:is the water cold? Michael: i dont know come stick your foot in and see. Me:*sticks my foot in* Michael:*pulls me in* Me:AHHHHHHHH THIS IS FREEZING COLDDDDD! *hits him* Michael:your fine come under with me *goes under water* Me:*does the same* This goes on for hours Marlon left he said we was flirting to much. We probably was what can i say we like eachother. It was already 3 we when got out the pool. Me:That was so much fun. Michael:I know the best swimming i've ever had. Me:Same here. Katherine:Michael... Michael:My mothers here come meet her, you'll love her. Michael:Mother this is my friend Ariel. Katherine:Hello Ariel Im Katherine Michael's mother. Me:Hello Mrs.Jackson its very nice to meet you. Katherine:please call me Katy. Me:Ok Katy. Katherine:What have you two been doing? Michael:swimming...Is Joe up? Katherine:i haven't seen him i believe he is though. Joe:MICHAEL! The way he called Michael's name made he jump he scared the living crap out of me and i know it had to scare Michael because its his name he's calling... Michael:y-yes Joe? Joe:Who's this girl? Michael:T-this is Ariel. Me:Hello Mr.Jackson. Joe:Ariel huh? you like Michael? Me:yes... Michael:Were just friends joe. Joe:did i ask you if you guys were friends? Michael;N-No sir. Joe:Anyways well were rehearsing later tonight at 9 . Michael:o-okay. Joe:Well i guess i'll see you later Ariel. Me:yes Bye. Joe*walks away* Me:That was way much easier than thought. Michael:yeah... Me;The way he called your name scared the crap out of me. michael:i know you liked jump . Me:you saw? Michael:yes this was you. *imitates me* Me:Shut up he yelling shook the whole house i thought it was an earthquake. Michael:*laughs* Shhhhh... Me:*laughs* Honest. What time is it? Michael:Like 4:15. Me:i have to call to get going. Michael:awh i wish you can stay longer. Me:Me too... Where's Maddie? Michael:Probably with Janet. Before i call them down can i ask you something? Me:you just did. Michael:*laughs* no serious. Me:okay what is it? Michael:will-will you be my girl? Me:*smiles* Yes i will-will. Michael:Shut up *laughs* Me:*hugs him* My boyfriend is Michael Jackson i would have never guessed. Michael:JANET PLEASE COME DOWNSTAIRS! Janet&Maddie:*Running downstairs* Maddie:hey. janet:Hello Ariel. Me:Hi Janet. Maddie:Is it time to go? Me:yes. Maddie:Awhh man I was having fun. Janet:We can play agagin when you guys come back over i know you guys will be back over because Michaels Likes Ariel and im pretty sure she like him back. Maddie:Oh i know this morning all Ariel talked about was Michael. Michael:oh really now? please Maddie tell me what she said? Me;Come maddie its time to go. *pulling her towards the door* Michael:I'll find out what you said later on. Me:you'll never find out what i said. Michael: ok whatever you say... Me:*laughs * see you michael. Michael:*kisses my cheek* See you beautiful. TBC....
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