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Show Me What Love Feels Like Ch. 14
Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- *Recall: Misty tells how her and Michael shared their first kiss. *Back to June 1995* As I finished writing my diary entry for that night, the night after my birthday, I laid on my back on my bed out of boredom, not knowing what to do next. I figured Michael would be asleep, so I didn't even check on him. He needed to get pletnty of rest, anyways, since earlier that afternoon, he spent all day signing autographs and meeting up with many fans for the promotion of his new album that he just finished, called HIStory, plus he had part one of his interview with Diane Sawyer. And the next day, he and Lisa had a part two interview for Primetime with Diane Sawyer, so he was going to be a busy man for the next couple days. So I decided to just leave him alone and let him rest. But I craved his lips so badly. I craved his lips like chocolate. Nighttime cravings. Ugh, this is the worst time to crave his kisses; when he had to rest. Trying to fight off my cravings, I continued to lay and close my eyes. Within ten minutes I was sound asleep for the night. I dreamt about my birthday party all over again and also something that didn't happen in reality: Michael making birthday love to me. The next morning, I had waken up to the sound of Michael and Lisa's voice. I guess they were ready to head for Los Angeles for their Primetime interview with reporter Diane Sawyer, which was going to be live, so I was sure to watch. "Hey, Misty?" I heard Michael ask as he came in my room. "Yeah?" I said back, wiping my tired eyes. "We are about to leave, but we'll get back at ten o' clock tonight. I'll miss you," he said with a smile. That day Michael was looking so good. He had a burgondy- red silk shirt, with black pants, and he had straightened his hair. He truly looked like a million bucks. He was so beautiful. He looked like this: http://cdn101.iofferphoto.com/img/item/124/332/719/1995-michael-jackson-primetime-interview-logo-free-f0be4.png "I'll miss you too, babe. Have fun." "It'll be hard to have fun without you, hon," he said as he leaned in to kiss me, but I had backed away. "Michael, I just woke up. I have stinky breath." "I don't care," he said. He leaned in and kissed me softly and slowly on the mouth. It had felt so damn good, like all the kisses he gave. "Michael, let's go!" I heard Lisa Marie's voice through the closed door. "Coming, honey! See ya tonight," he said as he hurried out so Lisa wouldn't see that he was in my room. "Alright bye," I waved while giggling. I saw Michael and Lisa scurry downstairs since they were running late. Michael waved at me while I waved back. Lisa Marie gave me a small evil glance. She still didn't like me, but at this point, I didn't care anymore. I didn't like her either. It was like we were verbal enemies. We didn't say anything to each other, but we always made harsh eye contact. If only she knew that we were sharing the same man.... Four o' clock came, and after I was fixing the garden by the carousel, I went inside to watch Michael's interview. The whole interview kinda made me sick, since Michael and Lisa were later talking about how they met and fell in love, and of course I was jealous, because I was also in love with him, but aside from that, I felt uncomfortable by the interviewer when she brought up the allegation charges against Michael that happened two years ago, in 1993. Michael grew uneasy and disturbed with all of it. I felt sorry for him for all of the hell that he had to be put through again. After most of the interview, they aired Michael's new music video, "Scream," with his sister, who I was a huge fan of, Janet. I've always wanted to meet her, as well as all of his family, and maybe that was going to happen one day. Michael always mentioned his family and describes his mom as the best woman in the world. He admires her, adores her, and cherishes her. The same way I feel about my mom, even through all of the things that she let happen to me... At ten o' clock, I sat on my bed, writing in my diary entry for the night when I heard the door creak open. It was Michael. And he looked excited, for some reason. But it wasn't a usual excitement. It looked like a sexual excitement. That was when I grew nervous. "Missed me?" he said. "Yeah," I said giggling with nervousness. I knew what he wanted to do. I wanted to do it just as much as he wanted to, but still I was scared. "Did you watch me on television?" he asked as he sat down next to me. "Yeah. It was ok. Diane was a little harsh though." "Tell me about it," Michael scoffed as he shook his head. "That was bad. But I'm happy to finally be home with you, hon." He then leaned in and gave me a small kiss. "You know," Michael continued as he took off his shoes, "we're alone in this house, all by ourselves..." "Um, where's Lisa?" "She's gone for the evening. She decided to party tonight." "And the kids?" "They're with her mother. So it's just me and you. What are we gonna do?" he said with a devious smile to his face. "Umm..." I was so nervous, I could actually hear my heart beat. I wanted to make love to him, yet I felt I wasn't ready to. I didn't know what to do. So, I just got up from the bed and walked downstairs. But he had followed me. "Is there anything wrong?" he asked, out of his sexual mood. "No," I replied, "my throat's dry. I need some water." I then sat on the couch while sipping on a water bottle, trying to think of what to do next. Should I let this happen and have sex with him tonight? Or should I try to avoid it? I didn't know. My brain just kept showing me these different signals. I had mixed emotions. A difficult dilemma was on my hands. Michael sat next to me with his hands on his knees. He could see that I was obviously uncomfortable. "Um, I'm sorry for the way I was acting. Sometimes, I just get carried away. I deeply apologize." "It's alright," I said. I looked into his eyes and saw his innocence. Poor thing, I thought. He just wanted someone to love, but he felt that he was disrespectful to me. That wasn't the case at all. So I had made my decision. I wanted to spend the night with him... "I love that picture, ya know," I said randomly. "What picture?" "That one," I said, pointing to the portrait of a naked African woman that he had on his living room wall. Michael loved naked women. That explained all of those Playboy magazines I found in his secret place for them, in his glove compartment. "Oh, yeah, that picture. I love that picture too," he said giggling. "Yeah, her body looks like mine," I said, trying to get him again turned on. "Huh?" Michael asked. "Yeah. We have the same full breasts, the same wide hips, the same shape of our waists. Do you wanna compare them?" He instantly turned his head to me with a slightly suprised stare. "Cuz I'll be happy to show you." He just stayed silent. I stood in front of him, and unbutton- ed my nightgown and let it slip to the floor. I was only in my bra and undies. Already, Michael looked as if we was going to lose control. But I didn't finish there. I bent over and pulled my undies down and unhooked my bra loose. I was left naked in front of him. He sat speechless. "So," I said, "what do you think?" "Y-Y--" he found it hard to speak. "Your body looks better than hers." "Oh yeah?" I said sultrily, coming closer to him, "how?" "Well, your breasts look smoother and bigger, your hips are wider, and..well, you're shaved, and she's not." "Does my body look better than your wife's?" Now I asked the ultimate question. I know I sounded like a homewrecker at that point, but I soon grew not to care. "Yeah, it does," he said honestly while standing. "Good." I then walked closer to him, grabbed his face, placed his hand on my hip and kissed him softly but for a long time. He wrapped his arms around my waist as the kiss got passionate. ...... CLIFFHANGER!! TBC... *Will Misty and Michael begin an affair? What will happen afterwards? Will anyone find out? Will consequences occur after they begin a sexual relationship? Find out on chapter 15**
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