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Show Me What Love Feels Like Ch. 9
Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Recall: Misty just had an intimate evening with Michael. At five o' clock in the morning, I had sprung violently in my sleep in cold bitter sweat, horrified with what I had dreamt. My stomach turned sour, my panting grew heavier, and my heart beat at a rate of 200 beats per minute. My pajamas were soaked in my sweat. And eventually my cheeks were soaked in my tears. Having sexual relations with Mike was what I had dreamt. I felt disgusted. Completely and utterly disgusted with myself. "Oh my God..." I whispered to myself while panting and wiping the last of the sweat off of my forehead. I stared at the window. The sky was not dark as night, nor was light as day. It was in between. The sun slowly rose from the purple layers of sky five minutes later. It was so beautif- ul. For a short while, it distracted me from my disgusting dream. Why did I dream about something so intimate and so unpredict- able like that? What even caused me to dream it? Was it someth- ing I ate? Was it something on television that I had watched before going to sleep? Or was it my longing desire for Michael? Did I want him so badly that I felt that I had to dream about it? I had no idea what the culprit was, but I knew one thing for sure: it was a disgusting idea and I felt deeply ashamed for dreaming it. Later on that morning, I had walked to the kitchen, in a hurry to grab an apple and a cup of orange juice in order to avoid Michael. I just couldn't look at his face. Not after dreaming about having a sexual encounter with him. Looking at his face would've just hurt too badly. "Good morning, Misty," I heard his voice say. I dreaded to hear it. But the tone his voice made me assume that he fully recovered from the previous night when Lisa argued with him and took away her children from him. "You don't need the apple. I'm making my famous pancakes this morning." Slowly, I turned to look at him. He looked so beautiful...so happy.... so sexy. He had a very wide smile on his face. He looked like this: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_EXpRdBBpW6A/TCVBsp3LsvI/AAAAAAAAAyo/1MLWiI0a09g/s640/MichaelJacksonDangerousEra.jpg When I looked at him, the image of the dream popped into my head. It devastated me. My skin began to crawl. I couldn't stand to be in his presence because it hurt so badly. I needed to avoid him. I really needed to. "Um, it's ok..I-I'm fine," I silently said as I quickly walked out of the kitchen. But he had followed me. "Is there something wrong?" "No..I-I just--" I barely answered, again looking at his face. "What is it, Misty? What's the matter?" "I just don't feel well, that's all," I finally answered as I turned away from him and headed for the stairs. I sighed in despair as I walked for my room. I hated to avoid him, but I had to. Just looking at him any longer would have just made me cry. My heart ached in pain and I couldn't take it anymore. Once I reached my room, I put my cup of juice and my apple on my nightstand, I laid face down onto my pillow and cried and cried until the tears couldn't flow anymore. I blamed myself for all of the problems that occured. If it wasn't for me, Lisa and Michael would've been happy with their kids, and the house wouldn't have been torn apart. And I wouldn't have developed a sexual erotic fantasy about him, a fantasy that destroyed a marriage and a family. I hated what I had done, and I hated myself. I wanted to leave for the sake of the children's happiness, and for the sake of Michael's happiness as well. I didn't want to disturb this family any longer. I had destroyed their peaceful life, and it killed me inside. I had convinced myself that I was a homewrecker, even though Michael and I had not begun an affair. Michael said that his problems with Lisa were not my fault, but I highly disagreed. I was the main reason that his marriage and his family were falling apart... I did not leave my room for the whole day, even though Michael tried to enter in to check on me. But I locked the door, telling him, that I didn't want to talk to anybody. On that evening, at twelve o' clock midnight, I decided to quit being the culprit of this family's turmoil. So I took my old clothes, plus the clothes Michael had bought me, and leave the house...forever. I decided to leave Neverland for South Central Los Angeles, where my old life lay and where I was going to return. I was planning to continue with my life as a prostitute after leaving Michael's house. I took a small bag and stuffed it with my clothes, a couple apples and a couple granola bars and headed for the front door, but before I left, I stopped and went back up the stairs to Michael's room to leave him a "thank you" and "goodbye" note, along with a necklace that he gave me as a symbol of our deep friendship. I snuck into his bedroom and crept quietly to his nightstand as he was sound asleep, sleeping peacefully as an angel baby on Christmas Eve. Tears swam down to my cheeks as I placed the letter onto his nightstand and put my necklace next to it. The necklace said, "Best Friends," and the writing was engraved in a golden heart. The letter said: "Michael, thank you so much for letting me stay here at your home, and thank you for being my best friend, but I have to leave all of this behind. I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I don't want to cause anymore trouble in your house between you and your wife. No matter what, I will always appreciate what you had done and sacrificed for the sake of my happiness, but in reality I do not deserve it, because I'm nothing special, but a dumb teenage prostitute. I know I said that I wanted to get off of the streets, but I would rather be in the streets than hurting a family and a marriage. Again, I'm sorry. I will never ever forget you. But you will never see me again, and we can never see each other again. Love, Misty. " Then out the door I went. From the door, I planned to come back into my dangerous past life, even though I had dreaded it. But, like I said in the letter, I would've rather been a prostitute than a homewrecker. I exited out of the door, making my journey back to South Central Los Angeles. I would miss Michael dearly, and I thought I would never see him ever again, but I thought wrong... To Be Continued... *Will Michael rescue Misty once again? Will Misty overcome her dream involving her with Michael? What will happen when Misty returns to her life on the streets? Find out on Chapter ten!**
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