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Show Me What Love Feels Like Ch. 7
Chapter 6 was kinda short so hopefully this one will be kinda longer. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- **Recall: Lisa Marie leaves Michael's house and takes his step- children along with her, and she threatens to not return until Misty leaves the household.** The next morning, I walked into an empty kitchen. There was no smell of coffee, nor a smell of Michael's famous pancakes, no smells of the happiness that I would smell every morning. The kitchen felt dead, and so did the rest of the house. I thought it was my fault. I hated myself for tearing a family apart, even though I never did intentionally. At that point, I hated myself even more than I hated Lisa Marie. So I sat onto a stool in the kitchen bar, grabbed a banana off of the nearby fruit basket, peeled it and took a small bite. There was no Michael, no happiness, no joy, no love, just a stupid bruising banana. I felt so alone. "Misty?" I heard the voice of relief. It was Michael's sweet voice. I immediately looked up to a ravishing Michael. He wasn't wearing pajamas this time. Instead he was wearing a nice black tie with gray suspenders. His hair was shorter too. He looked amazing. My heart melted instantly and my body felt weak from his beautiful charming look. He looked like this: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=33790085 "H-Hi," I said shyly. "Hi," he said with a smile. "You look...great," I said with my voice cracking out of nervousness. "Thank you." We stayed in silence for about five seconds. I wanted to process in his heavy handsomeness. "Here," he said as he handed a new outfit to me. "What's this?" "Here are your clothes for today. We're going to the studio. Hurry up and get dressed," he said as he bit his lip at me while walking away. The outfit he had bought me looked incredible and it was very hip and very chic. It looked like this: (ignore the girl in the picture) http://www.90s411.com/images/90's-fashion.jpg Once I had put on the outfit, I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and met Michael where he wanted to meet: the garden near the carousel. "You look great, Misty," he said as he saw me walk to him. "You look wonderful." "Thank you. This is a great outfit that you picked. I never worn something like this before." "Yeah, well, I wanted to get you something different," he said while smiling. "So, are you ready to go?" "Mhm," I said softly. "But, um, Michael, where's your disguise?" "It's ok, Misty. I don't think there will be any media around." We drove four hours to Hollywood and soon arrived to the recording studio. There we met with his manager and the recording staff. I had watched as Michael stood by the piano and as vocal coach played several notes on the piano. He was warming up, obviously. It was entertaining to see him sing, even when singing only warm ups. Then it was time to record. He giggled at me while he put on his recording headphone, since I was making funny faces at one recording staff member. He then sung a new song of his at that time, called "You Are Not Alone." It was a beautiful song and it was my favorite out of the rest of them. As I stood with the recording staff, seeing him sing, I had noticed that as Michael was singing, he took small glances at me and it gave me mixed emotions. It made me uncomfortable, yet I liked the way he looked at me. I had always had an interest in Michael, even though I never let him see it. He was just so handsome and so sweet and such a child. It enticed me very much, but I didn't let my interests go too far. He had a wife and step-children, for God's sake, and the last person I wanted to be was a home-wrecker. Besides, I didn't think that he was interested in me anyway. He was a worldwide singing and dancing sensation, who could get any woman he wanted, and I doubted that he would want me, a nobody, who is just a dumb kid who is a prostitute who has nothing going great in life, out of all of those potential women. After the recording session, which took seven hours to complete, Michael and I headed back to Neverland, and all through the ride home, I sensed that Michael kept looking at me several times while he drove. Through the window door, I could see him biting his lip at me. I was uncomfortable, then yet again, I kind of liked it. I just wanted to kiss his lips, but I didn't let my urges dictate my mind. I just sat silently and didn't say a word, which wasn't a stranger to me. "Didn't anyone tell you how beautiful you are?" Michael asked. I immediately turned to him, remembering the night that I had been picked up by a john who had raped and handcuffed me. "No...never. No one had ever told me I was. It was always 'sexy.'" "Well, to me, you are beautiful, and your face is like a diamond that I would do anything to keep in my treasure and to protect." I looked at him and my heart just grew for him more. No one has ever said anything so sweet. I just knew that I was falling in love with him..... To Be Continued... *What will happen when Misty and Michael get back to the house? Find out on Chapter 8!!**
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