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Romance with Michael Chapter:1
December 14, 1983 "Michael, Michael honey, wake up," I shook his arm lightly. "Nooo mom, I don't wanna go to school, don't make me go," he groaned. I had to hold my laughter in, he rolled over, not facing me. I acted like his mom messing with him. This has been going on a lot lately, him spend the night then me have to wake him up because he likes sleeping in so much. "Michael! Get up! You will be late for school!! Your girlfriend will miss you if you don't," I whispered in his ear. His eyes shot open, he still didn't roll over to face me, "Girlfriend?! I don't have a girlfriend mom!" he rolled over. "No girlfriend huh?" I said with my hands on my hips. He flushed red and hid under the covers, "Oh c'mon Breanna!! Why do you have to embarrass me like that?" "Uh because it is fun duh!" I got up on the bed straddling him and pulled the covers off of his head, "You needed to get up anyways." "Grrrrr..." I went to whisper in his ear, "And like you didn't want me to be your girlfriend when you were still going to school.." I chuckled. He looked at me then pulled me close, "Breanna?" "Hmm?" " "I love you." I smiled, "I love you too baby." He kissed me and it got a little more intense then I thought it was going to. I gave in because each time I tried to breath he would pull me right back. Best part about him, when he kissed you, you were helpless. That is how he made me feel. He used to not be so outgoing with these things but the longer we dated, the less shy about it he got. But I don't mind. After that little joyful time we went to the kitchen to eat, then we headed to the set because they were shooting the video for Thriller at the time. When we arrived his director started messing with me and Michael right off the bat. Mostly Michael though, he would pick him up and throw him over his shoulder and hold him upside down. They are so hard to handle when together. All I did was just sit there pretty much and talk to the dancers and crew. Sometimes I would head to the studio nearby to dance a little since we are usually at the set for at least 6 hours a day. While I was dancing I heard something out of the ordinary. I stood there for a minute listening for it, I heard it again. I went into the hallway looking around and all of the sudden the lights cut off. I started talking in the dark, "Who's there? I promise you I can and will hurt you." Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around but no one was there. Then a poke on my chest. OK no touching that area. Then something picked me up and I started kicking and screaming. Whoever it was set me down in a chair and pinned me down. "Who are you!? What are you doing?!" I screamed. Before I could scream anymore they kissed me roughly, I kissed back for some reason and the lights flipped on. I opened my eyes and saw a zombie staring down at me. I screamed once again trying to climb up and over the chair when it put it's hand over my mouth, "Calm down, Peaches! Its me Mike! Baby I'm sorry I scared you so much," he chuckled in between words. I was still breathing heavily, my chest rising and falling as fast as my heart was beating. "Don't do that!! You could have given me a heart attack! Or worse, I could have hurt you real bad, is your back OK? I sure did punch hard.." "Don't worry, I'm fine. Dang, you put on one heck of a fight though," he rubbed his shoulder. "Gosh, are you done shooting the video today? I thought we weren't do out until 7?" "Yea well I decided to cut it short, I wanted to spend some time with my girl," He smiled and kissed me. I smiled, "Sooo what are we gonna do?" "Anything you want baby, we can go to a park or go swimming or-" "Swimming!!" I cut him off. He laughed, "I thought you might say that come on lets go!" Yea I know swimming+winter=sick but Janet has an indoor pool which Michael has a key to, so it all works out. We went back to my house to grab our bathing suits, I had just bought a new bikini and I wanted to show off my body since I had been working out. I knew Michael would like it so I put it on then slipped on my cover up. Mike came out in his swimming trunks and t-shirt, I grabbed some towels and we headed out the door. Janet's pool house Michael's P.O.V. I was sitting in one of the chairs next to the pool gazing out at the trees and birds thinking of how beautiful it was out today while Breanna was in the restroom. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Breanna come around the corner in a little bikini. nelly.com/se/kl%C3%A4der-f%C3%B6r-kvinnor/badkl%C3%A4... I Have to admit, she looked good. I had to scold myself after I realized I had checked her out from head to toe. But I can't help it ever since I met her I have been crazy about her. When we were little, I would follow her around and do whatever she told me to do. I'm even worse now, I can't be without her for more than an hour or I can't think strait. But gosh, when she walked out it was like slow motion. Her long light brown hair flowing and bouncing with every movement, those sky blue eyes that can make a man go crazy, and a body that will make a man proud to call her theirs. Man, she drives me wild. She came and sat down next to me and smiled that million dollar smile, "Hey babe, you like my new bathing suit?" she asked. "Yea, I love it, it looks good on you." "Thank you, now are we going to swim or not?" "Yea we are, whats the hurry?" I giggled. "Nothing, I just really wanna swim!" she looked at the pool. "Well I can help with that," I said with a devilish grin and picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. "Michael, you better put me down!" she squealed. "Alright, if that is what you want!" I dropped her in the pool with a loud splash. I was holding my stomach I was laughing so hard, I didn't even notice that she had a grip on my ankle. In I went, right next to her, "I'm going to kill you!" I said jokingly. She laughed and swam to the other side of the pool. She always was a fast swimmer. After pool fun back at house Normal P.O.V. We decided to head back after 3 hours of fun and once we walked in we both headed for the couch. We sat there cuddled up watching Spongebob Squarepants and were eating popcorn and other junk food. Michael kept stroking my hair making me sleepier and sleepier by the minute. I finally decided to drag myself to bed since it was 9 and I had ate so much junk food that I skipped dinner. I got up and stretched, turning off the tv in the process. "Hey, why did you turn Spongebob off? Patrick was about to do something stupid again!" Michael whined. "Ugh, I am going to bed which means you have to go to bed also." "But I'm not tired yet.." he pouted. "Please come with me to bed?" I begged with puppy eyes. He looked down the back at me, "Fine..." We headed to my bedroom and I went to the bathroom to change and get ready while he changed in the room. I stepped out of the bathroom and walked in on a shirtless Michael which gave me instant butterflies. I blushed and looked down. " Breanna, its ok, you see me in a bathing suit, how can this be any different?" "I guess your right... Man I'm tired," I got under the sheets and cuddled to Michael as we drifted off together soon to be woken up by the morning sun....TBC
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