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Tough Love Part 86
Did ya like the last part? :) Also in Part 85, some of the dialogue was the actual words spoken by Michael or Jim Lange. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chapter 86 The Aftermath of the Dating Game We were backstage. I see Mom and Dad and give them a hug, though Iâ??m still speechless. Then I see my other friendsâ??like the Naked Nomads (Donovan, Nick, Jerome, and Austin) and my girlfriends. It was like me and Michael had met for the first time because we were acting so shy with each other. We were too busy hugging people we knew, and when I saw Katherine, I hug her as I give a nervous giggle, which always turns incredibly loud if I donâ??t get a handle on it. I kept trying to tell her I was sorry, but she kept saying not to worry about it. And I see Joseph smiling as well, so I hug him too. I get a tap on my right shoulder as Iâ??m hugging Joseph. I turn around and I see Jermaine standing there with Jay in his right arm and Hazel has Autumn. â??Hey, it seems like you forgot my birthday this week. It was on Monday, December 11th.â? I looked over at Michael out the corner of my eye and we smile at each other. We knew what went on this past Monday on Jermaineâ??s birthdayâ??M.J. was snuck into my house. â??Oh, Iâ??m sorry Jermaine. I know when it is. Happy late twenty-fourth birthday.â? I say as I hug him. â??Thatâ??s better,â? I hear him say as I tickle Jayâ??s stomach. â??Howâ??s my friend doing?â? â??Good,â? he says sweetly. Then I look over at Hazel. With my eyes, I needed to know if sheâ??d let me hold onto Autumn. She handed her to me so I got to hold her. Then I look and see M.J. off to the side again. When we make eye contact, his expression is serious and he seems to beâ?¦studying me. But after a second, I found it attractive. I hand Autumn back to Hazel, then I walk over to M.J. I was afraid to kiss in-front of everyone, but we embrace, then he kissed me. It was only a peck, but I liked that it was short. â??Heeey!â? â??Hi,â? I could barely speak up. â??I see youâ??re trying to leave me.â? I couldnâ??t help but laugh. Then I kissed him again. I turned around again and I see Donovan standing with my friends. When I saw him glance over at me, our smile was still sincere for each other. â??Lyric, why donâ??t you and Michael get some pictures in.â? Katherine tells us. So I look at M.J. before I have to step away. Michael tentatively wraps his right arm around my waist as we smile for the camera. But things were bittersweet when you have friends in the room like Donovan and M.J. â??Now itâ??s time to celebrate!â? Michael says. â??Huh?â? â??Weâ??re celebrating your win at my house.â? â??Oh.â? Suddenly I slip away from his grip and I go over to Michelle and Mixie, whoâ??s standing with Danielle, Patricia, and Sherry. There were no hard feelings as Michelle hugged me first, then Mixie. Someone who works here brought me my things back, but we girls, including Janet, went back to the room anyway, and ate some more of the food, even though it got cold. I couldâ??ve gotten in the same limo as Michael, but instead, I went with the girls. When we got to Hayvenhurst, La Toya greeted us at the door with a blouse and a pair of jean shorts, which seemed unlike her. Even now, she wasnâ??t friendly to me. Just like this was a formal dinner party, there were staffs with platters of food walking around the room, asking if we wanted any. But I still hadnâ??t gotten any time to talk to Michael. M.J. got his time with me of course as we stood off to the side at times. I danced with Donovan once. And when I looked at the band mates, they didnâ??t look like they were trying to slip over a demo at Michael or any of the other brothers, which showed their bravery. But I was talking to Jim, whom was invited, when I Jermaine walks up to us. He joins in the conversation. â??Hey Lyric, do you want to dance?â? I look at him, then at the ceiling for some reason so I can figure out what was being played. â??Itâ??ll only be a minute, Jim.â? I look at him again, but he only smiles. I donâ??t think I can say no. I barely have an option. â??Okay.â? He takes my right hand and bows politely but he was being silly at the same time. â??Of course Jermaine.â? As awkward as I feel, he slips his arms around my waist. This is when I can tell that indeed, Jermaine is tall compared to me. And heâ??s probably six foot by now. Ironically, â??Ainâ??t That Peculiarâ? comes on, and Jermaine immediately grooves with it, so I had no choice but to catch up. I thought some slow song would come on. I couldnâ??t help but laugh at his exhuberance. â??I know someone else recorded this song first, but I canâ??t remember who it was.â? â??Marvin Gaye and the Andantes.â? â??Yeah, I knew it was someone.â? â??1965.â? â??Surely â??nuff.â? â??This album was released in 1972â?¦.Well my first solo.â? â??Yeah. How old were you again?â? He laughs. â??Eighteenâ?¦Alaric,â? he says sweetly. I just look off to the right so I wouldnâ??t look him in the face. But by then, the song goes off. Thatâ??s when I realize even then, his voice stood out and had much soul for a young person. â??Your voice was really nice on that record.â? â??Thanks.â? He says as we nod in unison. As I was slipping away from his grip some more, he pulls me in again. His version of â??Daddyâ??s Homeâ? comes on. I canâ??t help but bury my face in his shoulder as I start to laugh. â??Whatâ??s so funny?â? â??This song makes me laugh,â? I say through my laughter and tears. â??Why?â? â??Because the MEANING! I used to sing it a lot when you released it, but then Dad said â??Why are you singing that?! Do you know what it means?â?? Now I know itâ??s a little more mature than I had thought. And this was the one that I had forgotten who had recorded it first.â? â??Shep and the Limelites, 1961.â? â??Yeah.â? Then he pushes me back to his chest. â??You know you look pretty today.â? I open my eyes, suddenly aware that this IS inappropriate-lookinâ??. I pull away and when I look at him again, he looks like he really means it. I get a tap on my shoulder. Donovan. Donovan. Oh sweet Donovan. Iâ??m happy that heâ??s saving meâ?¦. We go to the backyard, just standing there. â??I see things are moving fast for ya.â? â??You meanâ?¦life so far?â? â??And going through guys like crazy.â? He laughs. I look at him but I know heâ??s joking. â??Not really. I keep getting set up with anyone and I never know about it.â? He only laughs and kick this nearby rock. â??I miss hanging with you.â? he shoves his hands in his pockets and faces me. â??As usual. But hey, let me see if your hands are clean.â? He knows I think he has some of the prettiest hands. As he shows me them, I look at his long fingers. â??Yours hands are always softer than mine.â? â??You already told me why.â? â??No insults intended, but you know you mixedâ?¦â? I nod repeatedly, â??You know your hands are NATRUALLY soft.â? To be honest, that was always a secret turn-on for me because his hands would always be touching somethingâ??whether itâ??s my face, my waistâ?¦my neck. Either way Donovanâ??s hands are soft. The door opens again, and I see Michael. Once again, the course of things changes again. Donovan clears his throat. â??Iâ??ll leave you two alone.â? I think he really WANTED to say was that â??Iâ??ll leave you two aloneâ?¦for now.â? â??How are things going for you now?â? â??Goodâ?¦but a little weird also.â? I thought he was gonna say â??I saw you dancing with Jermaine.â? But he didnâ??t. And Iâ??m glad he didnâ??t make a big deal out of it. It was only a dance. â??Didnâ??t expect any of that, did you?â? I snap my finger with my right hand. Then I point at Michael. â??THATâ??S why you said something about Hawaii. You knew ALL ALONG!â? â??No, I just wanted to confirm that you would actually go with me.â? â??Is that why we went to New York?â? If anyone was hearing this conversation, they would be swearing that we were dating, but I was unhappy for some reason. â??No. We had already settled that trip BEFORE Hawaii. I mean I was thinking about the Dating Game for a bit, but I simply wanted you to go to New York because you were so excited, Lyric. I wanted you to have that. But then I remembered that sweet taste of freedom I had when La Toya and I went while I was shooting â??The Wizâ??. THATâ??S why we went to New York.â? As his right hand is placed on the house, leaning towards me, I start to believe him. I cross my arms. â??Okay.â? He bites his lip, but I know he was thinking. â??You look good today. You cleaned yourself up.â? I playfully nudge him. â??That was a part of the plan. Get you to leave the house so we can come back and get dressed. Clever wasnâ??t it?â? â??No, just sneaky.â? He rolls his eyes. â??But what about the deats and such?â? â??Iâ??ll tell you later, but enjoy the party now.â? He takes my wrist and we walk back in the house. I see that we have a new visitorâ?¦Bobby DeBarge! I was a fan of his falsetto voice that sounded like an angelâ??s, but you could tell he was a manly man. There was no mistaken it. Then when I see him embrace La Toya, I remember heâ??s hers. Then I smile a little. They are so yellow togetherâ??literally. What a beautiful couple. â??Is this the lucky girl?â? I look at him again as he focuses his eyes on me. I guess. I shrug my shoulders, a bit unsure. â??Oh, it is.â? he walks up to me, and I hug his skinny frame. â??Bobby DeBarge.â? He sticks his hand out at me. â??Lyric Swan,â? I do the same. Then we laugh as we put on our snooty voices. As I was going to stand by Michaelâ??quite naturallyâ??and give La Toya space with her man, Iâ??m scooped up by M.J. Eventually, I see Bobby go over to Joseph, and I see Joseph direct Bobby to the room with their piano. Everyone else follows him so I do as well. Some way, I think people pushed their way in-front of M.J., so I donâ??t see him anymore. This time, I get the chance to stand by Michael. Bobby sits at the piano. â??Iâ??ll like to sing this A cappella.â? As he starts on the piano, he says. â??I use to think about immature things. You know like, â??Do you love me? Do you want me? Are you going to call me like you said you would? Is this really your real phone number?â?? But you know, Iâ??m a MAN now baby! A GROWN MAN! And I came a LOOONG WAY!â? he chuckles a little. â??Experience has taught me one thing. It taught me to hold on to my lovinâ??.â? As he plays the piano, he holds his hand out to La Toya. She looks annoyed, but she finally walks over to him, he momentarily wraps his arm around her waist as she has her hand on his upper back. Then he startsâ?¦and throws DOWN the house! His song is like a poem, directly for La Toya. It reminds me of my relationship with Michael. Does that mean anything? I think heâ??s aware of something as well, because he shifts a little again, and when we look at each other, we look guilty. Then I remember how Jan and I went roller skating that day, and I had met Foster Sylvers again, and Michael and I had that notorious cake fight. BUT before then, I remember how Janet insinuated that La Toya was close to someone. More than likely it was Bobby DeBarge, now. Right before the climax or bridge or the dramatic height of the song, I see Jan smile and she walks over to us. Thatâ??s when I knew Bobby is with La Toya. When he starts singing the climax part, the crowd claps, while some screamedâ??mainly the girlsâ??in excitement. I had my arms wrapped around Janâ??s shoulders; we rocked to the swaying lullaby created for â??Toya. I started thinking in my head, I REALLY need to work on a song with Bobby. Like I said, Iâ??m an alto at school, but I can manage to hit higher notes as well. As Bobby ad-libbed, I loved those parts. He kept mocking â??Toya, as she tried to hide her laughter. I guess she does have a heart after all. Everyone needs love. But we hadnâ??t even spoken since I came back from New York. I hadnâ??t seen Jan either. After Bobby finished, we clapped for him. And after the crowd died down, I shook his hand again. â??I wish I wrote that song!â? I laughed. He laughed. â??Yeah. You sing?â? â??At schoolâ?¦chorus.â? â??Oh.â? â??But I wanna be able to write as well. That seems to be the new wave today.â? â??Well that song came from the heart.â? I see him eye La Toya and he makes sure I know also. When he stops looking at her and looks at me again, I laugh again. â??Not to be a suck-up, but I was thinking Iâ??d like to work with you on a song. Itâ??ll be perfect for a ballad. And it doesnâ??t even have to be a duet, if you donâ??t want. Plus youâ??ll blow me out the waters anyways!â? He laughs again. â??You know who you remind me of?â? â??Who?â? â??My brother, El. He tells me stuff like that also.â? â??You have siblings?â? â??Yep. Nine others.â? â??Whatâ??s their names?â? â??Well, Bunny, Tommy, whoâ??s in Switch as well. Then thereâ??s Randy, Marty, El, James, Chico, and the twins, Carol and Darryl. Theyâ??re actually younger than Janet.â? He looks at her as she walks by and she laughs. â??Thatâ??s neat.â? â??Yeah. Hey, well if you still want to work with me, just ask La Toya for my number. But I think youâ??ll be more perfect working with El.â? â??Why?â? â??Because heâ??s only a year older than you. His birthdayâ??s in June, and heâ??d go crazy over a girl like you.â? Then he winks before he walks away. Then Bobby turns back to me. â??Plus he looks like me.â? I laugh. Mr. Bobby DeBarge is one funny guy. â??Enjoying yourself?â? Michael asks as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. â??Yeah,â? I giggle. â??I am.â? â??She doesnâ??t even know what she has! If that was my man, I woulda sang the song with him. Off-key and everything!â? Pat laughed. â??All three of yâ??all are yellow.â? â??Yeah, but Iâ??m friendlier.â? She isnâ??t that chummy with La Toya either, but itâ??s ironic for me too. Patricia is borderline about albinoâ??no offense to herâ??but sheâ??s one of my best friends. La Toya is just as light, but she doesnâ??t even give me a glance. Before I leave, Michael has my friends delivered home with a limo if they didnâ??t have a ride. That took the responsibility off my hands. I hug Katherine, Joseph, Randy and Jan before I leave. â??Thank you so much!â? â??No, thank Michael. Heâ??s the one who planned this.â? I look over at Michael again. Always the quiet angel that stands in the background, but KNOWS what heâ??s doing. I give him my best smile as I see him smile back. Dad wraps his arm around my shoulder as weâ??re leaving. But itâ??s like during the nighttime, I can sense Michael smiling about what heâ??s done for me. Iâ??m happy when weâ??ve settled into the limo, I hear â??Blues Awayâ?, the Jacksons song from their earlier album. Michael is already sitting beside me, so when I ask the limo driver if he would keep the window open for us so I can hear the song better, I know I looked suspicious. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vote up! And Bobby DeBarge really dated La Toya and thatâ??s how â??I Call Your Nameâ? and â??Thereâ??ll Never Beâ? was created because she was his inspiration. But another unlikely person will be connected to another DeBargeâ?¦but later on in the story :) *The Dating Game was Michaelâ??s national surprise to Lyric. -Aariyan
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