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Show Me What Love Feels Like Ch. 2
Wow, 11 votes?! Thanks!!! Enjoy!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Charles guided Misty throughout his apartment, and showed her around, trying to make her comfortable so Misty wouldn't suspect his evil plans. "This is my living room. Ehh, it's not the biggest, but the couch sure is comfortable," Charles said, as he sat and patted the couch, gesturing her to sit close to him. "Misty, you can sit, you know. I don't bite." Misty softly giggled and sat next to him. Misty didn't really feel uneasy about Charles anymore. He was warm, friendly, down-to-earth, and kind-natured. "Do you want anything? Like some water, coffee?" "Um, no thanks," she said, warming up to him. "Ok." Charles then got up and walked to his kitchen, went into his liquor cabinet and then pulled out two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine. "You like red wine?" he asked as he walked back to the couch. "Um," Misty said, backing away from the wine, "I don't drink alcohol." "How come, sweetheart?" he asked with worry as he sat again next to her, pouring a glass. "I-I'm too young." "Well, you're not too young to have sex, honey, so you're not too young to just have a little glass of wine, hmm?" he said. "Um...I don't know..." "Aww, come on, sweetness. It won't kill you, will it?" Misty stared at the glass of red wine. Maybe Charlie was right. It wouldn't kill her to just have one glass. One glass and that was it. No more. "Um..I guess it wouldn't." Charles smiled. "Ahh, that's the spirit," as he poured her a glass of wine and stared at her passionately as he had done it. "Um, do you know where the bathroom is? I have to pee," she said giggling and Charles exchanged a laugh. "It's right there. The second room to the right, honey." "Ok. Thank you." "No problem, sweetie." Charles kept staring at Misty's butt as she walked to the bathroom. He was so aroused by her. Her sweet, innocent face, her shy, soft voice, but her sexy, curvacious body, and her young age. Her sexy outfit, a white puffy blouse and a short black leather mini-skirt and fish stockings and red stilletos, turned him on. He wanted her to be submissive to him and to obey him. He watched to make sure that she was in the bathroom so he could make his move. He had taken out a hidden bottle of sleeping pills when she was absent, chopped about four pills into a fine powder, sprinkled the powder into her wine and stirred it with a spoon for it to quickly dissolve. "You have a nice bathroom," Misty said as she arrived back into the living room. "Oh, thank you, honey. Here's your drink. Drink up," he said, handing her the drugged glass of wine. Misty took a small sip. A bitter, yet sweet sensation hit her tongue. It was a sensation she quite liked. "You like it?" Charles asked. "Yeah," she said, smiling, with Charles smiling too. Misty eventually gulped the whole drink down... After a while, she began to feel drowsy and fatigue, to Charles' expectation. Misty couldn't control her tiredness and eventually before they planned for the prostitution date to begin, she fell asleep onto the couch, with Charles smiling a devious smile, ready to do whatever he had wanted with Misty. ........ Four hours had passed. Misty was heavily unconscious and couldn't feel anything. She had awoken in horror. Charles had laid next to her, fully naked, with his hand onto her thigh. Misty found herself with her blouse ripped and the blouse had been marked with blood. It was also buttoned down completely, and her bra was ripped. Her skirt was still on her body, yet her underwear was seen on the floor. She felt nothing but horrible pain as she felt the blood between her legs. She couldn't touch anything; her hands and feet were tied with rope. She couldn't scream for help either; her mouth was gagged with a wet washcloth. She felt helpless, used, and disgusted with herself and with Charles. She needed to get out and save herself. She tried to yank the rope off of her hands by pulling her bound hands forward but it wasn't working. She then spit the washcloth out of her mouth and then went up to rip the rope open with her teeth until the rope ripped. It had worked. Then without Charles waking up, she streched her body out to the nightstand next to the bed in search of scissors or a knife so she could cut the rope open that bound her feet. She found a pocket knife and cut the rope open without any complications. She had let herself free, but just as she was about to escape, Charles had woken up. "Hey, where the hell do you think you're going, bitch?" He pulled her hair as she tried to run and threw her down onto the floor, then he beat her head with his fist and also grabbed the pocket knife she held and cut her hair as she fought back. She fought back while screaming for help. "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" "Shut up, bitch, no one can help you!" Charles said as he picked her up and tried to lay her back onto the bed but Misty's legs kicked him in the stomach, giving him shattering blows. Lastly, she gave one strong kick to his stomach, causing him to fall on the floor, groaning in pain, as she ran out of the apartment, screaming for help. Misty had to run. She just couldn't call King P. She had to run. That was the only right thing to do. She needed to run from Charles, King P., and the life on the streets all toge- ther. But she didn't want to go back home. The reason why she lived this life. The place she ran away from. She needed some- one to help her. For someone to take her in their arms without the possibility of sex or anything they wanted for them. She needed love... Misty had ran down the highway in the soaking rain, half- naked, not caring that her breasts roamed free as she sprinted for help. By this time it was raging thunder and lighting and the cars on the highway never stopped to help. She had seen people inside the windows of the cars and they just looked at her in shock and disgust. Her hope was decreasing. She just sat on the side of the highway, and bawled with despair and discouragment with her head buried in her hands. But hope star- ted to make its way in again. She felt a car drive up to her. Misty looked up in amazement. It was a black Escalade. She couldn't believe it. Then the window of the car rolled down and a man appeared with worry on his face. He was a beautiful man, she thought. He had smooth black hair, soft white skin, and deliciously gorgeous brown eyes. She was astounded with how handsome this man was. He was like an angel who came to her rescue. "Are you ok, miss? Do you need any help?" the man asked. "Thank you so much, sir. I don't know what I would do without your help." "Do you need me to give you a ride or something? I would be glad to." "I don't have anywhere to go." "Well, um, just get in the car and I will help you." Misty climbed into the big Escalade, worried about whether if the man was worried about her being in the car when she was soaking wet. "Are you sure you want me to sit in your nice car. I mean, I'm soaking wet," Misty said. "Oh, no, it's ok, I don't mind," the man replied. Misty sat in the passenger seat and then her and the man drove off of the highway and pulled over to a smaller road so they could talk. The man tried to not look at her open blouse and her ripped bra. The ride was silent. "Go ahead. Look at 'em. Don't even try to be strong," Misty said. "What are you talking about, Miss?" "You can look at my breasts if you want. I mean, I'm used to it." "Miss, I won't do that." "Wow, I'm suprised," she laughed at herself. "Every man that I had met had always looked at me for sex. No man had ever refused to look at me that way." "Well, maam, I am respectful,"the man said. "I really appreciate that," Misty said softly. "Maam, what's your name?" "I'm Misty Ravens...wait..you look familiar..." Misty then gasped. "Oh God...you're Michael Jackson. I never noticed it was you!" Michael looked over at her with a smile. "I'm suprised you didn't scream over me." "What? What do you mean?" "A lot of my fans scream once they recognize who I am. But, I want to focus on you. What happened to you?" he said, worried. "Well," she started, "it all started when I ran away from home a year ago. When I ran away, I didn't have anyone. No one cared for me. No one cared to help me, but then I met a man, named Kevin, and he told me he loved me, and that he was gonna take care of me...we started to date, and then he made me have sex with strangers and they would pay him without me knowing. He made me prostitute for him and he later became my pimp. After a while, it wasn't Kevin anymore, it was 'King P.' that's his pimp name. Tonight, I was on a date with a man named Charles and we went to his apartment, and he made me drink wine, but little did I know, he put sleeping pills in my drink and I went to sleep. I woke up hours later and I was handcuffed, gagged, and raped....I escaped but he woke up. He was beating me, but I eventually escaped....and thats how i was on the highway." "Oh, Misty. I'm so sorry." "Ehh, that's ok. This has happened to me before. I cried earlier but I'm done crying right now. I need to get my life back together, but...I don't know how..." "I'll tell you what, Misty. You can stay with me and my wife for a little while. Just so you can settle down and, like you said, get your life back together." "Thanks, Michael. I owe you a lot." "No, you don't have to," he smiled at her as he reached his hand over to her. She shaked it and exchanged a smile. To Be Continued.... ***What will Michael's wife, Lisa Marie think when she discovers that her husband is bringing a troubled teenage prostitute into their house with her three children living in the same residence? Will Michael and Misty have an interest in each other as they live in the same roof? Find out in Chapter Three!!!***
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