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It All Started With One Kiss:22
Michael immediately came down to us. He looked real handsome,wearing his black military Jacket,black shirt,black pants,and his cute Jerry curl(obviasly) Michael:good evening girls. Jane:(hugs Michael)Good evening Michael..did You miss me? Michael:Uum..I Jane:(iterupts)because I did! Michael:(smiling)that's nice Jane...btw did I say that you ladies look very nice. Michael looked specifically at me. Me:thanks Michael. Jane:yeah you look pretty good yourself. Michael:(giggling)thanks. Jane:soo when are you gonna show us the moon walk? Michael:uum how about Later tonight? Jane:aslong as You do it..then its fine. Michael:bwt..where's your dad? Jane:I don't know.. Me:I think he went to the kitchen Michael. Michael:okay then...did you enjoy your day today? Me:pardin? Michael:I mean,here at the studio? Me:oh yeah I did..(Giggling)I told Jane about The Pie story. Michael:oh..you did(smiling) Jane:Oh My god!!..when she told me that!!!,I couldn't Stop laughing(laughing)sooo funny. Okay,so I gave her this curvy look because ya'll know How she really reacted. Me:ohhh....kayyy. Michael:so can I get you girls some drinks? Me:sorry I'm not allowed to drink yet. Michael:(giggling)no I don't drink either,I'm Talking about Juice. Me:yes please.. Michael:and you jane? Jane:uuum I would Like glass of champaign please. Michael:are you sure you can drink that? Jane:of cause..I'm 18 Michael Michael:alright then,wait here ladies. While Michael left,Jane and I started wondering around, Just checking the place out.Then We bumpt into Aneeqa.She looked amazing. Me:Hey Aneeqa! Aneeqa:Hi Isabella... Me:I'm glad you could make it Aneeqa:yeah well,all thanks to you(smiling) Me:You have met My sister Jane right? Aneeqa:not really Jane:yeah I just saw you around,but anyway I'm jane. Nice to meet you. Aneeqa:(smiling)nice to meet you too Jane. The 3 of us enjoyed ourselves,and just group chatted. Then all of a sudden,This guy comes up to. He was kinda cute though..but from those smooth Types. Guy:hey ladies(smooth voice) Jane:Hey Cuty.. Guy:damn!..you're on fire Girl!!!(Checks me out) Jane:oh really..well. Tha... Guy:(interrupts)not you..I'm talking about her(looks at me) Jane:(embarrassed)oh Me:ar..are you talking to me? Guy:yeah..I don't see another sexy thang in here. Me:uuum,sorry,I don't feel like dancing. Guy:oh then..I guess you wanna do something real. This guy was like pushing me to kiss him,and aneeqa And Jane was just standing there,both didn't know What to do.luckily Michael returned with our drinks And he saw This Guy. Michael:hey..hey Darrin!.back off! Guy:oh uuum..sorry Michael,I was uuh. Michael:don't let me ever find you hitting on her again..okay Guy:yes sir. Michael:now apologize to the lovely Lady. Guy:I..I'm sorry Lady. Me:okay Michael:now beat it! Guy:right sir! He immatdeitly got lost. Jane:oooh..Michael you was Like "Beat It"(giggling) No one els was laughing. Jane:(feels embarrassed)you..you know,Like his Song..Beat...It Everyone:(silent) Jane:okay..never mind. Michael:sooo are you alright Isabella? Me:(nodding)yeah...nothing went wrong. Michael:okay. Then There was a specail toast made. Michael:excuse me girls,I have to give a speech. Michael Then went on stage and gave short speech. Then it was My dad's turn,My dad gave a real great Speech,very touchy and splendid. Dad:well,I just wanna say thank you everyone..and One more is there to say then..Let's get this Party Started!!!!! Okay,now it was time For PAR TAYYY.The DJ then mixed The music and everyone was dancing to the beat. Michael came back down to us. Jane:Michael...now's you're chance to do the Moonwalk. Michael:uuum well,alright then. Then I just saw Michael went to the DJ and told Him to play Billie Jean. Then suddenly the lights went of,everyone was wondering What was going on,Then right there in the centre of The dance floor,Michael appeared in a bright spot Light. Oooh I had to see this,I was finally gonna see Michael Live. But when I got there,everyone was surrounding him.. Aspecaily the girls,I tried to see Michael performing The moonwalk,But I just couldn't decided to forget About it.I felt bet though,because Michael was only Going to do it for me and Jane.But unfortunately Jane And her big mouth blew everything away. I wasn't the only one..Aneeqa couldn't see Him either. Me:I guess we're ont that lucky to see that right? Aneeqa:(sigh)yeah After a while,Michael was finally done,he came straigh to us. Michael:did you girls love that? Me:if Only I could see that(looks down) Michael:wha..what do you mean,I just did it. Me:yeah but..I hardly saw a thing Michael.you Told me you were going to do it especially for me. Michael:I'm sorry isabella..its just your sister Wanted me to do it. Me:nah its cool. Michael:but I'll make it up to you. Me:okay(smiling) Then Jane come a long. Jane:was that fantastic or what!!! Michael:thanks! We hanged out for a while.but Then Tyrin came down To us aswell.. Tyrin:hey Aneeqa:hey baby... Tyrin:Hi(shows no interest to aneeqa) I could notice how Jane and he was doing some Flirty things with there eyes,she was like Playing with her hair,and he rubbed his neck. Michael:Tyrin..that was some sweet mixes Tryin:thanks Mike..hey sorry I gotta role. He left us,I could see that Aneeqa felt real bad, But she tried to hide it. Jane:hey uum..where is the ladies room? Aneeqa:oh its right down the hall way,then you Turn left..I was there earlier. Jane:thanks! She left us aswell..She's my sister,but I have a Very bad feeling about this.TBC
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