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Where Have You Been:35
Michael:uuum..so what do you wanna do? Lorna:I don't know..you tell me Michael:hmmm..I think I know exactly what to do. Michael snatched Lorna By the arm and took her to the The spook House. Lorna:oh please..do you even think that I'm Gonna be scared of this plastic ghoul wanna be's? Michael(giggling)there's only one way to find out. He bought 2 tickets then entered the spook house. It was dark inside,no lights.There was tunnels Witch lead to different sections. Lorna:(fake yawning)this is so boring... Michael:let's go down that tunnel Michael Knew exactly why he told her to go down That tunnel,because he knew what was waiting on The other side. As They walked through the tunnel,things Became more darker and darker,there was Also really odd noices. Lorna:uuum..do you hear that? Michael:hear what? Lorna:that sounds Michael:(pretends he doensnt hear it)no.. I don't hear anything. Lorna:its proberly just a bird or something. Michael:yeah(chuckles) They walked deeper and deeper into the tunnel. Lorna:Michael..when is this over...its getting Real boring in here. Michael:why don't you just say you're scared. Lorna:oh please..I'm not scared(laughing) Then BAM!!!,A creepy Zombie Jumpt in front of Lorna. Lorna:(screams) Lorna got so scared,she didn't even notice that She ran straight into Michael's arms. Michael:(laughing and holding her)Gotcha!!!! Lorna:(gets out of his arms feeling embarrassed)uuum That wasn't that scary. Michael:oh,then why did you scream like that? Lorna:I uum.I was just pretending to be scared,to Fool you(nervously lauging)and you fell for it! Michael:(giggling)oh really? While Michael wasn't looking,Lorna felt her heart,and Catched her breath.Since that fright,she couldn't Stop looking behind her. They continued to walk,then Lorna felt something Touching her shoulder. Lorna:Michael..please remove your hand of my Shoulder. Michael:but I'm not touching your shoulder. Then when Lorna looked up to her shoulder,she Saw a bonney hand holding onto her.once again she scremaed And through the hand down to the floor. Michael:(laughing)you should have seen your face. Lorna:its not funny..I wanna get out of here now. Lorna began to walk faster and faster,allot of Creepy things got her on the way,Like dead man Grabbing her leg from under ground,or bets flying Above her head,but the last one really got her terrorfied. It was a walking Zombie who kind of chaced her. Lorna ran too Michael and completely forgot that She was holding him. Lorna:Michael..I admit I'm scared,just place get me out Of here!!(Fake crying) Michael could see that Lorna was really terrified. He genlty placed his arms around her,and assured her That it would be over. As they were walking,Lorna Looked up at Michael,and Smiled.She didn't even think of getting out of his arms ..Because Michael made her feel so save,allot of ghouls, Vampires,ghost and even the devil came out of the tunnels to scare Her,But she didn't feel scared at all,Because Michael was there, And He was going to protect her.Finally they Reached the end of the tunnel. Michael:(let's her go)you see..that wasn't so bad. Lorna:(smiling sweetly)yes..it wasn't. Michael:(smiling)do you want anything? Lorna:no,nothing for me. Michael:okay.... After that,Michael and Lorna got on the ferris weel Again.They both shared a seat. Michael:now don't be scared okay. Lorna:(nodding)okay. Then the ferrisweel started moving,at first it wasn't so bad.. But then it started going faster and faster. Lorna got scared,then she grabbed Michael and hold Tight on him.He of cause held her very tight,as If he didn't want her to leave him. Slowly Lorna looked up to his eyes,finding him Looking back at her.They were starring at each other For 1 minute or so.It wasn't the normal stare though, It was the most passionate and sweat starring ever. Lorna could see the sparks in his,She wished that Moment would never end. Finally The ride was over.Slowly They both climed off. Still silent. Michael:that was great..right Lorna? Lorna:yes..yes it was. Michael and Lorna then started walking around,Like two old friends.Then suddenly this guy comes up to Them with Kiara. The Guy was Shawn,Janets Husband. Shawn:Omg!..Lorna,I'm so happy to see you(huggs her) Lorna:Shawn!!!..wow you look great. Shawn:nah..well not as sexy as you. Lorna:(blushing) Shawn:nice seeing you and Michael still together. Lorna:actually,we're not togther anymore. Shawn:what?..why? Lorna:its complicated Shawn:too bad,but one thing I can sure say is.. You have a beautiful daughter together. Lorna startled at once..she thought that maybe shawn Had find out that Michael is the father of Kiara. Lorna:what!..no he's not! Michael:(giggling)I whish I was Shawn:(surprised)oh. That's weird. Michael:how so? Shawn:I mean,she looks like both you and Lorna. Michael:You think so? Lorna was scared that Michael would notice it.she didn't know what to say,but luckily Janet came and changed the subject. Janet:wow..Lorna I must tell you,Kiara is one Hyperactive little girl..and oh boy does She love Vanilla ice cream. Lorna:yeah she does. Michael noticed some pimples on Kiara's arm. Michael:what happend here sweaty? Lorna:oh my god,did you give her anything that's Made from coconut? Janet:uuuh yeah..I gave her coconut puffs. Lorna:she's allergic to it!!! Janet:Oh my god,I'm sorry I didn't know.. Lorna:its okay,They pimples will go away again. Michael:wow..I'm allergic to coconut aswell. There was so much prove that Kiara was Michael's daughter, I mean,she likes everything that he does.Plus she Inherited his allergies too. Lorna:baby..is it itching? Kiara:not so much mommy. Lorna:okay.. Michael took Kiara and he kept her by him. Janet and Shawn decided to go home. Michael and Lorna went to go and check out the Fireworks,witch was really beautiful and bright. Michael had Kiara in his waist.He played with her, Then after a while she fell asleep asleep on against His chest,He gently patted on her back and kissed her On her for head. Lorna paused for a while and just stared at them.she Then realized that Michael is a very good father to Kiara,even if he doesn't know that he is. Slowly Lorna reached out to Michael and Kissed him on His cheek. Lorna:(kisses him on the cheek)happy Birthday Michael (Smiling) Michael:(shocked) He stared into Lorna's eyes,with this shocked look on his Face..since he didn't expact that kiss. Michael:(smiling and places his hand around her) Thank you Lorna. Lorna carefully placed her head on his shoulder,while Kiara's head was resting on the other.and Together they gazed at the fire works.TBC
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