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Tough Love Part 85
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She doesnâ??t say anything but walk away. â??Whatâ??s going on?â? â??Oh donâ??t worry about it princess. Just enjoy the ride.â? Is this some photo shoot? Is this why we were arguing over my SHOES? â??Here, I want you stay in here and everything is going to be fine. Youâ??re not alone.â? I bunch up my eyebrows as he opens a door for me and presses me in the room with his hand on my mid-back. â??Thank you?â? â??Get acquainted with these two.â? Then he closes the door. Looking around the room, it looks like a starâ??s dressing room. There was a buffet table, black leather couch, and flowers all around the room. â??What are we here for?â? I ask the two other girls. One had wild, frizzy brown-reddish-orangish hair. She had dark brown freckles on her face. The other girl was all blonde and seemed to have blue eyes. She seemed to be tall and have the name â??Connieâ? because of her elegant looks. I became instantly intimated. AND on top of that, she reminded me of La Toya. What a slap in the face. â??Weâ??re here for the Dating Game! Iâ??m Mixie.â? She pulls her hand out and we shake. â??Iâ??m Michelle Pfeiffer.â? And I shake hands with the other girl. Even her NAME is similar to Michaelâ??s! â??Hey, Iâ??m Lyric Swan. You know who weâ??re here for?â? â??Our date?â? Mixie asks. â??Yeah.â? â??We could tell youâ?¦but I think we should keep it a secret.â? I look over at Michelle, whoâ??s elegantly smoking a cigarette. â??I think youâ??ll like it.â? She smirks then. â??Mixie is short for Michelina.â? â??Just like one of my classmates.â? â??Well you might as well have a good time eating all this free food!â? Michelle goes over to the shrimp cocktail. I follow her since she initiates it. I learned that Mixie is older than me, though she acts younger. And Michelle is twenty. When I told them I was only sixteen, they laugh. But I do as well. â??Boy, he MUST going to have fun choosing you because youâ??re so young.â? Michelle says. â??Aw no, itâ??s not like that. At least I hope it isnâ??t.â? While waiting in the room, I learned that like me, Michelle thrives to be an actress. She just thrives to get that big break. â??Well youâ??re in the right place, Michelle.â? â??Yeahâ?¦.,â? she smiled. â??I know.â? Already, I feel like I have a little sister/big sister bond with this girl. And we havenâ??t known each other for an hour. Eventually, weâ??re told that we need to leave to the room and go to the bathroom one more time before show time. Itâ??s about two oâ??clock now. But anyhow, I go to the bathroom one last time. Then we go on stage and take our places. My MAIN goal was to sit in the middle because I felt safe there and I knew I would have time to think up my answers. But Ms. Mixie took my spot. And I looked over at Michelleâ??in her Telemagenta/Shocking Pink silky top, jeans, and heels. I knew I had no choice but to sit in the first seat and be â??Contestant #1â?. I sit there, still with my jacket and hat on. In my head, I knew my mom would want me to take the hat and jacket off. I took the jacket off because I knew that was better. But I wasnâ??t so sure about the fedora. The producers and suchâ??I guessâ??kept telling me they werenâ??t sure if that was the â??rightâ? thing to do to keep it on. I decided after a little, fine I would take the hat off. And they took it back to the waiting room for me. But when it was a few minutes before, we got to meet Jim Lange, the host of the show. He told us the format, though everyone knows. And when he was about to remind us of who could possibly choose us, Michelle interrupts him and tell him not to say who it is because I didnâ??t know. He looks at me, but I tell him it was fine. But still, I was wondering why Dad and Michael wasnâ??t here for this. They would really love it and get a good laugh FROM it. Three, two, one, until show time. And here goesâ?¦. â??Hello everybody. We are live,â? though the show is now syndicated, I donâ??t know if it can still be presented live, but I donâ??t know. â??This is Jim Lange, and I am here to present these beautiful ladies with their possible future dates. Now here are the ladies!â? The wall that was blocking us is now about toe show. â??Iâ??ll start off with Contestant no. 1. She is involved with MANY activities at her school. She loves all subjects in school. She has cheered, been in beauty pageants,â? Oh really Jim, you have to throw that in! â??One day she will like to be an entertainer. This young ladyâ??s name is Alaric Swan.â? After he says my name, I can tell the camera focuses on me. I canâ??t help but smile as the crowd claps, some start to shout, and I laugh a little when I hear a few whistles. So I wave. What Jim says about Mixie is what she already told us. Then it was Michelle. Jim says SHEâ??S a beauty queen as well and while sitting with us, I once again felt intimated by her. I think we both did! Either way, this lucky bachelor will end up with a beautiful girl anyway. â??These are the three charming women for this special edition of the game today. In order to keep our special guest from hearing anything about our lovely young ladies weâ??ve been keeping him isolated off-stage in a sound proof room. Iâ??d like you to meet him RIGHT now. â??He has been in the publicâ??s eye for nearly ten years nowâ??not counting that heâ??s been performing most of his life. The last time he was here, he was riding high on his single â??Rockinâ?? Robinâ?? from his first LP, â??Got to be Thereâ??. He was a youngster, who loved to sketch and drawing, playing basketball, and candy, and bubblegum! But NOW, he and his brothers will be releasing theyâ??re new album, â??Destinyâ?? tomorrow! Please join me a second time for a special Dating Game for a fine young manâ?¦Michael-Jacksonnn!â? The way he said Michaelâ??s name was emphasizedâ?¦.then I thought about it, MICHAEL?! As everyone else kept cheering, I knew my world was collapsing, and the expression was on my face. I had to straighten up. When Jim told Michael he would explain the rules to him again, I had to quickly think of how to get OUT of this. I bet he set this up himself. Thatâ??s JUST LIKE MICHAEL! So I decided to be sarcastic to some extent. I didnâ??t want the audience to boo me and think I donâ??t like Michael. I do but I donâ??t wanna go on a DATE with him! Everything would change between us! And I donâ??t know how things would change if he was my boyfriend. Weâ??re too different; I would probably screw things up; and I know we would be hardcore lovers, but I didnâ??t want that either! â??Now Michael, weâ??ll start off with the hellos. Bachelorette no. 1, would you say hello to Michael?â? How about â??Go to hell Michael.â? But no, too wrong. â??Hi Michael.â? I say softly. Maybe I should be sarcastic, but not say much also. Just as long as I donâ??t make a fool out of myself. When Michael takes a seat, he starts off with the question. â??To number oneâ?¦I havenâ??t been on many dates. And Iâ??m curious to know that if YOU got to choose our date, where would we go and why?â? Hmm, â??We would go to Hugh Hefnerâ??s house.â? â??Hugh Hefnerâ??s?â? he questions me like he did to Contestant no.2 in the 1972 airing. â??Hugh knows how to treat a woman and Iâ??m sure you could pick up pointers from him.â? The crowd claps and laugh as I could sense Michael was probably blushing on stage. â??S-same question t-two Contestant no.2.â? â??Weâ??d go to a carnival. And afterward, weâ??d go to the beachâ?¦and your house.â? Laughter again. Some of his questions were similar to the ones when he was about fourteen. â??Okay. I have a lot of pets at my house, and if I could have a certain animal that you would grow attach to, what would it be and why?â? â??Who does that go to, Michael?â? Jim asks him. â??Contestant noâ?¦.3.â? â??Bachelorette no.3, whatâ??s your answer?â? â??A pantherâ?¦because I like feline animals. Theyâ??re exotic.â? Michael likes answers like that. â??Okayâ?¦to no.1, I canâ??t go many places without girls following, and I was wondering, if we went to a party and a demanding girl would not leave us alone, how would you save me from her?â? The same-o, same-o. â??Iâ??d pour HER drink on her lap. Then Iâ??ll take your hand and we would start dancing in-front of her.â? â??Whoo-wee, FEISTY!â? I heard someone in the crowd say. Hey, Iâ??m NOT feisty. Iâ??m just telling the TRUTH! â??Same question to no. 2â?¦.â? â??Iâ??d say you better leave me and my boyfriend alone before I introduce you to Tai Kwon Do!â? â??Is that right?â? he mumbles, but was polite at the same time. Never underestimate perky people. â??Uhâ?¦no. 1, pretend itâ??s the day after our date. Pick up your phone and call your best friend and tell her how it went.â? Okay, how can I screw up this answer. â??Heyâ?¦uh,â? I knew who I should be â??pretendingâ? to call! â??Pat, hey. Guess what Michael and I did? No guess first! Nope, youâ??re WRONG! Well we went to Hughâ??s house, and he showed us around. But the best place, second to his luxurious refrigerator,â? laughter from the crowd, â??was his Jacuzzi! Me and Michael got in. But I can tell you we were chilly from the wind because we were bare like Adam and Eve.â? I heard hoopla of laughter in the crowd. Many claps, whistles, laughs, and I laughed with them. I think they knew I was only joking. They probably think Iâ??m not taking this seriousâ?¦but Iâ??m not. When he gave the same question for Mixie, whose contestant no. 2, she stumbled over her words a little, but she said that they had fiery kisses, which set off fireworks. How corny. Michael was probably laughing a little in his comfy chair. â??To Contestant no. 3â??Iâ??ve had only a few. I would like for you to describe how our first kiss would be.â? Oh man, he shouldâ??ve given me that question! I would tap into ALL the RIGHT buttons., â??It would be slow, sensual, erotic. And you feel my tongue on yoursâ?¦Michael.â? There were a lot of whistles in the crowd, as Jim told us to keep it PG-Rated. â??I like art, and I draw a lot of cartoon characters. If we were a couple, who would we be and why?â? â??Umâ?¦we would be Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm because our relationship would be so turbulent.â? Laughs. â??Same for Bachelorette no. 2.â? â??Uh, Thelma and J.J. from â??Good Timesâ??.â? Oh boyâ?¦. â??No, Wilber and Charlotte.â? We hear awes in the crowd. â??Okay, uh number two what makes you a little-bitty pretty one, or are you?â? â??Well because, I am beautiful. And I youâ??ll like what you see.â? â??Alright same question no.â??â? He was cut off by the commercial break, so we never knew who he was going to call on next. With the commercial, the crowd actually went out the room and had some refreshments as we were left in the room with Jim. Michael was told he should leave the room for part two of the show. Jim stays on his side of the wall. I tell Michelle Michael hasnâ??t been asking her many questions, which we all observed. â??Thatâ??s making me nervous! And you must not want to win. Your answers are off the wall. Do you LIKE Michael?â? â??Yeah I do, but I think heâ??s more of a friend.â? â??Do you already know him?â? Mixie asked. I look down guilty. â??Thatâ??s why I donâ??t want to win.â? â??Well then shoot, letâ??s trade places!â? â??Yeahâ?¦we sure could.â? I tell Michelle. â??But I want the first seat!â? Mixie says. â??Then fine, you can have it.â? I stand up. â??But I want Michael to ask me more questions.â? Michelle says. â??Maybe if you ask Jim to tell Michael to ask Contestant no. 3 more questions, thatâ??ll help.â? I say. â??No can do girls.â? Jim walks on the other side of the wall. Thatâ??s sabotaging the game.â? â??Okay,â? we all agree. But when he walks away, we look at each other and know what weâ??re going to do. Iâ??ll be Contestant no.2 while Mixie will take my place. And when Michael asks me a question, I might answer it, but Iâ??ll tell him he should ask Contestant no. 3 instead. It should work! The commercial break gave us some time to work out our devilish plan. Now as the crowd is going back to their seats, they see a slight change, but itâ??s too late now. â??Now, Michael would go with his second leg of questions before he chooses which Bachelorette will become lucky this season! Michael, you may start on your second set of questions.â? â??Okayâ?¦Contestant no.1 if we could spend the entire day together, what would we do any why?â? â??Well, we would spend time with children because they will remind us of our future together.â? â??Okayâ?¦same for no.2.â? â??Umâ?¦wellâ?¦I, I mean WE would spend the day together visiting patients in the hospital so we can brighten up their day.â? I know hospitals make Michael uncomfortable. In fact, Katherine was destined to be a nurse at one time. â??Aw,â? was what we heard in the crowd. â??But I think you should ask no. 3.â? â??Okayâ?¦same question no. 3.â? â??We would spend the day making artâ?¦and then giving it to people for free.â? â??Thatâ??s nice,â? I heard him mumble. â??This goes to no. 2â?¦Iâ??m pretty close to my mother, and she likes music. If you could sing a song to her, what would it be and why?â? Oh no, I canâ??t SCREW this one up! â??I would singâ?¦â??Smileâ?? to her because it makes everyone happyâ?¦or â??Climb Evâ??ry Mountainâ?? because itâ??s emotional.â? I was supposed to tell him to ask Michelle the same question, but I couldnâ??t do that with this question. Luckily Michael asks her to give her answer to him. â??If I could sing like you,â? laughter in the crowd, â??Iâ??d sing â??I Shot the Sherriffâ?? because it gives a western fill, and I loved it when it was performed on â??The Jacksons Variety Showâ??.â? â??Okayâ?¦Iâ??m an avid reader, and I wonder what is a book you are fond of, Contestant no. 1.â? â??I likeâ?¦the Bible because life is told through so many eyes.â? â??Okayâ?¦same question, no.2.â? I read Judy Blumeâ??s books even now, and so does the rest of the world, so I couldnâ??t say â??Deenieâ? or â??Then Again, Maybe I Wonâ??tâ? because anyone who has read it KNOWS the two books are about masturbation. So I choose another book instead. â??I really like â??Are You There God? Itâ??s Me, Margaretâ??.â? Laughter. â??She taught me everything I know about growing up.â? People laughed. But as an eleven-year-old, we both were terrified about our menstruation cycles; and Iâ??m STILL not crazy about it. Iâ??ve just accepted it basically. â??But you should ask Contestant 3 the same.â? This time he doesnâ??t. â??This goes to no.3. I would like for you to describe the type of person you are in a relationship.â? â??Wellâ?¦I am fun. Daring. I like to make my man feel like one. But I also like to teach him things that I know.â? â??The same for no.2.â? Now here we goâ?¦I can beâ?¦DIFFICULT! As usual. â??Well Iâ??m witty. But I like for things to be my way sometimes. I would give you your space, but I wouldnâ??t like you to be on tour all the time. Iâ??m not the kind of girl who likes to be alone. Iâ??ll miss you much.â? â??Aw,â? says the crowd again. â??For Contestant no.1â?¦if things went well and we were to marry, what would the date be and why?â? â??Valentineâ??s Day! Because that is known globally as a day for lovers.â? â??Okay.â? â??And that is all the time we have folks! Now Michael will have to make his decision as we go on a commercial break.â? â??I Wanna Be Where You Areâ? comes on, and I start to move. It is as fresh as it was when it was first played on the 1972 episode. As I looked at the other two girls, they werenâ??t dancing in their seats, but I bet Michael probably was like he had back then. This time, we couldnâ??t change seats because the audience didnâ??t get refreshments this time. Plus if we changed seats this time, I still wasnâ??t certain who Michael would chooseâ??really any of us now. So after the commercial break, Michael chooses who he wants. â??Which one do you select Michael?â? Jim Lange says after saying choosing a date mustâ??ve been difficult for him. â??Uhâ?¦â? Here goes V-Day. The entire game was D-Day, but now is the time for choosing. â??I choose Contestant no.2.â? â??Contestant no.2!!â? The camera swerves to MY surprised expression. â??No.2 is the lucky gal. Is there a particular reason you picked Contestant no. 2, Michael?â? â??Uhâ?¦I liked her answers.â? The same thing he said six years ago. â??You liked her answers? Well they all did a good job answering. Now we will introduce the other two ladies first.â? Wait, does Jim know about the change? Will he call Mixie by my name? â??Bachelorette no.1 is very spirited. She likes to help out at charities; sheâ??s the leader at her churchâ??s choir. Sheâ??s majoring in music. Other than you, her favorite dancer is Frank Sinatra. Her name is Michelina Josie Evans. Come on down, Mixie!â? She gives us a hopeful smile, and I donâ??t see her again after sheâ??s on the other side of the wall. Michael probably gave her a kiss on the cheek and hugs her like the last time. â??Michael, you didnâ??t choose, no.3 as well. Now, sheâ??s an aspiring actress. She won Miss California. She is your age. She is known to be witty and like you, she has siblings. One day, she will like to have a family, and her name is similar. Letâ??s welcome Miss Michelle Pfeiffer down here!â? â??Go get him.â? she whispers to me as we hug real quick and she walks over to Michael. Now, Iâ??m having cold sweats. â??And now no.2. And Iâ??ll like to tell you something about your date Michael; standby!.â? The classic â??Dating Gameâ? music starts up as Jim describes me. â??She did gymnastics for a few years as a kid and was a cheerleader at her school. She is nothing but beautifulâ??the evidence is there from the pageants she had competed in. She has done a few plays, but her most famous is portraying Juliet in â??Romeo & Julietâ??. She wants to become an entertainer and looks up to you and the Jackson clan for inspiration. Can you believe that? One of her favorite animals is a horse because she likes to ride them. And she says if anything, you resemble a deer in the eyes, or another good one, she says you your eyes resembles a llama. But she has a major fear of moose and llamas. She is also the youngest contestant. Michael, hereâ??s your date, Alaric Swanâ? Of course itâ??s MEI! And yep I said it, â??meiâ?! â??Alaric Swan, go on ahead and say hello to Michael Jackson.â? Now if the WORLD was paying attention, they wouldâ??ve known me and Michael already knew each other. Nonetheless, I approach Michaelâ??whoâ??s wearing the same top from Studio 54, but this time itâ??s orange. His shirt is a little unbuttoned, so he left some cleavage out as well. He had on a thin, cowboy necklace. And he was wearing a caramel leather Paris-styled hat with the same brown shoes, and this time, blue flare jeans. He was impressive. So I was excited when we embraced in a one-armed hug, and he kissed my cheek. But the kiss came too quick. â??Congratulations Michael. Well Michael, we all know it is Christmas time, and we want you to enjoy the holidays with Miss Alaric. So your date will take you both to Hawaii a week before Christmas.â? Michael starts to squirm. â??Itâ??s true Alaric that you and Michael will be on a supervised vacation in a lavish cabin on Hawaiiâ??s soil, celebrating the arrival of Christmas. You two may stay there FOR Christmas as well if you choose to.â? I look over at Michael whoâ??s doing his uneasy, shy smile at Jim. â??You two will get to experience Hawaiiâ??s magnificent waters, and Hawaiiâ??s natives will enjoy your company. And thank you, very, very much. Thank you Alaric.â? Jim bends forward to shake my hand as Michael gives a polite bow like he did for Latonya Simmons, the original girl who won.. Then he shakes Michael hand. â??You two get acquainted.â? He says as we walk off the stage. Michael lightly puts his hand on my back, but he touches the part where my back is exposed While weâ??re off the stage, we donâ??t look at each other. But I can detect that shyness in him and feels like we have a clean slate againâ??which Iâ??m fine with! When we come back on the stage, we shake Jimâ??s hand. Then as a closure, we blow the famous kiss. As the credits roll on, Jim whispers to me and ask if Iâ??m excited. I nod my head. But once the credits finishes, the crowd claps for us as we leave the stage. And when I see my parents and friends and some of Michaelâ??s family, it all comes to me that it was planned all along. â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â?,â? :) It was fun watching the 1972 Dating Game when Michael was on it :). It gave me inspiration all along! ~Aariyan *Plus Michelle Pfeiffer is a real actress and sheâ??s exactly four months older than Michael. Until next time~
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